my intro or whatever


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Jan 27, 2022
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hello, i'm dino, my pronouns are he/they, and im some random person with a tamagotchi on, and also a sibling with a gen 2. i'm mainly here to try and learn more with what i can do with my on, since i'm rather new to it, and also help guide my sibling in using a gen 2. i'm no master, but i know the basics. so, yeah, thats me.:babytchi2:
hello! youmsaid you had a tamagotchi on, right? I have one too! if you need help, just ask me! (did you know that you can "speed feed" a tamagotchi on by clicking the middle button rapidly on the food icon?)
Welcome! We're a fairly friendly bunch here, so don't hesitate to ask questions if you can't ferret up the answers! 💖
hello! youmsaid you had a tamagotchi on, right? I have one too! if you need help, just ask me! (did you know that you can "speed feed" a tamagotchi on by clicking the middle button rapidly on the food icon?)
i did, but theres something weird i found in contrast settings, turns out by pressing A and B at the same time shows like your zodiac sign? mine said taurus, and i am a taurus so yeah, dunno why its there tho

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