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I have 2 v4s and a v3 my v4s are Angel who is a petitchi and Annie who is also petitch my v3 alex has a dead battery :rolleyes:

Here are the stats:

name Angel

age 0

training 1/9

weight 18

name Annie

age 1

training 2/9

weight 47

My tamagotchis are so boring right now i wish something interesting would happen. Annie should change tonight Ill post when she does ;)

Both of my tamagotchis are just dancing around and I am sooo bored if you read this please post ;) :eek:

I am ssssssssssooooooo jelouse my freind got youn mimitchi ;) it is adorable I hope Annie turns into one

I just connected and annie won but she only has a small amount of 500 points. Im going to play games with them later ;)

I just played jumping rope with annie and I am sending her to pre-school I cant wait till she is a teenager. She is a little FAT so I am gonna go play games with her. I will post when she weighs less right now she weighs 47 pounds poor girl. ;) :eek: :)

[SIZE=14pt]Both pets are finnaly asleep angel is dreaming away about what teenager she will turn into she wants to be young mimitchi but sadly she probably wont be[/SIZE]
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[SIZE=21pt]OMG I just realized my log is a hot topic thanks to everyone who reads it[/SIZE]

I woke Angel up early to play with her I played a game of jump rope and when I got back I realized I had a letter it was the king and he gave her beef she was so happy but when I fed it to her she shook her head no :D :eek: :eek: :wub:

Hey Guys I have nothing else to do so i will post stats

Annies stats:

name annie

hungry 2/4

happy 4/4

skill points

pencil 21

diamond 41

flower 10

age 1

weight 22

gender girl

gen. 1

points 3900

user name PQM

charechter young memetchi

school elementary

job none


point 2

star 2

man 2

Heres annie- Hi I am annie and I really want to be a memetchi when I grow up I wanna be a baker or a doctor.

Angels stats:

name angel

hungry 2/4

happy 4/4

skill points

pencil 2

diamond 5

flower 12

age 1

weight 21

gender girl


points 880

user PQM

charechter petitchi

school pre-k

job none


points 3

heart 2

man 2

heres is angel- Hi mi name is angel and even though my name is angel sometimes I am a little bad just a little

HAHAHA they are soooooo cute

Annie: "Mummy I want that UFO"

Me" Sorry its 50000 dollars


"Annie " will you get me a pinnaple to make me feel better?"

Me "yes"

I hate telling her no


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