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OK, I was wrong. Somehow, Baker is a Style job, and I just barely got enough style points AFTER I got the job. Anyway, I have baby Apple! Go baby! She's so cute!

Pencil/Kindness: 2

Style: 0

Intelligence: 10

Style: 6

Kindness: 6

I learned how to spell intelligence!

I have a <drumroll> Young Memetchi!

OK, sorry about lack of posts.

Sweet was


I think Ringotchi


And Sour has been...




His stats are...



kindness50 :)

OK, Kindness is now 50, Intelligence is the same, and Style is 20. I hope Sour will be something useful, like a doctor, or school teacher, or even an amusement park worker.

Wahoo! I got a second V4! It's a girl named Alice and she's a green camo. She is currently a Mizutamatchi. I'm betting that Sour's baby will be a Petitchi, because that's next in line.

My first four went:

G1 Harutchi

G2 Mizutamatchi

G3 Petitchi

G4 Mohitamatchi

G5 Harutchi G1/Mizutamatchi

And their stats are...

Names: Sour/Alice

Age: 5/0

Weight: 99/48

Intelligence: 52/0

Style: 30/6

Kindness: 58/1

Points: 615/1220

Barely any difference but...

Names: Sour/Alice

Age: 6/0

Weight: 99/48

Intelligence: 52/0

Style: 30/10

Kindness: 58/1

Points: 415/920

I told you little difference!

I'm working on Alice's weight. I hope she'll end up with more style points than Sour. Well, he's still cute. A ShimaShimatchi. And Alice turned into an Ichigotchi! My first since V1!

Alice evolved from an Ichigotchi into my first ever Pyonkotchi!

Tam evolved into a Mizutamatchi (NEXT time will be Petitchi!) and is now a Young Dorotchi.

Note: One of my friends has a Tensaitchi (scientist Mametchi) and every time Alice evolves, first she connects with Erick. Less than a minute later, she evolves. Strange...

And the Entama secret characters STILL COME FROM MAMETCHI, MEMETCHI, and KUCHIPATCHI! Sorry for caps...

Alice will leave tonight because last night at about six she had a baby! (At six I changed the time). It was dark, but I'm pretty sure the dad was Mametchi.

I just wanted to post.

Question: Can Universal Teens turn into any adult, or just Universal Adults? Answer through Pm please.

Anyway, I have a Mohitamatchi and Hawainotchi. Both boys. I hope one has a girl baby and the other has a boy. I guess I could pause one of them for a day... Or Kiko's_Petpet would turn his back on...


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