My Mesutchi and Osutchi Logs


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UPDATE: 11-25-05

Been a while, hasn't it? xD

Ah yes, Mesu and Osu...they evolved, and you might recognize the male. I'll give you a hint: he flies, has legs that hang, has two antennas, and a big mouth. If you don't know who it is, either you're dumb or I suck at describing things.

Hiratchi: "A playboy and social butterfly who floats around and chases after girls. He always says "Love's gotta have alittle spice to it" and is always looking for a new love. "

Mesu became his girl version, who is the same but with a round head and little heart ears.

Piratchi: "When this tam falls in love, she falls hard!!! No matter when or where she is, she can't stop thinking and worrying about him, so she'll follow the guy around all day long. But if she's too persistent and pushy, he might not like her anymore!"

They mated, and they had...Petitchocotchi. >.<

And, if you have been reading, you know that I have Kabutchi and Pipotchi, both with Petiteretchi.

I'm gonna try to neglect a bit, see if I can get baby Crown2.3 :furawatchi:

UPDATE: December 15, 2005

...did one of my posts disappear? :D

Anyway, Hiratchi and Piratchi had 2 PetitChocotchi, who became Kabutchi and Pipotchi. They had 2 PetiTeretchi, who became Kabutchi and Pipotchi through neglect.

They had PetiTeretchi who, through lots of neglect, became MaruMimitchi and Mimikotchi. They had 2 PetitChocotchi. Mesu is currently Batabatchi, which is normal, but Osutchi...became Moritchi.

Time for cross-breeding... > :huh:

Q-UPDATE: December 17, 2005

Mesutchi is going to evolve soon. But that's not important. What's important is that Osutchi DID.

But not into MaruMimitchi, like I had expected...but into BUNBUTCHI! :p

Now, let's wait for Mesu to follow...

UPDATE: November 19, 2005

Well...Mesutchi became Pipotchi, and mated with Bunbutchi. They had two baby Kuritchi's. ^^

Here is a pic of all my Tamas hangin out...


Characters (in order of reading)

K-Plus: Gozarutchi (!Sosuke!) with Puchitchi

Mini: Mametchi

Osutchi: Bunbutchi w/ Kuritchi

Mesutchi: Pipotchi w/ Kuritchi

Quick update: December 23, 2005

The parents left, I have two baby Kuritchi's now...will update when they evolve.

UPDATE: December 24, 2005 logs are soooo ignored now, lol.

Anyway, both Kuritchi's evolved into MohiTamatchis. I didn't get to see them evolve because I was asleep. So yeah, the two have been through some neglect. They should be evolving tomorrow.

By the way, if you wanna leave me a comment, PM me. ^^

IMPORTANT UPDATE: December 27, 2005

Well peoples, I am very proud to announce that I have gotten some new characters!

Both MohiTamatchis became Hawaikotchi and Hawainotchi, whom I have told you about before, but they became two brand new adult characters that I haven't had in years!

Osutchi became what looks like a big person in shiny black spandex and has a big, frog-like mouth. His name is Megatchi.

Megatchi: "He likes to analyze everything, and always has a cool, dispassionate view of the world. As a result of this personality, he claims not to be interested in girls. He worries that someday he might end up falling in love. "

His female counterpart on Mesutchi, Gankotchi, looks similar, but has large pigtails and wears a dress.

Gankotchi: "She's got a loud booming laugh and a voice loud enough to make your headache! But whenever she sees little kids or people in trouble, she just can't leave them alone and has to help. She can really be quite nice."

Tomorrow, they will mate and become two brand-new babies! Stay tuned! ^_^

(If you wish to see my two characters, please take a look at the growth chart in my signature)

UDAPTE: December 28, 2005

Well, the two mated, and had a pair...UNIQUE...babies. xD They both look like Bebitchi with a square body, and go by "Kakutchi"

Kakutchi: His eyes and his body are so angular, you'd think his personality would be "square" as well. But he really has a well-rounded, kindly heart. If someone asks him to do a favour, he'll even postpone his own important stuff to carry out the favour!"

They're so weird, but so cute! xD

UPDATE: December 31, 2005

Last log before new year! =D

The parents left last night. I was lucky enough to get some sketches of them onto my sprite sheet, which you will all get to see....eventually.

Anyway, here are the current stats:

Mesutchi: Kakutchi

Age: 2

Weight: 5g

Hunrgry: Full

Happy: Full

Discipline: 0%

TMP: 2

Generation: 9

Osutchi: Kakutchi

Age: 2

Weight: 5g

Hunrgry: Full

Happy: Full

Discipline: 0%

TMP: 2

Generation: 15

As for the others:

K-Plus: Nikatchi

Age: 2

Weight: 67g

Hungry: Full

Happy: Full

Discipline: 3 bars

G: 250

Generation: 3

Mini - Ginjirotchi

Well, that's it then! :( The Mesu and Osu evolve tomorrow, and I will post...with NEW UPDATES! xD


I've gotten their discipline up to 25%. :pochitchi:

...and Ginjirotchi just died.... :)

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UPDATES: January 1, 2006

ZOMFG FIRST LOG OF 2006!!!!!!!!!!!!! xD HAPPY NEW YEARS TO ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Erm, anyway, the babies evolved. ^-^ They became a big black pointy thing with a face. They both kinds look like this: <oo> (the o's are eyes) They are called CurryPantchi.

CurryPantchi: "He doesn't talk much, but when he does it's usually a cutting remark that goes straight for the heart. His name and shape are yummy-looking and slightly bun-like, but it seems he prefers canned food."

On my K-Plus, still got Nikatchi, on my Mini, got Nyorotchi and 3 poopies, attempting Lucky Unchi-Kun.

P.S. Wow...2005 spanned 2 pages, 2006 logs start on page 3...ironic, no? :marumimitchi:

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Update: January 6, 2005

Mesu and Osu...became some awesome new characters! :furawatchi:

Osu became this humanish-looking thing with a funny-looking head with a shiny ball hanging from it. His name is Pirolirotchi.

Pirolirotchi: "He always acts on his impulses, so he keeps on making mistakes and having bad luck. Everyone keeps telling him to think before he acts, but he says he's just no good at planning ahead!"

Mesu became his female counterpart, a similar character but wearing a dress.

Pirolintchi: "Whether in matters of love or general decision-making, she's a little wishy-washy, so when she's tring to make up her mind she always loses her chance and is left behind. Falling in (and out of) love... Going on diets... A young tam-girl's problems are endless! "

They were awesome. And then they :furawatchi: They both became something that's a mix between Hashizotchi and a whale, the female having hair. The male is called Biruotchi...

Biruotchi: "His favourite hobby is whale-watching. If he's going to date someone, he's already decided that it'll have to be a nice girl who'll go whale-watching with him. Gotta love those whales!"

...the female called Birukotchi.

Birukotchi: "She's very quiet and thoughtful, and her hobbies are reading and composing tanka. Those tanka are the kind that really gets to a girl-tam's heart, and they're quite popular among the Mesuchi!"

((BTW, tanka is a genra of Japanese poetry, more.))

Update: January 8, 2005

They mated and had two Petitchocotchi, whom you should remember quite well. :angry: Anyway, does anybody read my logs anymore? o_O


K-Plus...Gozarutchi just left his baby. T_T

I'm preordering the V3 :angry:

Update: January 11, 2006

Note that I'm updating this log from school... :angry:

Anyway, parents left, both PetitChocotchis became MizuTamatchis. I'm gonna hammer both of them down with neglect, try to pull a backwash*.

Also I undebugged my V2 and started it up again. It's now a Marutchi. ^_^ K-Plus is a YoungOyajitchi, expecting to evolve soon. Mini is an Oyajitchi.

So that means...I'm running 5 Tamagotchis now. :(


^Backwash is a new term I made for when a Mesu or Osu goes back 1TMP. I've done it before, and I will to get the characters I want to see.

WOW that was a lot i thought i had a long 1 but wow that was long although unlike most long ones it was sooooooooo interesting wow i like it.

WOW that was a lot i thought i had a long 1 but wow that was long although unlike most long ones it was sooooooooo interesting wow i like it.
Thanks ;) I update whenever I can.

This is a cool log and you are so lucky to have Mesutchi and Osutchi, OsuMesu21!
Thanks, I know :huh:
BTW, samll updates...

Mesu became Debutchi once >.< and Osu is fine. Bith roughtly weigh almost 99...

Keitai is now Kutchipatchi. Classic.

Mini is the same as before.

V2...its battery died on me... :eek:

Update: January 13, 2006

First off, it's my little bro's birthday. :blink:

Second, updating...once again...from school.

Third, my plan WORKED! Mesu and Osu became the teens they were before! B)

Update: January 16, 2005


Today is a grim day for me and Osutchi.

This morning, the two evolved. I wasn't there to see it though; was busy oversleeping. I got up at one and dashed across the house and picked them up. Both screens were obviously filled with poop and a skull. Without looking, I cured the sicknesses and cleaned away the poop. The I stared in shock and awe.

Mesutchi became Birukotchi, as expected, but Osutchi became something entirely different. Something I was hoping I wouldn't have to see until later on.

It looks similar to Oyajitchi, but more purple hair that lays on his head with a little bun at the end. It has big, pouty purple lips and two frail and pathetic excuses for feet. His name...


Sutebotchi: "The Tamagotchi which loses interest in love."

I've gotten one of the Unmateable Adultchis entirely by accident. Poor Osu will never mate now, although Mesu will be ready by tomorrow. Osu will just grow older and die while Mesutchi will be paused, waiting for a new mate.

Osu eats a cupcake for a meal, oddly enough. For a snack, he drinks something brom a bottle and cup. It's either something alcoholic or something medicative.

There is a saying between Mesutchi and Osutchi fans that the Unmateables can become secret characters that CAN mate, but it's a long and difficult process of perfect care. I honestly feel sory for Osu, the ugly beast, so I'll take the greatest care ever, even if it means staying up all night...

Good luck to me then...



Character: Sutebotchi

Age: 8

Weight: 10g (omg)

Discipline: 75%

TMP: 2

Generation: 16

Description: "The Tamagotchi which loses interest in love."


Character: Birukotchi

Age: 10

Weight: 20g

Discipline: 25%

TMP: 2

Generation: 10

Description: "She's very quiet and thoughtful, and her hobbies are reading and composing tanka. Those tanka are the kind that really gets to a girl-tam's heart, and they're quite popular among the Mesuchi!"

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Minor Updates: January 17, 2006

If you read any post on page 3 and it says 2005, ignore it please. I meant to type 2006...bleh. :rolleyes:

Anyway, now that I'm here and typing, I can tell you that I've paused Mesutchi for the time being. Osutchi, however, is still running, so I can tell you stuff about him.

He woke up this morning at 9:00 A.M. in the same condition as he went to sleep at 11 last night. His hearts were full and his weight was at the shocking minimum of 10g.

If you though that if a character is at the bottom of the food chain meant that it needs extra love and attention, you're very wrong. At 75% discipline, Sutebotchi never beeped for anything else. His hearts dropped by one for about every hour or so, and so far has dont nothing strange or unusual. In fact, despite his dreadful ugliness, he seems quite happy.

This afternoon, however, I read off the original Bandai website that he will NOT evolve into anybody. He will just grow old and die, like any other original Tama. To get Ojitchi and Otokitchi, you have to get a TMP4 adult and not mate it, but still take perfect care. What's more is that Oji and Otoki cannot mate.

That's it for today...
