My New V5 Log!


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Well-known member
Nov 3, 2007
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Hey there! As I mentioned in my other log, I will be closing that log and posting in here instead. In this log, it is newly improved in ways and ways. This log will have tips and tricks and will still have the same Tamagotchis in it.

Let's hop to it, shall we. So this morning, my family and I went to Wal-Mart to buy a few things, and since I had my 10 dollars, I had to choose between a few designs. Cotton Candy, Cookie Dough, and Love My Family were the ones I had to choose between. I chose Cookie Dough since I love cookie dough ice cream. I hatched 2 boys and 1 girl, but I forgot their names since they evolved into children right now. Their family name is Sweet. I have a boy Mousetchi, a girl Tororotchi, and a boy Ahirukutchi. I played TV Surfing and Tea Time. Just now, I saw little Mousetchi talking to a refridgerator. I'm wondering on how to get the bonds up. I just wonder. For now, I will play with my new V5!!

Well, my tamas are ok, and so far, I have 10 percent of bonding points. They are jumping around in the sky! What I've noticed what is different between the V5 and V4.5 is pretty big. Here they are.

• V5 has different characters

• The V5 has 3 characters at once

• The V5 has a TV

and many more in my head.

I am so happy with my V5, and I'm starting to thing that this is the best version of all. I will update what they are doing now. I'm playing Tea Time with little Mousetchi, and he seems to like it. Oh, yay! I got to 11 tea cups and I got 50 GPs! I'm wondering what they'll turn into tomorrow afternoon. I'm really happy with this, and I will never let go of it. Oh, and here he is, talking to a fridge. Maybe it's a random animation. Blended family is what they are. My V4 and V4.5 are still sleeping. Will hasn't had a job yet, even though he is 4 years old and fat. Max is doing great, he's been writing Don't Mind to me and other things. He's getting smarter by the minute! I feed him omelet, he jumps and does that happy dance. Ooh, the triplets had to go to the bathroom in a duckie! That was fun, my babies are growing up now. Oh, if I'm talking about the triplets, they will be writing in light blue. When Max is talking his color will be gray and for Will, green. I have to go and care for them. Bye, and I hope you enjoy my new log!

We are all back from TamaTown! Will looks very funny on TamaTown, but we had plenty of fun. He was helping Nazotchi, the mailman, with stamps! I got him a couple of souvenirs, and he was disappointed because he couldn't use them. Max was happy to see TamaTown for the first time! He had plenty of GPs from the games he played and he bought some stuff in his Shop. I was so excited to see the new V5 TamaTown! I played plenty of games this morning, and I was so happy. For now, the names for the triplets are here! My Mousetchi who is boy will be named Jonathan. My little Tororotchi that is a girl will be named Stella and my smallest one, Ahirukutchi who is a boy, will be named Dallas. Yesterday in the instructions, it says if you press C, an action will go on. I tried it yesterday, but it didn't work. I tried it a few hours ago, but it didn;t work. I tried it a few minutes ago, and Jonathan came up and did that up close dance thing that was on the V4.5 and the V4. I was happy to see that a few minutes later, my bonding percentage came up to 20%. I am still happy to go on Tama Expo right now, so buh-bye for now!

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Well, Jonathan, Stella, and Dallas and I are back! We gathered a few hundred dollars, but we spent some of it for the Shopping Channel. We bought a sandwich, I thnk that's what it is, and we also bought some mozzerella sticks? It's hard to find out what you are eating without the names, right? Well anyways, Tama Expo was cool and I just love those new games. The triplets played a few games, and big money! Now, I will post those statistics for all of my tamas.

Jonathan, Stella and Dallas:

Hungry: *****

Happy: *****

Bonds Percentage: 20%

Family Type: Blended Family

Family Memebrs: Mousetchi, Tororotchi, and Ahirukutchi

Will: Elvis Guy

Hunor: 55






Max: Mametchi


Artistic: 26



Weight: 46


Since this log is new, I'm making changes. All of my tamas will be posting in their daily journal. They will write in their journal occasionally, and will sometimes make posts of their own. So in a while, my tamas will have their journal opened. So for now, I will play with all of them again!

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So, right now, I am playing like crazy on the V5 game Tv Surfing. I only get up to 70 GPs and I'm trying to get to the limit! Ah, another loss. I forgot to mention that I am still waiting for them to evolve! They were supposed to evolve 2 hours ago! Well, now I am going to eat, and then will post in here again. Ciao!

Hey there, right now, the triplets haven't evolved yet. But, I've usen some codes from Binary's code cheat topic and I got an Unchi-Kun a Gotchi King DVD and pottery! I've also got fried egg for them to eat. I'm going to see if I can buy anything in the Shopping Channel. Aww, I can't afford anything! I only have 80 GPs left, and I need that shovel and pail! Ooh! I just used that King DVD and it earned me 30% on bonds! I will post a little bit later. Ooh!!





Oh, this is so cute and so cool! My V5 triplets are taking a shower and a bath! It's like they are dancing! This is so much different from those other versions!

Well, it's been 2 days already and the triplets haven't evolved yet. Today, Will got a job as a headdresser, just like his mom! I was so excited to see he got his job at the age of 5! Right now, Will is taking a long and hot bubble bath. Bring bring! Ooh, Max got mail! I wonder what it is! Mail from the king! Oh, yeah I got make-up!

Mom! Mommy! Mom! I think we're evolving! Oh, yeah! We look awesome!

That's right! You all look great! Oh, Jonathan, you are a Mamekatchi! And Stella, you are a Chamametchi, and Dallas! You are a Korokotchi! You all look amazing! Oh, I almost forgot! It's time for Max's story of what happened to him today. Max, care to go now?

Of course, Mom. Well, first of all, I wanna say who I want to date when I meet the matchmaker. I want to date a pretty Ponitchi because I like her Ponytails. Anyways, today was pretty fun! Mom and I played lotsa games, and she earned me lotsa skill points!

Oh, my gosh! Will, you are 6 years old! You'll be meeting the matchmaker soon!

Hey, I'm talking here! Well as I was saying, I was--

Seriously? Cool! I wonder who'll I date. I want a Shitekitchi or a nice cool girl, like an Ura Memetchi! She's a happy-go-lucky kind of person. Heh, she's awesome anyways.

Will, since you are talking, do you want to tell your story?

I guess. Well, anyways, this morning, I was just jumping around my screen for one second, then pops up this HUGE snowman, and I ran away because it looked like he was runnig towards me angrily, but he was just shaking in a weird way. Also, today Mom and I played games too, AND I got a job as a headdresser or a barber if that's what you call it. I was so happy, but I thought it was a girly job. I played it though, and I realized it was cooler than I thought! Well, I'm all outta words. See ya!

Jonathan, Stella, and Dallas, you wanna tell your story? PS. Jonny will be blue, Stella will be pink, and for Dallas, red. For all of them talking, it will be light blue.

OK! I'll tell mine first. Well, a few minutes ago, we evolved! I am a beautiful Chamametchi! Oh, earlier, Mommy discovered that we got 40% in our bonds and when she pressed C, a different action came up! We all ran to the left f our screen and back and then we fell down! Cool, right? Well, before I sign off, I just want to let you know that you can call me my nickname, which is Stells or Stellar! See ya! Jonny, come on!

Ok, I guess. Well, as Stella said, it's my turn! I'm Jonathan, but my sister and my brother call me Jonny boy, but I like Jonny better. Well, I evolved into a Mamekatchi a little bit earlier today and I felt those tingles and tickles again. I laughed so hard, my head almost came off! Hahahaha, I'm laughing--hahahaha! D-Dallas! Tell--HAHAHAHA--your story!

Uh, Ok? Well, I went through that "phase" again. It kinda tingled and I felt it shock me! It hurt a little, but I evolved into Korokotchi! I really wonder if I will evolve into a "good" adult. I just wonder so much, my head hurts! Ugh, brain freeze! Too much ice cream for me, I guess. Oh! I don't feel so good. Mommy!!

I'm coming! Well, I will post in a little bit, as soon as I give him some medicine!

Not the medicine! NOOOOOO!


Oh! The triplets are all sitting by their window and yawning! I think they are so sleepy! Aww, they went to sleep! I think I will wake them up. There! I wonder what adults they will turn into. Hmm.... :D

Hey there! I've got good news! Today, Will met the matchmaker and the matchmaker brought Will a Horoyothchi! They had a baby girl, and I don't know what to name her. I think Zera or Zelda would work. I'm going to check on Max right now. Ooh! One more day until Max turns 6 and meets the matchmaker, but he has to get a job first. The triplets were doing well today, and we've raised their bonding percentage up to 50%! I haven't unlocked a new action, but it works the way up to another one. I will update in a little bit, so stay tuned!

Daily Tip of the Day: Feed your tamagotchis a snack and a meal before letting them sleep.

Well, I still ahven't decided what I want to name Will's daughter. I like Proxima, or Proxy for short, or Zelda or Zera! I love these sort of space names. Ooh, I know! I will think about some names, like Moon, Sun, or Star! I like astronomy so I will base names on astronomy. I like Proxy the best. Tell me what YOU think. PM me though, and please tell me what I should choose! Here are the choices:

•Proxy (Proxima)





These choices are really good names, but I can't possibly choose! I really want you guys to pick a good name, based on what you guys think. Choices are above, and if you want to tell me, I'm a PM away! Everyone is sleeping right now, so I will post a little later! For now, you might find me finding some topics to help people on.

Update! It looks like all of my tamas are bored! Let's go out to Tama-Expo and TamaTown!


Awesome! Thank you, thank you very much!


Hey! Well, I haven't received ay PMs yet, but I'll wait! Besides, tonight is when Will leaves his baby! And don't forget those names! Stella, Jonathan, and Dallas are back from Tama-Expo and I have got their bonding up to 60%. Yay me for taking such good care of them! The V5 is so much fun, and I love it! Max and Will are awake, and they are jumping around, and also, Will got his 3rd paycheck! I am so happy for all of them! This is all for now, but I will post later!

Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh! Today, we--

You guys! Since when did you learn to post on your own?

Since we got on the computer! Well, as we were saying, we all evolved! Stella turned into a Memetchi, Dallas turned into a Kuchipatchi, and I evovled into a Sukatchi! We were so happy, and Mommy raised our bondage to 100%! When we got up to 70%, our animation was to throw kisses, and now we all come up to the screen and dance a jig!

I can take it form here. Well, I am waiting for names, please please tell me! I can't possibly choose! All these names are great, but I need your help! I have paused Will, so he can't leave yet. Remember, the names are:

Proxy (Proxima)





Please tell me! Well, today Max got a job offer, but he didn't get it because of low skill points! I was so shocked, and surprised at the same time. Stats are FINALLY here!

Triplets: Jonathan, Stella, Dallas

Bonds: 100%

Family type: Blended Family

Jonathan: Sukatchi

Stella: Memetchi

Dallas: Kuchipatchi

Will: Elvis Guy







Max: Mametchi







I will post a little bit later!

Tip of the Day: Always play games with your tamas.

Max is waiting for his job, desperately. He is watching We Are Marshall and is crying. I think he wants this job so bad. I feel repentant. Will is waiting for a name to have for his baby. The triplets are jumping around talking to each other. I will let Will talk for now.

Hey there, all my little fellows. Can you please PM my mom, because I really want a name for my sweet baby here. Mom said that the names are above, and YOU have to pick one. Thank you, thank you very much!

Too much on the Elvis there, big guy! Well as he said, he wants a name! I will post a little bit later.

Well, I named Will's baby Proxy, and today Max had a baby! He just had it a while ago, and I still can't decide what name! I am so dumb on choosing names and stuff like that! I think I will choose either Zelda or Star. I pick Star for Max's daughter! I'm having name issues today. Today, I decided to restart my V5 and I hatched 2 daughters and one son. My son who is a Mattaritchi will be named Nash, my girl Sakuramotchi will be named Jasmine and my girl Belltchi will be named Cassie. All of my tamas are sleeping right now, so I will post probably later.

For those of you who don't have a V5, you can sign in as mine!



My Belltchi will be there with you!

Ooh! Mommy, who are you talking to? I wanna talk! Hi! I am Cassie, and I have a sister named Jasmine and a brother named Nash!

They already know that! Now go to bed! Sorry folks, I accidentally woke them up! I will post in tomorrow.

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Oh, man! I forgot to tell you last night that Proxy turned into a Kuchitamatchi and is now an Ura Young Memetchi, and Max let go of his daughter this morning and I named her Star and she turned into a Harutchi, just like her daddy did! The triplets are sleeping, and they should be evolving tomorrow! See ya for now.

So sorry I didn't update yesterday, but today and yesterday is where some things happened. Star evolved from a Harutchi to a Young Mimitchi! She is paused, but I will unpause her soon. Also, the triplets evolved! Nash, Cassie and Jasmine evolved! Cassie turned into an Ichigotchi, Jasmine evolved into a Shelltchi , and for Nash, a Bakutchi. Proxima is OK, as usual, and should be an adult soon! I am pretty excited to see what she'll turn into. All for now, but stay tuned later.


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