My mom is freaking out about my clothes


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maybe you should stop being a poser

seriously, don't wear emo/goth stuff if you're NEITHER of the two.

maybe you should stop being a poser
seriously, don't wear emo/goth stuff if you're NEITHER of the two.
That's not very nice to say. If she likes wearing that stuff then she shouldn't be considered a poser. She's her own person and clothes don't make the trend, society does. I think you need to think before you post something like this, makes you look a bit ignorant.

Thanks, Tigerlily013.

I figured out a big reason why my mom doesn't like Hot Topic... It's REALLY expensive. I was calculating the outfit cost from above and it came up to around $178. I have that money from my birthday anyways, and my mom doesn't mind buying me clothes (she never does anyways, she makes me buy a LOT of stuff x.X) on the child support from my dad, but even so it's pretty expensive.

I really don't mind paying. I want to get more than one outfit, but I can't think of anything else.

I don't know if I mentioned this before, but I want to get the tips of my hair dyed, but I don't know what color. I've been thinking about getting my hair dyed black first, but I don't know how my mom will react, or my dad for that matter...

no offence but i agree with your mom. Would your child dressing goth or emo? yea i dont so...i agree with your mom

Thanks, Tigerlily013.I figured out a big reason why my mom doesn't like Hot Topic... It's REALLY expensive. I was calculating the outfit cost from above and it came up to around $178. I have that money from my birthday anyways, and my mom doesn't mind buying me clothes (she never does anyways, she makes me buy a LOT of stuff x.X) on the child support from my dad, but even so it's pretty expensive.

I really don't mind paying. I want to get more than one outfit, but I can't think of anything else.

I don't know if I mentioned this before, but I want to get the tips of my hair dyed, but I don't know what color. I've been thinking about getting my hair dyed black first, but I don't know how my mom will react, or my dad for that matter...
Yes pricey clothes would definitely alter a parent's decision. If you have the money go for it, however I suggest talking your mother into thinking about ebay. It may sound odd but with help from soneone who's ebay'd for a while now and gotten clothes there, it's a good place for bargains on neat clothing that would normally be expensive. There's also stores out there that if you want to save a dollar you can find imitation clothing without the brand name for a lot less. Brand names on some clothing make it more expensive than they really are.

When you're older you'll be able to save up more money with work and in time you can get the clothes you seek on a decent budget. As for your hair, if you haven't dyed it before try semi permanent stuff first. Your parents might be more into it if the stuff is able to wash out after 10 or so showers. Color Pulse is good stuff when first starting out.

In a way, your mom's behaviour is actually quite understandable...
Goths and Emos are sterotyped now-a-days, and people automatically think that goths are ''sad people who hate their life'' and emos are ''miserable and sucicidal people that cut themselves''. Since over half of the society see goths/emos in this way, it's easy to understand why your mom is worried. Goths and Emos start off wearing ''goth/emo clothes'' then they start acting differently, behaving differently, hanging out with new friends ect. Even though you have no intention of changing your personality, and have told your mom this, there is no way of kowing whether your going to change or not. And your mom is simply worried, along with everybody else.

I do agree though, that you should be able to wear what you please (for the most part anyways) but you must look at it from your moms perspective.
I totaly agree on this. I really have nothing to add but to try to talk with her about it and if she says no, respect her judgement because she's not out there just to get you. ;]

[SIZE=11pt]I am sure she is just trying to keep you from embarassing yourself.[/SIZE]

Imagine yourself in 15-20 years. Are you going to want to see yourself dressed in what you want to wear now?

I am sure all the emo/goths will not want to see a single picture from those moody days.

When you are 18, you get to make your own decisions after you move out of the house. Right now, it's your parent's job to save you from yourself. :ichigotchi:

[SIZE=11pt]I am sure she is just trying to keep you from embarassing yourself.[/SIZE]Imagine yourself in 15-20 years. Are you going to want to see yourself dressed in what you want to wear now?

I am sure all the emo/goths will not want to see a single picture from those moody days.

When you are 18, you get to make your own decisions after you move out of the house. Right now, it's your parent's job to save you from yourself. :furawatchi:
up u took the words outta

my mouth.well all ur moms

trying to do is shes i dk.

anyways some mums dont want

to be embarassed by what kind of child

She has Goth/Emo.anyways do what

u thinks best for u.


My mom has been all worried about where I shop lately. I really like Hot Topic, and I've been wanting to dress kind of goth/emo lately. Whenever I say I want to go to Hot Topic, she freaks out and gives a weird guilt trip. She says "I miss my little girl who was into kittens and ponies." I still love kittens, and I don't really remember liking ponies, but she shouldn't care about the way I dress if I'm still me. She told me that she would rather me be goth/emo than really girly girl, but I don't know if I can really believe her. I don't act goth/emo, I don't like that kind of music, it's just how I dress. I've been talking about getting the tips of my hair dyed, and she said that she'd talk to her stylist, but I don't know if she wants me to do it. I asked her to buy me these black pants that had a chain on it and "hobo gloves"(as she calls them, I don't know their name, but the ones that have no finger cover things) for my birthday, and she didn't buy me either of them. She didn't forget because she went to Hot Topic for another one of my gifts. I asked her and she said "you'll never wear them." I kept telling her I would, but she didn't believe me.I'm kind of afraid of wearing stuff like that around my family, though. I don't know what they'd say, especially my dad and stepdad. My stepdad makes fun of my clothes sometimes (we've never really had a good relationship), and he'd probably be making fun of my gloves and stuff a lot more. My dad is REALLY worried about me turning goth, so much that he refuses to buy me anything that's black (he will if it's ridiculous if he doesn't). I don't want to hurt his feelings or anything like that (he gets all nervous and weird when I wear black stuff), but I want to dress how I want to dress.

What should I do? I really don't want to be made fun of by my family, but I want to dress how I want to dress (like I said before) without feeling weird.
I would advise you to wear what you want.

Afterall, your the one who's wearing the clothes- not your family. :/

It;s just a phase you go through anyway, just go get 'em. It's up to you what you want to wear, plus it up to you how ya wanna look.

They can't rule you forever- nobody can.

Plus, my mum now considers the colour, "purple" as goth.

No colours are gothic/emo.

Same as the, "boys can't wear pink" label- pink is just another colour for anybody.

A true 'punk' makes their own clothes, and doesn't order them.

But, my mom was in a way, the same way. You just have to prove yourself to her: Prove that you're still the same person, you're not cutting yourself or doing drugs or running with gaaangs or anything, you have the same friends, you just want to wear different clothes!

The main concern with the clothes thing, is the crowd of people you hang around with. She's afraid that since you've switched clothes, you'll be switching friends, too, then habits, hobbies, etc.

Just prove you're the same good kid you've always been, and things should get better.

And if not, you're mom's a ho.

my mom is the same way, picky about my clothes. i hate it. if she sees a skull on a shirt, she automaticly thinks it's the devil. she even thinks a cross w/ a heart, and even the word "peace" is evil.

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Unfourtunatly, I have the same problem. Fact though, I love music like that, though im not emo or anything.

My mom grounds me for it. she grounds me if my bangs are in my face. She grounds me if I were anything that isnt nice to 'her'. I hate it. Its like I have a school uniform/dress code AT MY HOUSE! I wish she would lossen up. She always said 'be me', but then I be me, and she grounds me. She dosent even know what an emo is, either. Shes just afraid that being me will affect how people will see her, not me.

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