My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic


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While I'm here, tell me:



Rant over. My life will be fulfilled if you answer those questions.

"When I took the job, I braced myself for criticism, expecting many people — without even watching the show — to instantly label it girly, stupid, cheap, for babies or an evil corporate commercial. I encourage skeptics like this to watch My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic with an open mind. If I'm doing my job right, I think you'll be surprised."— Lauren Faust
Ahem. Just because the show is targeted at young girls doesn't mean it can't be enjoyable for boys and grown-ups too!

I like watching MLP because it's one of the few shows with a female-dominated cast containing genuinely strong female leads and characterization.

I like the ponies and their personalities. They're all very different from each other, but have great chemistry and work well together to show the young audience that there is more than one way to be a girl.

I love the Flash-based animated style and the clever pop culture references ( Pinkie's Death Note reference in "Green Isn't Your Color" and the Royal Wedding in "A Canterlot wedding" basically being a ponified version of Prince William and Kate Middleton's wedding for example ). Plus the theme song is too catchy for words! ~ My Little Pony, My Little Pony, Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahhh ~

MLP reminds me of the older cartoons I used to watch. I think the reason older viewers are so taken with this show is because it gives them a sense of nostalgia and it makes them feel like a kid again. ^___^ I like the bright colors of all the ponies, the unique character designs ( I mean, dang, even background ponies get cool designs! Just look at Lyra Heartstrings and Octavia! ), wonderful writing, and wit.

I think that "friendship is magic" is also a really awesome moral that teaches kids ( and adults ) how truly special the power of friendship is, and it reminds us that having friends makes you strong ( as well as apparently enabling us to fire rainbow colored beams of light to kick the mucus out of the bad guys xD ).

Yes, there is a lot of good-natured humor in this series. You'd be surprised at the number of jokes aimed at older viewers, like Fluttershy telling Pinkie and Rarity that nopony gives a flying "feather" about them, Pinkie's "spiked" joke, Spike asking the Mane Six what a bachelor's party consists of, etc. Most children probably wouldn't understand them but the older viewers do, and we appreciate every bit of it.

I have to agree that it's a little annoying to go on a site wanting to talk about something non-pony related and just see a bunch bronies on parade, but I don't think it's a bad thing that guys are finally starting to show appreciation for girls' shows without being made fun of.

I think maybe you'll have a better chance of understanding after watching an episode or two. After all, you shouldn't allow own opinion to be formed by others, correct ~ ?

On a side note, the reason why MLP practically snowballed into popularity was as a result of a few blog reviews written by people who really didn't know the series that well and gave very negative views on it ( saying things like it was the "end of animation" and such ). These reviews were posted on 4chan for people to discuss. They gained a lot of attention that way, prompting people to start watching the series to see if it was really that bad. To their surprise they loved it, and they spread their newfound enthusiasm of MLP to other parts of the internet along with thousands of charming pony memes. AND THAT'S HOW EQUESTRIA WAS MADE! 8D

On the surface, MLP can seem like a harmless children's cartoon, but it's not just that. As the two-parter "The Return of Harmony" shows, there are a lot of mature themes in this series, as well as the villain for that episode being genuinely scary instead of cheesy as you might expect from a girls' show.

I'm sorry about everything I've said. I watched episode 1 and actually liked it! APPLEJACK AND RAINBOWDASH ARE AWESOME! Pinkie Pie is weird.

...All I can say is...

What's so great about it?

I guess everybody has already explained why, but the Tamagotchi! anime is ten times more beautiful, more meaningful, more deep.

._. My Little Pony, My Little Pony, AAH! AAH! AAH! So lame!

Sorry. <.<

There are many, many shows which are constantly under-appreciated. They can have deep and charming characters, colorful animation, excellent voice acting, and a compelling plot.

But sometimes, it just lacks the love it needs. Shows like MLP are generally more high-profile since they are well known on other parts of the internet, like deviantART or 4chan, both of which are incredibly popular and have lots of members.

It's a delightfully cheesy show about colorful talking ponies, which makes it easy to draw about a truckload of memes from it, and is readily available on both the internet and on TV in several languages worldwide, meaning that overall it has a wider scope of fans.

I'm sorry you think that the Tamagotchi! anime gets less credit, but I don't think it shouldn't matter as long as you yourself remain a faithful, devoted fan of the work. \:

I'd watch more if I could, but I'm still stuck on Season 1 asdfghjkl;

At like, ep. 7 or 8. Bah.

I love Pinkie Pie. That's me. xD

Pinkie Pie is still annoying. Even in episode 2.

EDIT: I like how Nightmare Moon follows them around trying to scare them away, but they just keep overcoming her.

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You just like it because it's about horsies. Oooooooh, horsies! :D If it was about, I dunno, cats you wouldn't be so obsessed. It's about as deep and beautiful as Teletubbies. Sorry, but that's what I think.

And adults watching it? Pfffff. I grew out of MLP when I was 6.

I didn't ever watch MLP, but I did have a toy of Pinkie Pie. Lol, it was cute..but I don't know if I still have it..

It takes some getting used to. I grew out of Pony like 3 times... Each time it came back. I got cutie marked or something. The G3 version seems a bit kiddish yet, but compare it to FIM... Its WAY different. To watch an episode or two (recommend the first 2) then to have given it a chance.... Thats all we want.

I will always have some sort of attachment to it. I was the same way for a while over the FIM release... Then I watched it. Turned my thoughts. Thought it was weird and such... Then It made me laugh. I continue to watch it time to time. Compared to the first originals, these guys have spunk, flair, and a crap-load of sugar. With one life lesson usually placed in the show. To me, refreshing. Many of the shows I have watched on American channels, no where near as good animation and its not a stencil. (like say Spongebob, he has inspired many of the popular CN, Disney, Nickel, shows on now) to put it nicely, if its a stencil, in the end aren't that great. (to me)

Colorful sugar, a mission, a joke or two -some even for the adults watching, they excist-

Just to think... Would you watch the very original Tamagotchi show from the 90's? Or would you rather watch the more current version? Hence more colorful, spirited, personalities, more characters. Does that make a little bit of sense why we enjoy the MLP FIM show more then the original?

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Eternal, you haven't even watched the show. Like I've said before, DON'T HATE TILL YOU'VE WATCHED!

EDIT: Also, what you said about 'Horsies' and 'Cats' is offensive. I like cats, and the story could have been done with both animals! What do you have against it?

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Derpy hooves has her own following... She herself is like a single internet meme. People have made her personality before she really got crowned with the name. Music videos, got close-ups of her in the show... And yes, the cross eyes were ment to be. Once was a mistake, but people ended up loving her to her derpy ness... They kept her that way as a flag to us older people who watch it. Weather we watch for meme, enjoyment, family members watching it... Etc. Derpy Hooves can also be found as Ditzy Doo, the creator called her that and it is suppose to be her tradional name in the show.

Muffins? It has to do with one of the episodes where she says ... Yum... Muffins. But I don't know what ep it is. A song called "Bulletproof" has meme-evolved to "Muffinproof" go find it.... Then you will find the rest of the songs. That is one of the best ones out there. There are tons out there...

She is also talked about in "Winter Wrap-up" episode... And has had an episode with Rainbow Dash where she gets more character and verbal lines. Again, I don't recall the episode name... I haven't seen both a million times yet with my neice. :)

That feel when my little pony, a mediocre show is more popular then the tamagotchi anime on a forum for Tamagotchis.

Feels bad man.

Edit: and yes, I have watched this show. Not very good at all. Besides, you all know that the forums and websites that started the Brony mess(4chan and something awful) are now totally 100% against bronies? Lol

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Its okay to say what you feel. Atleast you watched it to give it a chance... Seeing what people like so much. I thank you for watching before you stated above.

Brony everywhere, yep. Atleast we are keeping it to one forum and not posting a million images. I know many places spam and some randomly posting rainbow dash 20% cooler images where they don't belong...

The problem I have is... Well, it's just like every other kids cartoon out there. It really isn't anything special. I mean, yeah, it's cute and stuff, but it really isn't anything special, so I don't see how it gained such a large fanbase. (Heck, I don't get how EVERY kids cartoon nowadays gets a huge Internet fanbase. It's bizare.)

Well, I've researched on how it got a fandom.. And well, it started on 4chan and something awful as a joke to mock a cartoon blog that bashed on Lauren Frost for agreeing to direct the show. So, they all acted like fans to anger the blog. Then.. Well, it spreaded to all other sites online. The thing is, 4chan and something awful both regret what they started, especially something awful, as they have a HUGE Brony mocking forum now.

Now, another thing that upsets me about bronies is that tamagotchi is a better show(Heck, most children's anime is better then American cartoons) and yet, it's unknown. That's BanDai's dumb fault for making stupid decisions, but I'm still upset about it.

Oh! I love MLP:FiM! Such a good show.

I heard about it, and I knew that there was a following behind it. I didn't even know what "Bronies" were yet, but that a lot of people liked it. I decided to give it a try!

I liked the first episode, and honestly my first thought was something like, "Oh, so this is going to be something kind of like 'Winx Club' or 'Sailor Moon' where they have these magical powers to stop the bad guy?" but when the first episode ended I was baffled. They already ended the story arc! That's when I realized that it was going to be the kind of show with random episodes and morals. I was skeptical.

Then I kept watching, and I fell in love with the Animation, Voice Acting, and heck, even the songs. Plus Lauren Faust is awesome. :p

@DjYellow: true, it might seem like every kids show out there, but then I immediately think of "Invader Zim". Have you ever heard of it? It's a Nickelodeon show that also has a pretty big fanbase, because it's slightly different than what someone would consider a "Kid's show". For example, the show itself is pretty dark. It seems more like it's aimed towards teens to young adults! It may seem weird to compare a "dark" show like Invader Zim to a "girly" show like MLP, but what I'm really trying to get at is there is more to it than meets the eye.It goes deeper then that and fans pick up on it. Heck, even later in the MLP series, they actually started taking the fans into account when they made new episodes! (Sorry, but does Bandai do that? >.<)

Anyway, I love the show, and can't wait for the new season! ^^-

BanDai does that, to be exact, BanDai Japan does. Much of what is in the current anime is because of what fans in Japan wanted. Heck, they even run a twitter account for the anime itself. Heck, they even have weekly polls on characters and stuff Yes, Hasbro has tried to notice the adult fans of he series.. But really, I know that shouldn't be like that. Isn't this a show for kids? So, a character like Derpy Hooves got in once, and they gave her a.. Err, slow voice and made her act clumsy. That offended a lot of parents apperently, so umm, that wasn't a good idea now, was it?

I have a HUGE thing against American children's animation nowadays also, so I really have a negative opinion on Invader Zim. Which I think is a overrated show.I think so many shows today have a need to be "LOL RANDUMB" and well, you can say that started with that show.. So, well, that's why I don't like it.

Now, onto quality.. Yes, MLP is a cute show for kids. It teaches lessons, and all that jazz. I find it boring because of that. It doesn't feel different from anything else. Those plots you talked about? Oh, I watched a few of those kind of episodes (The royal wedding one) and well, in my opinion, it didn't hold up to Tamagofchi's Series Finale with the whole planet becoming infected with a horrible egg disease.

So basically: I'm just real moody that the tamagotchi anime will never ever air outside of Japan and never get a good fanbase when garbage like MLP gets all the fans.... ;^;

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