My mother won't let me wear...


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December 2007 Contest Winner
Sep 5, 2005
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I'm 13 years old, and I know it's a little early, but I think I'm mature enough.

And when I say that I don't mean I'm going to have sex or anything - I'm just saying that I feel ready for wearing them.

I don't think it's fair that she gets to decide if I'm ready or not.

The next time I go shopping, I want to get some, but I always go with my mom and I don't know how she's going to let me buy them.

Any help here?

Lol. I was expecting something compleatly different.

Explain to her, in a low, sincere, tone, that you would like to wear thongs. Give her legitimate reasons to back up your request. Oh yeah! And if you really think you are mature, if she says no, just say "Okay." Just like that. Do not throw a hissy fit. That will lessen you mom's opinion on the level of your maturity.

Um, do you mean thongs as in Havianas or thongs as in G-Strings?

I assume you mean G-Strings as anyone can wear Havianas etc...

Why do you really want to wear a thong? Does it make you feel grown up? Would you wear it everyday?

Maybe she thinks that you'll wear them to school and wearing one to school is ridiculous! Nobody can see your underwear after all! Just sit down with her, explain why you want to wear them. Make sure they aren't stupid reasons like you think they will make your butt look better or something.

But at the end of the day your mother's decision is final. =]

Thongs are very uncomfortalbe. ;-;

I honestly wouldn't worry about it. Maybe try and meet her half way? I have some lace/small bikini underwear that my mom has no problem with me wearing (My mother wouldn't approve of a thong either). I honestly think they are more attractive than thongs. n____n

Or you could ask her if you could just get one, for fun to wear.

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Why do you want to wear them, is the question.

I can't see how they are very comfortable. I dunno about your school, but at my friend's they are kind of the 'thang' that if you're cool you wear. Maybe it's not to that extent but could that be something?

I guess if you have some valid reason and you explain to here calmly and then respect her decision after, she may say yes. But if not, traditional underwear is the pwn too! :)

I know you claim you aren't going to have sex or anything, but I'm sure your mom thinks buying thongs=getting nude plus I don't see why you want to wear one anyway. I'd listen to your mom and not do this :D

*off topic - removed*

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.....Wow, awkward. o_O

I'm assuming your suggesting the underwear, not the sandals.

Well, it's actually your choice, but just because your mature enough, doesn't mean you'll actually like wearing them.

I have this book called "Teen Talk: Girl Talk." and it mentions a question about G-Strings. I don't have the book on me but it basically says this:

Can I wear a G-String?
Well, It depends on your issue of comfort, but it's your choice. If you think your mature enough, you can wear one. As long as your comfortable.
And there you go! But if your Mum doesn't allow it, don't complain. Just find underwear that's comfortable because that's all you really need.


Thongs are uncomfortable. Plus, they make your butt look saggy xD It's noticeable when people wear it, so just wait for a little while. It's too early for you.

If you like butt floss, go for it.

As for your mom, I personally find it easier to just not tell parents what you're wearing under your pants.

The only problem I can see with that is if she does your laundry or your pants are too baggy.

I personally hate thongs. I hate the look, feel and idea of them. I wore them for about a year and decided I'd rather have myself covered than have my butt rub against my jeans all day.

Plus it just seems unsanitary to a certain point.

Teensy bit akward but...

The reason why your mom is wary about you wearing g-strings is (most likely) because they are ment for older women. I don't think that they (a) make 13 year old sizes and ( :blink: are ment for girls that want to feel 'grown-up'. Also if you really want to, go to a store and try one on (if they let you) after that horifiyng wedgie-like experience, I don't think you will be so keen on this little peice of cloth.

P.S. Tamapopgirl; if you don't know what a thong (g-string I mean) is, then I think you might be a little young.

I am also 13, but I have just got my first bra! I wouldn't want to be wearing a thong anytime soon! =O They're super-uncomfortable, and I'm guessing this is all about the way they look, right? Because they certainly don't feel that great! But they can make you look..saggy, and are really made for older women so you don't want to be getting a..reputation for wearing things that are too old for you. I wear normal panties, but they come in such cute patterns/colours like polka dots, etc! Nobody will even see your thongs, anyway! So it's really not a big deal! If you're still really desperate for a pair of thongs, talk it through with your mother. At the end of the day the mother has priority and authority, but i'm sure you two can come to a compromise. :blink:

Thongs.I'm 13 years old, and I know it's a little early, but I think I'm mature enough.

And when I say that I don't mean I'm going to have sex or anything - I'm just saying that I feel ready for wearing them.

I don't think it's fair that she gets to decide if I'm ready or not.

The next time I go shopping, I want to get some, but I always go with my mom and I don't know how she's going to let me buy them.

Any help here?
Think carefully, and honestly about why you want to wear thongs.

I could be wrong, but I think thongs are worn by women because it makes them look / feel attractive / sexy.

I agree that some women don't like to wear them because they feel uncomfortable.

I agree that some women like to wear them because you don't get the "visible panties line" on tight skirts or trousers

But what is your reason?

(please, don't say that it's because all your friends are allowed to wear them...?)

If it's any of the ones mentioned above, then I think your Mom is probably concerned about you not being old enough to wear something that is primarily worn to attract attention.

And if it is because you don't want a VPL then maybe your Mom is wondering why you're wearing clothes tight enough for your pantie to show through.


yeah, I know, I am a Mum and that's they way I think too. Sorry, just can't help it.

Personally, I feel that pretty much every 13year old is not mature enough to wear thongs / g-strings etc.

One other thing, in addition to the above comments... they are not practical panties to be wearing for about 5 days during every month either :blink:

Why do you want them anyway?

One: They are pretty uncomfortable

Two: No one is going to see it anyway. You could be wearing boxers and no one would look at you differently.

Okay, a few questions to ask yourself before you make your decision:

1) What exactly does a thong do that you want?

2) Are you sure you want a string up your butt all day?

3) If you want attention, are you sure you want *that* kind of attention? I mean, come on, do you want people looking at your butt all day?

4) You said you wanted a thong because you said you're mature enough to have one. What exactly makes a thong 'mature'?

5) Will people look at you differently just because you have a tiny piece of fabric under your pants that no one can see?

If you really do want one, do not go buy one without her knowing. Doing that will not help the situation. Just explain to her why you want one. And also, you may want to repeat this sentence you told us to her:

And when I say that I don't mean I'm going to have sex or anything - I'm just saying that I feel ready for wearing them.
And tamapopgirl, this may help you a bit.

*There's a few graphic pictures on there, so I wouldn't advise it if you were under 13*

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