My Logs: P2's + Connection and Morino


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Well-known member
Dec 21, 2010
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Well since my last post they Generations have died and i have restarted them (some at diffrent times) One of them my silver with blackstars on it is on its 5th generation but sadly the battery died. Hopefull it is still saved and it is okay.



Hello i am tring to find time to updated more often. Right onto the tama's. The V4 Blue and red is on its 2nd generation now, it was a shock when the match maker poped onto the screen, i knew it would besoon but not that soon. My firetamagotchi v4 is on its first generation now. It sady past away during the night (well in the morining when i was still sleeping ) I will be righting more tomorow after school. Also to let you know if i miss out spaces in the words it is because my keybored spacebutton is broken, I am planning on buying one soon.



hello well today i got up at 8:00 so my tamas were still asleep, so i got dressed and went to school. When i was in school i got my tamas out and fed them a quick meal, a hamburger so then i put them on pause. At 11:35 I looked to see if they were ok then took them off pause and then I played Jump rope with them, i managed to get up to 27 when my tacher came so i had to stop because i was taking a long time to get out onto the yard, as i said it was my breack time, so i quickly put them on pause and made up an exuse and then put them back intomy bag.

Later on in class it was home time so i got my tamas and took them off pause and put them into mypocket wellmy tacher called meout at the front of the class and what do you think happend? they beeped , they beeped asl oud as they ever have before. It alway seems like that when you dont want them to. I took Aggy (the fire one)out and walked out off the class the bell had gone.

When I got home I went to my Nans and all the tamas did was beep beepbeepbeepbeepbeep I came home had tea and a bath and started this post.



Hello again i am writing from my Mums pc. Well tamas have been good i woke up and they were awake and they were both crying, I dint here them beep but anyway i looked after them and feed them a meal. Its was cool because they both changed today, the fire one reads 1yrs old but should be 2yrs and the red and blue one is 3yrs and is an adult. He is Pyontitchi at the moment a character i have had before i want Mimitchi he is socute and loveable come on please Mimitchi. Well back to the tamas, currently they are in bed apart from one of them who now goes to bed at 10:00 thats to late for little kids as well as tamas well gotto go sori i will write more tomorrow.



I was really exited, I was about to hatch my Tamagotchi v.4, I haven’t had the instructions, but it wasn’t hard to work out how to use them 5 minuets later when they hatched, They are so small, they look like little poops, (but are so cute) 10th My Tamagotchi should have turned one today but he missed a year, (Bandai’s fault)He changed and is now called Youngrobotchi. He was ill today when woke up today, so I gave him a shot and feed him some food. He has no friends yet but I am planning to get a new battery for my v3 and then when they are older they can have children.There was no one at home to look after my Tama today so I decided to take him to school with me. It was a risk because my other Tama was taken off me for playing with him in class. He was good and dint beep one, His heart did drop one so I feed him in my brake time. After school I feed him again and got him ready for bed. It was a long day.



I woke up before my Tama today; I got ready for school and feed robotchi, He did age this time and is now one but should be two. In school he started to beep but I turned the sound off and cared for him, He was crying so I praised him and was better; it was my brake time again so I played a few games with him to get his weight to a good size but not to small just right. I decided later on that I would take my tama to school at my break times. I can’t wait until I can go on to my next generation and then see how many I can get. Robotchi was not well again and needed two shots after school finished, but I nursed him back to health. He decided to take a Barth so I watched him have a Barth and then feed him a snack and then he fell asleep at about 8:00 pm so he will wake up at 9 which will give me some time to get ready for school in the morning. 12th Today Tama did not age at first but then later on he hid, He has gone to the toilet 2 today, and was crying when I came out of school, He is still only 2 but should 3 and tomorrow he will be four and should change. Robotchi was not well at 4:36 so I gave him a shot and then at 5:00 he was not well again, it was only one shot needed to make him better again. I read from the internet that they only get ill when they are going to change so he shoud change tomorrow. I am going to keep a tally of how many times he goes to the toilet and other things like that. I am going to upload pictures of him and maybe some of my other Tama’s.



Today I got to school and Tama just woke up, he was so good but he dint change! He should be four but he is two, I am hoping that he will change tomorrow. After school finished I feed him some food as he had been on pause for most of the day and was in my bag. I got my v3 to work and now can get my old one before it died, His name is Manititichi, he is a secret character so not many people no about him, She is only 3 and what surprised me was that he goes to bed at 10pm, when my other tama goes to bed at 9pm and he is only 4.Sorry I haven’t updated in a wile, I have been busy with homework and school, but I have 4 days off now so I can now stay online and do updating and make the website better. Manititichi is best friends with Robotchi so I am going to cross-bread them with each other when they are old enough (5 or 6 years old/days) I hope I will end up with a v3 character because I haven’t had them in a wile but that is all at the moment.



I woke up to the sound of the changing prosses on my tama, He was about to change, I waited and out came a Ninja, And just after that my v3 changed to the same character, Not long to go now and i will have little tama baby's again, i am going to call the Osu and Mesu for Osutchi and Mesutchi. I have connected them a few times and they have been good and played some games and i bought a pressent for them. Hada the v4 is a good boy but has not got long left with me as he is getting on a bit now, so is Abba she has been with me for 6 days but her age only reads 3 but she is an adult. Its so cute.They are in love at the moment.



Tamas had a baby today at just 3 and 4, Its so young but they are so cute. I have named the Baby's Osu and Mesu. There is not much to say yet because it is still early in the morning but they have pood 2 times today so far. Just to let you no that if repeat my words and miss out spaces its because my key bored is broken.



well the parents left so i am looking after there baby Osu and Mesu, My sister has just had her tama back after 3 years of not using it, Tama's i that time have changed to the teenage stage of there life so they are close to going to have there children, I am updateing this site very soon so i will then add somepics of the tama's and my collection.

22nd Well, 1 of the tamagotchis is an adult and the other one should change tomorow. I hjave just got a new tamagotchi of my step sister. Its a blue and red v4 tamagotchi. It had no battrey but i have one spare one in my house.Create a free website with Weebly Google


Hello, As some of you may know, I have been hatching tamagotchi again. So on the 29th I decided that I was going to hatch up a P2. I hope to get mimitchi on there as I have been missing him a lot recently. I also decided that I was going to unpause my other P2 (Yellow) and he is now a Kusatchi! One of my favorite un-healthy character. Also to add I just decided that I was going to start up my Morino. I am not planning on getting a certain character but I just want one to live longer than 14. That would be good.


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What was I saying about seeing if that I can get my morino to grow older than 14! It died at 1, I think it was a glitch because when I was going to the toilet to be sick. He was fine and then I came out and find that he is dead on the screen. I don't seem to be having much luck at the moment. My Kusatchi is getting very neady and I fear that he will be leaving me later on today. To be honest, I gotta say he is one of my favorite un-healthy character.

Currently I am sat in bed because I have been Ill once again. I kinda guess that it was my own fault for drinking the lemonade that was in My sisters bedroom that she had drunk out off because she was ill aswell. Lucky for her, hers has gone now and it just me that is stuck with it. I got to tell you , the feeling of being sick is just so horrible. I hate it when your trying to be sick but you have nothing left in your stomach to throw up. Anyway im sure you wouldn't want to listen to me going on about my life.

Yesterday I forgot to add to the log. I was sat down and asked my Mum if I could go on her laptop and she said yes. Well I gave this site a quick update and changed the font to a more nicer one. I then decided to have a look at Jasons store on ebay and I found a cheap P1. I have got to get it, but my mums paypal is messed up and the account got barred for no reason. So I will just have to try and get it working again.

I forgot to say. My Tonmarutchi changed into the Hashitamatchi character, I was aiming for a Zuckitchi. I guess its not mean to be. So anyway he has changed into Hashi and I hope to get the healthyest un-healthy character (if that makes any sence at all) Well Im going to shoot. Ill say good bye and my next log will be in 2-4 days.

UPDATE: Some one has bought the P1! NOOOOOOO

Also I just remembered that My mum has bought me a Angel! I should get it in around June or even may if I am lucky!

Well I thinks it's time to say good bye and wrap up this log! I'll see you all soon!



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Hello Guys! I have just posted some new pictures. I hope that you will enjoy them, Not much to update as it is still early but all that has happened is that my Tonmauritchi changed into hashitamatatchi i think is his name.

and my Kusatchi died of old age! He did survive quite long, He was 11 so that is good for the un-healthiest character you can get. So I re hatched him and he then went through the normal needy baby stage and changed into a Tonmauritchi. I am trying to get any character this time! So I will see how it goes!


Hello! I have moved to a different place! It is still on this website but is being moved because I have stopped using my one tama. Ill explain why in the next log.!



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