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Well-known member
Aug 21, 2011
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Hello This is my very first post. I am very new to the tamagotchi world. I have a music star, a tama-go , and last but not least a tamagotchi idl

So least begin.

Day One

So my Music Star Lauren is my cute little Sebritchi. I love her and she is so cute. I played some games and tried for a pro debut. NO i got all nos, Better luck next time. So i cleaned up her pooes and i left her a home while shopping. Yes I am back to school shopping. I am going in to middle school. That will be an adventure with my tamas. Ok thas it with Lauren

Next is my tama-go. Well he is the worst care teen :angry: I always get him. So I feed him and all the usual stuff. This is why the tama-go is not my favorite. IT IS SO BORING!!!!!!!!!!!.

Ok next is my tamagotchi idl :furawatchi: :ichigotchi: :ichigotchi: I have violetchi a BUT SHE DIED I was crying. So on to a next generation. I got a girl :p :p I always get a girl

OK hope you liked my log its my first one pm me on how you think


Day Two

Ok its day two. Tamagotchi Music Star. Lauren did nothing today. She got all no's again :( :( I feed her and played with her. She is so cute. She also practiced with her band.In two day she can get married! I do not know how to add pics.Can some one pm me how to. Thanks.

Tama-go My tama-go evolved today :D :D BUT it was Gozarutchi :angry: :angry: UGGGGGGGGGGG. I hate him. Ok I cared for him and played some games. He also goes to the Mexican restaurant. He has fun. But the meal was twice the size of him LOL.

Tamagotchi Id l . Nothing happened with paletchi.She is so cute. I almost love all the tamagotchi characters. She ate at the bakery and the restaurant We played jump rope and she played a guitar and seemed to like it . She loves music. I dont know when she will evolve.

This is the three of them talking

Lauren Hi all

Nathan- Uh Hi

Liz- Hi

Nathan- I can wait to date

Liz- I am still a toddler

Lauren- I wish I was on color

Nathan- Me too

Liz- Ha Ha

Me- Liz stop being mean

Liz- Sorry

Nathan- Yeah Liz

Liz- [ Leaves room crying]

Lauren- Nathan you made her cry

Me- Nathan!

Nathan- Sorry

Lauren-[ Leaves room to help Liz]

Liz and Lauren enter room

Nathan- I am sorry

Liz - That is ok

Lauren- Lets go watch tv

that wraps things up Bye

Day Three

Hi so allot has happened to my tamagotchi idl. She evolved yesterday into the cactus thing. She is kinda cute. She some times gets lonely with no friends.

She bought a new wallpaper that she seemed to like. Now she must earn the money back. Her kitchen is dirty so she cleaned the whole house. She is such a good girl. Sometimes she meet pets at the park. I see that see wants one but must wait. :furawatchi: One seed she planed was a carrot and it grew! :) :)

Tama-go He seemed to have fun with sports so I bought Nathan a basketball,and he played with is all morning. As I said school will be starting so,because of the size of the tama-go I will not be bringing him to school :( :angry: :angry:

Nathan love food so I bought him so good food . We playes games because he started to get fat. Plus he wants to unlock a new wallpaper.

Tamagotchi Music Star Lauren tried and tried to get a pro debut. But they said one no :( But she got a job at the dessert factory :ichigotchi: :ichigotchi: She earned four hundred gotchi points. So she bought a shovel and some food . Her and Nathan connected and had a fun time. I think Nathan has a crush on her :puroperatchi: .

Liz- Hi I am now a teen!

Nathan- Yay

Lauren- You rock!

Lauren- I remember when I was a teen

Nathan- Me too

Liz I hear school is about to start.

Me- Guys I mite leave you on pause while I am at school


Me- I am still thinking I just do not want to be caught and I am going into middle school

Nathan- Oh I see your point

Me- But on a lighter note I might get a v4.5

Lauren- Yay

Ok Bye

Day Four

Hi I am back with pics

My tamagotchi music star got married!!!!! But they had a baby girl :angry: :angry: I got girls 4 generations in a row. Oh well. Nothing happened else with my music star I hope they get their pro debut,because I have no money. Lauren did not need much attention today here are pics



Tamagotchi id l Liz grew to an adult. I dont know what adult she is but she is very cute I got three of her happy items. I just need to wait until tomorrow for her to get married and get her last happy item :D She now does not like music, but likes scrolls. Here is a pic of her. I put a dress and a tiara on her. She seemed to like it



Nothing happened with Nathan. Not much to say about him. I took a pic of him


But I am getting a v2 and a v4.5. Lets see if I can handle 5 at a time. Probably no LOL. School is in a week!!!!

Thanks bye

Hi sorry for not posting yesterday. I was busy.

Day Six

Ok on my Id l Liz got married and had a baby boy. Then she left. Bye Liz I will miss you. I named the boy Peanut. He turned into the fruit basket toddler. This is one of my favorite toddlers! :D :D So last night he was very needy. I played some games with him to boost up his happy bar. Toddlers in the Id l go to bed so early.




On my music star the parents left the baby. Bye Lauren :( . I named the needy baby Emily. We played some games and I fed her. She turned into the star fish. I know I am terrible at the tamagotchi names. I am waiting for her to go to preschool



Tama-go . Anthony got married to Makkiko. YAY. They are so in love.


I am getting a Itchigotchi pouch :ichigotchi: :ichigotchi: :ichigotchi: I love ichigotchi. Plus I got a v2 v4.5 and a v4 :hitodetchi: :ichigotchi: :ichigotchi:

Hi So alot has happened. First my

Tamagotchi idl evolved twice. First into the star teen and not the cute blue and yellow adult. I found two of his happy items. He is so cute :D I feed him and he planted a seed.




In my tama-go they has a baby. It was a girl. I am happy about that ;) They did not need attention as I was over my friends house


On to my tamagotchi music star. she evolved in to chamemetchi and then in to that cat thing :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: I took perfect care of her why would she get horrible care. But this is my theory at certain times they evolve means what type of character they will get. I think this cause my sisters music star evolved into the same character at the same time mine did. She took perfect care too.


Now I made an itchigotchi plush IT IS SO CUTE


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