My house eats things.


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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2006
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My house seriously does eat things.

Not in a literal sense, though it feels like it.

Okay, let me give you an example...

I have something sitting somewhere for like, months, not being used.

I see it almost everyday.

Then, one day, I decide I want to use it, and it's GONE.

I look everywhere, but it's vanished.

And nobody in my family apparently touched it.


It makes me so mad.

It happens all the time.

I can't find my animal crossing game anywhere!

And I saw it just a few days ago.

Nobody touched it, either.

It's not in its case.

I checked every other game case, all around my gamecube, EVERYWHERE.

I looked for over an hour.

But it's gone.


Yeah, I know. o_O

I know that my house doesn't really eat things :p

But my family touches it and its annoying!

I wish they wouldn't touch something thats not theirs and put it somewhere that they'll forget about!

Like somone touches my report card that I was suppose to turn back in signed to my teacher.Then someone touches it and forgets where they put it!? >:/

Don't touch it and put it somewhere if you are going to forget where you put it!> :D

I get so mad at my family, I want to slap some of them sometimes. D:

That happened to me. I had this little coupon thing with a code for a free music download and I knew exactly where I put it. Then when I go to look for it so I can use it, it disappears. Guess when I find it? THE DAY AFTER IT EXPIRES. Ugh.

But I ALWAYS lose things, and they disappear exactly when I need them. :| I hate that!

Seriousy, though, my house does eat things. Everyone in my family thinks so too, because things just vanish.

And sometimes they appear weeks later in the most bizarre place like inside a cup, in the fridge, under the stairs, INSIDE a chair, in a shoe....


Thats what happened to my sun glasses

They were sitting on my dresser for weeks and when i went to get them i was like "WTF there gone o_O"

Me too.

I started up my old V3 and then put it on pause and left it on a chair. I looked for it about 6 hours later, and it was gone. No one touched it...apparrently.

I know like my nintendo is in its case in a drwar with nothing in it and the drwar is locked and i have the key in my pocket and when i go to get it its gone!!!!!!!! Oh and there no spare key and i checked thats its locked

That always happens to me!!! Like everyday! Like once I had my sunglasses in this place and they were there for months in the same place, and as soon as I wanted them again they were gone!!! > :D I looked all over and they weren't there!!! I still haven't found them!

But I ALWAYS lose things, and they disappear exactly when I need them. :| I hate that!
Seriousy, though, my house does eat things. Everyone in my family thinks so too, because things just vanish.

And sometimes they appear weeks later in the most bizarre place like inside a cup, in the fridge, under the stairs, INSIDE a chair, in a shoe....

Sounds like Murphy's law instead of your house eatting things.

I notice when I lose something when I want/need it, I find it quicker when I go looking for something else a while later. I tend to find things I don't intend to find when looking for something else.

Example: I wanted to find my nail file/foot file thingy to clean up the caloused areas on my feet (walking a lot this tends to happen with me). Been looking for it for a while and during the searching process today I find my blue handled pair of scissors I haven't seen in ages on my mom's table in the living room under some crap.

I know!

When I go looking for something I suddenly want to use, I don't know where it is.

We always find it later. o_O

The "Ghost stole it/Is using it" is our theory, too. :3

Cecib :eek:

God, my house is exactly like that.

You need something, you know exactly where it is, its been there practically forever, and then when you go and get it it's just gone.

I hate that.

That happens to me alot.

I have something, like for example, a Pen, I leave it somewhere Where I know exactly where it is, 5 minutes later it disappears. My mom "Says" She doesn't touch any thing. So Its supposedly the "House" stealing Pens and stuff.

Well, I lost my phone (I'm always doing it). Then 2 months later, my gran finds it in her washing pile (!?), that she always moves! You might think that someone took it from under my pillow (it's where I keep it), but I dont live at my grans, and I lost it AT MACDONALDS!!!!!

My house is always eating things. But like Tiger Lily said, look for something else, and you'll find it!

Yeah.........I always lose things like that. This one is funny.

My mother always gets mad when I lose things...And I had this very expensive lip gloss. (I don't know the price, but it's really expensive.) One day, I lost it, and I said to Mom, "Mommy, I lost the pretty lip gloss." My mother said, "Why did you lose it? Don't you know how expensive it is?!" Then she hits me. After 4 months, My mother found the lip gloss in her old purse. Not my purse, Hers. And she said, "Oh, so...I kept it..." And I said, "Hey! You hit me for nothing!" I got really mad!! o_O And my mother was ashamed~

That happens all the time here like my phone I had it on the computer desk infront of me like 2 weeks ago. I go to look for it about 1hr later and ask my mum if she can ring it I find it in my show undermy bed. o_O It is weird. And my iPod I had it on the shelf in my room like 2 days ago now I cant find it > :( .

Don't worry, yoru house just eats things and spits them out.

Mine digests them.

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