My log


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Well-known member
Apr 4, 2006
Reaction score
Hi! I'm Hypergotchi and this is my log! I will be reporting my V3, a Hashizoutchi who had a baby last night, and around when the V4s come out I will try to get a Glow-in-the-Dark V4. My hashizoutchi is in good health, and will leave for Tamatown tonight. She will wake up in twenty-five minutes.

I'm on the next generation with a Hashitamatchi. I hope they'll meet someone today, V4 that is! I'm almost ready to go to Toys 'R' Us!! Yay!

ToysRUs is completely out of stock! I'm going back every day until Friday!

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I'm waiting for my tama to evolve... He's been asleep all day! Thank you Time Set!

I just ordered a V4 about fourty minutes ago. Unfortunately they didn't have any glow-in-the-dark, too bad to me, so I got Rising Sun, the only one they have. This would probably have been my third choice, after Glow and Blue Waves. It's still pretty cool! i wonder when it will arrive... And I have a Dorotchi.

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My V3 is perfectly normal, and having just read a log about the V4, I am getting less patient on it, even though I just ordered it this morning. I think I want a boy, but I do't think it will make much a difference. I just don't want a boy Ojotchi or Hawaikotchi, or girl Nikatchi and Hawainotchi.

EDIT: Question answered

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I think I posted today before this...


Where is the matchmaker? I normally get her at six years, except once, and every time I mated with a friend, and now, they won't get the matchmaker if I change the time. It might have something to do with me putting her to sleep all day :D

Sorry I didn't post yesterday. My V3 got a matchmaker! But the batteries messed up today. I don't care at the moment, because I have a girl Tsubutchi! Yay!

Here are it's stats:

Stage: Baby, finished nap

Age: Do I have to say?

Gender: Girl

Intellegence(sp?): 1

Style: 4

Kindness: 2

I hope for Petitchi or Harutchi!

Yay! Harutchi! I like going to "work"!

New stats:

Pencil: 5

Style: 8

Kindness: 8

Bleh I don't know how to spell intelligence! I'll just say "pencil"

She's asleep. At the last few minutes I got his Kindness up one.

Pencil: 5

Style: 8

Kindness: 9

Strange... Kindness was four, pencil hasn't changed, and Style was seven, and now look!

My Harutchi turned into a Ringotchi! And it is boyfriends with Kiko's_Petpet's V4 tama Neji. I accidentally got Mrs. Flower, but I wanted the Kindness person. I accidentally chose Mrs. Flower because I didn't know what I was doing.

Lilly's stats

Pencil: 15

Style: 25

Kindness: 32

Pencil is now 17, but everything else is the same.

Pencil: 17

Style: 25

Kindness: 32

I hope I will get an adult. I will try to get all her stats into the fifties so I can get all the possible jobs.

Lilly has improved in all stats except Style!

Pencil: 30

Style: 25

Kindness: 37

I beat Shape! Yay! Hopefully her boyfriend will be an Adult today! I like calling people on the cell phone...

Instructions to call cell phones:

You need two people with V4s, or two V4s.

Get a Rare Cell Phone on both of them.

Say Visit every time you connect.

Keep connecting until one has a Cell Phone!

The other will make the "I need something" beep.

They will both have cell phones!

They each have alternating speech bubbles with .s, and most of the time they start blushing. Sometimes they get angry at each other!

It's a Maruitchi. I would've rather have something else, but I can stand this. I wasted my honey :mellow: but hopefully I can see Kiko tomorrow and mate them for cute babies!

I got a job! I THINK I'm a firefighter. My job game is shooting at some fires and temporarily putting them out.

Nothing special going on right now. I'm gonna see Kiko tomorrow so she and Neji can mate! Yay!

I beat Mimic yesterday, and I'm finally mating today! I'm gonna get a hircut, then call Kiko'sPetpet up on his mom's cell, so our tamas can Finally mate!

I got my second career and it's my last night with Lilly. Her daughter, I don't know. Maybe Apple. Anyway, I'm a baker, and it raises PENCIL POINTS!

Pencil: 53

Style: 41

Kindness: 110


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