My Morino Logs :D


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Well-known member
Dec 21, 2010
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Hello, its has been nearly a year since I last ran my morino. I found it my draw with my familitchi that is broken :( the sound went on it a few years ago. I had kusachi on my p2 and he died so I thought that I would start up my mori. So I set the time and ut poped a little babymotchi. He was very needy at the start as all tamagotchi's are: After a while he changed into a imotchi and he was not that needy. I played about 15 games with him and he was at the lowest weight he can be, I also kept track of when he poped. at 10:32 he poped and at 12:42 also at 6:10. I have not found a pattern yet. So not much has happened today, will write more when something good happens.


Today he turned 4 but it says 5 due to me messing up the clock! So he has been okay today, He got attacked by the frog just as i went to get in the bath! I had to quickly dry my hands and then go to mori and tap the screen. He was fine and is doing really well, I like morino's because they are different: if only bandai released them in english. I was reading a post and it said that the fad has gone by the time that were done with finishing the final parts for it. I have been looking for a growth chart but can't seem to find one. He went to the toilet at 12:23 and 2:58 and then at 6:00 and around at 8:00 so he went several times today: I think that bandai made this pet seem more realistic because they made it poop at different times, with some of the other tamagotchi you know when they are going to poo because they are on a set timetable. I was cleaning out my wardrobe and at the back of it I found my familitchi that i thought i had lost a few years ago. I am so happy that I have found it again, though there is one problem and that is that there is no sound because a wire has snapped and come away from the speaker. Its not to bad, but i just have to keep looking at the screen every 10 minuets: I am constantly looking at them anyway so its not bad.


Today Morino has been, good and only beeped once, make that twice ! He just got attacked by a bug thing, I dunno what character I am going to get because it's not in the cocoon yet :) I wonder when he will go into it, I s'pose that it could be tomorrow or later today time will tell. Since it is only 12:03 there is not much that I can write about: No poops so far and i have only feed him leaves, I have played around 4 games so far and he is full on everything. He reads that he is 7 years old but he is around 5 or 6, I do wonder how long it gunna be because I want to see what character i will end up with! Well at around 3:00 he changed into his little cocoon! I have no clue what tamagotchi i will get this time around, I hope to get the acorn-like one ! Time will tell: Staying down my Nan's tomorrow so i can give a quick update of what happens

Byee Jord :D
