my log for my tamas and me


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hello, it's me again! ;) I havn't been on TT for...[SIZE=27pt]AGESSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [/SIZE]well Ami is begging me to marry her to Bing but I said not yet!! G2GN xxxx :) :(

well I feel really sheepish... again... I HAVE NOT WRITTEN IN MY LOG FOR AGESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am fine! and I am an adult!!!! :D G2G bai xxx love ami

OK!! so no one say anything since I havn't been on tt for (ready) [SIZE=30pt]AGESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS[/SIZE] :( here is a recomendation ds game: super princess peach (preowned) £24.99 or £25.99

hello my log fans!!! (or who anyone bothers to read my log!!!) It's me ami and I am now an adult!!!! ^_^ Ok ami thats enough now , it's my turn to speak. hey, it's me babytamtam I boy have I news for you, I have 3 cats from the CAT magazine , Princess, Lucky and Charlie. And my room is covered with princess peach pictures! I have made a sticker album with the tama talk emotions e.g. :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: ...etc. It's so cool having the cella sticker maker (from woolworths only in stock at Xmas)! well must dash because I feel like playing in the arcade!

love babytamtam xxxx ♥♥♥

hello and happy christmas!!! ;) hi Everyone here is my xmas list:

  • Sunglasses doll piano
all right ami thats enough I need to tell the nice people my xmas list:

  • My life, My meebas, Princess peach starter pack, hello kitty ds game, and littlest pets

Red= B) babytamtam

magenta= :) Ami

orange= :) peach

lime= :lol: Bing

There, I'll add a post tomorrow! xxx love ya xx bai xx


dear diary... I had a grat day yesterday beecuz I went too thu sinimar with amee! It wuz grat! lov BIng xx

♥The absolutely fabulous diary of Ami ♥

I had a gr8 day yesterday!!! it was fab cuz I went 2 the cinema with Bing ! We watched teeny tamma movie 1 it was brill! luv ya xoxo Amixx

Hey everyone! and I have news for you! my tamagotchi music star is a cute little girl called millie her mum is called mini and looked like this :) millie looks like this :hitodetchi: (as close to it as I could get)

Code:Ami (non existent on tamagotchi anymore but I still like her character so here she is still) :blink:

Bing :wub:

mini :D

millie :hitodetchi:

babytamtam or ezzie i still can't decide... I'll go with Ezzie

ezzie B)

and you all remember our long lost character! Peach!!!

peach :mellow:

so... at the moment millie is bobbing around and showing off! the things she learns... anyway! I am looking forward to xmas... I have one thing on my xmas list so far...

Xm@$ L!$t (will update)

Tamagotchi the movie

I know it's sad! only one thing

ah well lets hear what the others want

Ami's list:




Bing's list:





Mini's list:



Millie's list:

Kareoke set

Peach's list:





looks like I'm gonna have to save up to buy everyone what they want! xoxo luff ya all Ezzie ************* <<<< 13 starz my lucky number agent 003 to you just call me Kimmy

tama story:


phone conversation:


Hi ami it's me Peach

oh hi

I was thinking... do you want to come to a concert with me?

(why would I want to go to a concert with her?) um no thanks

oh ok bye :)
