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Annie was brushing her teeth it was soosoosoosoosoo cute she is the cutest charechtar ever. Amgel used the bathroom 2 times and I claened them both up. I might be able to get a new battery 4 my v3 and then I will also put alex on this log.

Heres Angel- I wish time would hurry up I really want to be A teen I want to be A TEEN BYE BYE mummy wants the computer.


She is soo cute i love her so much

My pets got 2 letters each


1st time King shovel

2nd time king 900 points


1st time king make up

2nd time poop

I am gonna use the shovel now

I got...............A snake poor Angel

Hey they want to talk to you

Annie- Hey My mummy bought me a shovel and I dug up 500 points mummy is so proud of me. I want to play jump rope but mummy is busy she promised me she would later. I am almost an adult and then the match maker will come if I have a boy it will be named Bo or Bowie a girl will be Belle or Baily.

Angel- Hey im gonna be a teenager soon when I am mummy will be so proud. I wish I was as old as Annie she is so pretty and grown up. Im gonna go play with Annie because she is the bestest big sis ever!!!!!!!!!

Well Angel is walking in her sisters foot steps as a young memetchi. She is so proud of herself.

Here she is

Hi im a teenager YAY YAY YAY im a young memetchi when I grow up I am gonna be a ponytchi and I will be so so pretty. I want to be a banker when I grow up. I love to play shape because it makes me smarter. My sister plays jump rope so she can be more stylish. heres mummy Wuv you.

She is so adorable huh

Here is Annie

Hi im annie and I am the most prettiest young memetchi ever. Nobody is prettier than me I am the best jump roper ever. It makes me sssooo Stylish. My sister is a brainiac she is so smart it creeps me out she says she only does it because she wants to be a ponytchi but I think she likes being smart. Angel thinks she is just as pretty as me but she is sooooooooooooooooooooooooo wrong. She thinks that she is just as pretty because she is a young memetchi too. When I turn into an adult Im gonna go move back to tama town. And mummy is gonna take care of my baby. I will be sad to leave mummy but glad to get away from that girl Angel. She is such a baby she was just was crying. ooh I got my fortune.


Points 3

Heart 2

man 1

Man she is getting meaner every day but I still love her

There was a chest at Angels shop

Im gonna use it now....................its a present...................MARACAS YAY

There is a canada ticket in Annies shop Im gonna buy it when I get the money

I ve been on tama town to earn some cash for Angel Annie was brushing her teeth and went to the bathroom I cleaned up right away

Heres Angel

Hey mummy took me to tamatown And I saw A masketchi that I am not related to but still lives in the parents house. Im 2 and Im gonna be an Adult tomarrow. I wish I was an adult cause I could play with my maracas. I lile my maracas because I dug them up all by my self. I really want to be a ponytchi because they are so pretty. Mummy doesn't like them very much but since I love them she is gonna try to let me be one. I play shape alot because ponytchis are very smart. When I have to move back to tama town I am gonna miss mummy but I know she will come see me all the time. A little secret is mummy likes me better than Annie because Annie is so mean to me. I havent gotten mail today exept for my fortune. When mummy isint there Annie yells At me. Then I tell Mummy and she gets in trouble. Mummy tells me that she will be nicer when she is an adult. I hope she is because I wuv her even if she is mean to me [SIZE=21pt]BYE-BYE[/SIZE]

Here is just a little story about my freinds Tama

We were eating lunch and my freind was playing with her Tama. We went back inside and my freind acidentally brought her tama in the class with the sound on.It beeped in class but the teacher was talking so she didn't hear. It beeped again 3 minutes later. And the teacher said Who ever has that in here is going to get it taken away when I find it. When our teacher found out it was my freinds she took it and gave it to the librairian because our teacher had to leave for a few minutes. The librarian took it when she left. Me and my freind asked her 4 it about 2 hours later. She had given it to the principal and the principal gave it to my freinds mom. When we asked her mom for it she said my freind could have it back but she could never bring it to school again. Now her Tama always dies because she sometimes forgets to pause it. Her Tamas die so much that she has never got to gen. 2 or even had an adult Tama.

P.S. If you read this log post or PM me on what this log is on a scale of 1-10 (10 is the highest) [SIZE=21pt]THANKS[/SIZE]

PPS My tams are just doing the little sceen dance

Angel is lucky she gets the king in almost every letter. Annie is almost full trained she just needs one more bar.

PS I am getting A v2

OKAY some thing big happend











Hey as yall all know Annie is a memetchi well here she is

Hi its me Annie I just wanted to tell yall about my sister angel. She is really a great sister and I will miss her when I move to tamatown. I have out grown my like for jump rope and I play mimic and flag. My favorite item is my pencil I draw snails and show them off to mummy. She is so proud that I am a memetchi. That is her favorite character. I love my mummy and sister. I went to New York and saw the Statue of Liberty. BYE



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