My (hopefully) amazing first attempt at a Tamagotchi Log!


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*I apoligize beforehand of my hyperness in this post. BWAGABABGAGAWAGA. But I got a little stamp next to my log that says "Hot" so that's good. Thanks guys!!

Yay! I finally decided to keep my promise ^_^ So Tristen and Neko evolved, and also, remember that time I said I would run my v4 for a generation then switch to my v3 for a gen? Well, I didn't wait for Blue to get married, I don't exactly know why. But the bad thing is that I put the battery in the v3, getting ready to see Kayla greeting me at the screen as usual. But then I had a freak accident and dropped it in a bowl of water (the battery, not the Tama). Since I don't have any extra batteries at the moment, I just put the battery Ina bag of rice, waited a few hours, took it out, put it in the Tamagotchi, and..... It suddenly didn't have the download option -_- So long story short, please welcome Abby to our family!!

v3 (Abby): Not much, since she was born only about eight hours ago, but this time around, I REALLY focoused on playing games, not feeding snacks, like I do to almost every other Tama I own. Plus, I'm suddenly craving for a Mimitchi :)

v4.5 (Chloe): What can I say? She gained like two training bars, but that's about the only exiting thing she did today. RAWR.

Tama-Go (Tristen): Yayyyy I got a character I wanted Jake to be! Shimashimatchi! But I'm on the second generation, so that's weird I got him. And I'm pretty sure I only got two care misses. But he's CUTE!!!

Angelgotch: I got a Kuriten, finally! This is my first Kuriten ever. BTW, she's the best care character you can get on the angel! (Aside from the twin angel secret characters. Which is what I'm going for. Neko asked for praise twice today, and took a stroll. Yayyyy good angel!!

That's about it for today, there's no talking part in this post because only Neko's awake, and everyone (but Abby) already talked earlier :p so good night everyone, and thanks for reading!!!!!

Edit: Ohhhh yeah page 2!!!! :lol: :D :wub: B) :rolleyes: BYYEEE!!!

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Hey guys!! So, everything is going great. Chloe and Abby evolved into teens, which is awesome since.... It just is :p So yeah, those are the main events for today. Sooo let's get to the logging! (As I like to say)

v3 (Abby): Like I already said, she evolved into a teen, but not just any teen... Young Mametchi!! That means I'm being a good parent so far :) Today we had some cereal and fruit juice, then played some games like Bump and Get. And then I Had to pause her, because of school. When I got back, I unpaused her and we played Bump and had some pudding. She's going to sleep with full hearts tonight!

v4.5 (Chloe): She evolved like Abby did, but into an UraYoungMarotchi!! Wow, what a moulthful :lol: So that means she's in the same group as her mother, and I don't know what to go for. I MAY replace Chloe with Blue again though, because I'm getting pretty tired of the v4.5. But anyways, today she was paused the whole day... So that's all for her.

Tama-Go (Tristen): Yay! He acually might get married tomarrow... He's 6 years old, and it's ABOUT TIME. Also, if I dont get a girl next gen, I'm tabbing him up, because I've never had a girl on a Tama-Go. So that's all for Tristen too.

Angelgotch (Neko): Doing good as ever... Who knows how long it takes for an Angel to evolve into a secret character? Because I'm pretty impatient for that character :unsure:

Abby: Hellooo!! Did you know that the human place, New York, consists of over 700 miles of subway track!?

Tristen: Yayyyy. She decided to act nerdy here, too. <_<

Abby: NERDY?? More like smarter then you!

Neko: Hush, be qui-

Tristen: OH IT'S ON-


Abby: Meep...?

Chloe: I. Like. Apple. PIIEEEE.

Abby: Did you know, fresh apples can float because their volume is 25% oxygen?

Me: Um, delightful. Now I'm hungry though...

Chloe: WELL! Lucky for you, my dad (Josh) taught me how to make muffins before he left, so...

-5 mins. later-

Me: Mm. These are wonderful, so sweet... And, SPICY!!! WHAT IS THIS!?!? IT BURNS SO BADY!!!

Chloe: Ohhh. Well, Josh told me about these cute little grapes in the kitchen, and-

--Cencored due to boring scolding by Kero--


--Cencored due to no one talking for too long, due to most of them being asleep--

Byyyyeee everyone!! Have a good night!

*Thanks to CheesyNoodleTama and for name suggestions!

Heeyyyy everyone! So, first, let me answer a question that many have asked: "Are you still alive, Kero!?" The answer to that, is yes. Which is good. Second, there have been MANY changes to the "cast" of this log, so I'll just list them here: Tristen, Neko, Abby, Mimi, and June. Also, I recived my very first v1 in the mail, and I'm also expecting a Keitai (I can never get that name right :rolleyes: ) in the mail, which I'll soon be logging... maybe. Now, knowing me, you would think I would start running the v1 right away, but I only have two regular Tamagotchi batteries (Angels and Tama-Gos use different batteres then regular Tamas), so I can't run it -_- But yeah! I have lots to say, so let's start!

v2 (Mimi): Yeah, I'm running my v2! It was my first ever Tama, so it means a lot. It IS mute though, so I really have to watch Mimi. I don't know if you can already tell, but Mimi's a girl. She was born like 2 hours ago, so not much exept that she evolved into a Hitodetchi :hitodetchi: as her toddeler stage, and yeah.

v3 (Abby): Doing great, but she was paused for like forever, and long story short, she's still 2 years old -_- but that's ok. She will eventually turn into something. I hope.

Tama-Go (Tristen): Yayyyy he got married :lol: the lovely bride was a Memetchi :) They even have a baby girl now! Her name will be June. I don't know if they are leaving tonght or tomarrow. And oh yeah, I named Tristen's bride Lauren.

Angelgotch (Neko): STILL an adult at 11 years. She emties hearts faster then usual which is normal for an older vintage Tama, but other then that she's fine. That's all for her-


Me: Woah gosh Mimi you DO NOT interuppt me in my updates!

Neko: In my update too!! SISTA YOU HAVE GONE TOO FAR-

Mimi: Hey! I'm just hungry!

Me: Well then. *Gives food*

Tristen: :p

Neko: I have a sudden craving for baby back ribs...

Tristen: IN THE NAME OF SEA MONKEYS you are NOT eating my little June!!

Lauren: Rawr!!

Neko: EW why would i want to eat your baby it has your germs all over it! Plus, I meant the EDIBLE kind of ribs.

Tristen: <_< Whatever

Me: Uh... OK well-

Abby: Did you know that Anubis, an Egyptain god, was the God of Embalming and-

Me: So THAT'S where you're getting your facts... all those times I took you to school!

Abby: Yes, that too, but you DO realize that there is a laptop just sitting in your room, its not that hard to get to Google and look stuff up. And I'm a natural.

Me: .... would you be intrested in dong my next science report?

Abby: YES.

-Few days later-

Me: An "A-"? You could do better <_<

Abby: ... you do realize you did it all by yourself, right?

Me: :p Oh yeah...

Welp, that's all for tonight! Bye guys, and thanks for reading!

Abby: But I'm your guy's favorite, right?

Everyone else: No, I am, right?

PM us telling us who of the "cast" you like better and we'll have a special treat for you with the Tama that more people chose! Enter now! :)

Abby: ... But I'm still your favorite.

*Shoutout to sk1itt135 for telling me your opinion on who you like best on my log! She voted Neko, so that's who is in the lead. When you PM me telling me your opinion, you wil get a shoutout and whoever wins the poll will.. well, you just wait and see!

Heyyy everyone. So I put the battery back into Chloe for better selection, and Mimi had a freak accident. A good freak accident at that, because she ended up as an adult today :eek: So here's the main part of the post for today:

v2 (Mimi): Like I said above, my v2 totally FREAKED OUT, and, long story short, please welcome Mimi the Violetchi ( :furawatchi: )! No, I did NOT debug, I just dropped her really hard and she evolved into a Young Mametchi (just like Abby), then evolved straight into a Violetchi. It was weird, but I'm happy! it says she is 3 years old though.. But still! I'm glad with Mimi.

v3 (Abby): Abby's still the same as we left her. But I guess I'll list everythng that we did today. First, we went to the shop, bought some corn and a plant, ate the corn and some icecream, got a toothache for some reason (from just one snack?), played Heading twice and Bump once. So that's basiclly it for Abby.

v4.5 (Chloe): Well, considering I put her battery in about an hour ago, nothing much happened... she thinks its 8:55am and should be waking up in 5 minutes.

Tama-Go (Tristen): Again, nothing much. Just the usual 4 trillion meals of Pork and Beans <_<

Angelgotch (Neko): Hurrryyy uppp and evolllveee alllreeaaddyy... enough said. :rolleyes:

Mimi: Hellloooo!! I am an adult before Abby!!

Abby: :rolleyes:

Neko: AAAUGHHH I'M EVOLVING is this supposed to happen!?

Me: Yesssss!!! My first ever secret character!! Its the angel twins!!

Neko: Goodbye, Kero, you did me good -_-

Me: WHAT!? What kind of trickery is this? Where are you going?

Neko: Home, Kero. I'm 13 Tama years old. And my planet needs me...

Me: Not fair! Why? I was just going to experience having my very first secret character!!! Oh, well, goodbye Neko :(

Everyone: Goodbye! Good luck on Tamagotchi Planet, Neko! We won't forget you! Come visit sometime!

~Neko smiles and floats away solemnly~

Me: *sniffle* Well... I guess we should be glad that it was a "good" ending.

Abby: What about the poll?

Me: Oh! Um... I gotta get back to you on that...

Tristen: I guess the obvious choice for winning is me, of course.

Abby: Hey!! Who ever said that? It's me they like!

Mimi: Yes, but, they like me because I'm the only one of our possy that is acually oh I don't know NICE TO PEOPLE!

Abby: Well, at least WE don't have stuff growing on our heads...

Mimi: Oh, its ON!!!

Me: GIRLS!! Break it up, I have an issue with the poll thing I have to fix. Let's end this now!

Everyone: BYE!!! Don't forget to vote!!

Abby & Mimi: Especially for me!

Abby and Mimi: <_<

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Hi guys. Welcome to today's post! Today was an evolution day for Abby, finally, and I'm very satisfied with what I got! On another note, Tristen left, leaving June in my care. Hopefully she turns into something cute! Everyone else had a relatively quiet day:

v2 (Mimi): Today was pretty quiet for Mimi. I didn't pause anyone today because I stayed home from school with a fever. I'm feeling better now, though :) So today, she had some apple pie (her favorite!) and tea, then played flag twice, bump once, and so on until she was down to 30lbs. Afterwords, we had a scone and a cookie, and played a few more games. Ok, Im gonna stop rambling now <_<

v3 (Abby): So today she evolved into an adult, an adult that I'm very fond of. She evolved into.... *hold on, I have to get something :p *... A Memetchi!! ( :) ) Shes not a Mimitchi, but Memetchi is very fun to have around as well ^_^

v4.5 (Chloe): Ohmygosh. I feel so bad, I totally neglected her today! She got sick twice and I only fad her snacks instead of playing games -_- Bad Kero. Well, at least she's still with us. Oh, and she's evolving tomarrow into an Tsukkomitchi. (Wow, what a moulthful!)

Tama-Go (June): Today was a pretty quiet day for her as well. I took care of her for an hour as I would to any babytchi, and she evolved into a Belltchi. His was my first time getting her, so I'm happy!

Abby: Hellloooo ^_^

June: Wh-where am I? I never agreed to this.

Me: Oh, right. Welcome to our humble little log! Here, I tell these people what you guys do during the day, what you evolve into, and-

Chloe: You can just act crazy during this part here.

June: This is creepy... Why would people want to know what we do?

Mimi: Oh, Nevermind with the questions, you're wasting our time to HAVE FUN!!!

Me: Heyyy... I just realized its all girls here!

Mimi: Ohhh yeahhh...


Me: Ok, sorry to cut things short, but we have to go.... So bye!

Mimi: Oh, whatever. ITS AN ALL NIGHT PARTY-

Me: *Presses post really fast

Edit: Over 500 views!!!!!!!!

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Hi guys! Before we start, I want to apoligize for not posting yesterday (I had a project to finish up). And secondly, I want to tell you guys in advance that I will not be posting on Thursdays.... Unless volleyball practice gets cancelled :p And:

*Shouout to What? for your nice comments and the Shoutout you gave me on your log. Much appreciated! ^_^

Yes. So, Chloe FINALLY evolved into an adult, and June evolved into a teen yesterday, so that means an adult tomarrow morning, but anyways, I got my Tamagotchi Ketai Akei (However you spell it :p ) in the mail, so I'm logging it! Uh, speaking of logging... It's about time I start!

v2 (Mimi): Ok, so I've clarrified that the Matchmaker is coming tomarrow for both her and Abby. So that's good. Let me see... Well, Mimi was paused all day, so I can just tell you everything she did. Literally. So I unpaused her, played heading three times, had a fish, and later took her bath, brushed her teeth, had a pear, and that all leads up to now. She's just bouncing around like normal at the moment. So yep.

Tamagotchi Ketai (Koby): He's soooo adorable! I especially like the red pixels :) So, about his name... Well, the Ketai is all in Japanese, so I just picked out random Japanese characters (letters), but let's just call him Koby for now. He's a boy if I didnt mention that already, and he had an average baby stage (I even got him on the toilet before he pooped on the floor for every single poop he did!), then evolved into a Cheritchi. And now he's asleep, so that wraps it up for our little Koby ;)

v3 (Abby): Shes using a fishing pole right now and she caught a.... can -_- Oh that's ok, she just had her favorite food- a cupcake! She did this cute little happy dance with an adorable pose at the end :D On another note, I forgot to pause her today and when I came home from school, she was sick with empty hearts and three piles of poop -_- Sorry!

v4.5 (Chloe): Yay. An adult at age 5. Does this mean the Matchmaker's coming tomarrow for her as well? I hope not. I don't really want to see her go. Ao anyways, I took her to school today unpaused, and when I saw that she evolved into an adult I paused her again. She evolved into a Tskkomitchi I think it's called. She's pretty cute.

Tama-Go (June): Today was a quiet day, exempt that she evolved into a Shelltchi yesterday, so she'll probably be an adult by next morning. Shelltchi's very cute as well.

Mimi: Can I tell the story now?

Me: ... No.

Mimi: PWEASE!?!? *makes adorable puppy eyes

Me: Oh, fine.

Mimi: YAYYYY!! Ok so on Tuesday Kero was walking with her boyfr- um, let's just say "freind", and she tripped over a rock and fell on him and then everything went BWAGAWGA and I fell out of her sweater pocket and I saw them trying to get up but they couldn't because of the 3 textbooks in their backpacks weighing them down. And then they were laughing and screaming for help but then Kero had a magical idea to get OUT of the backpacks but then her friend came and helped them up :lol:

Abby: * Tries not to laugh

Chloe: Hahaha!

Me: Oh, hush. At least I got to pick Mimi back up without anyone noticing...

Abby: Heeyyy... Koby ruined our girls only group.

Mimi: *Dramatic gasp* Kero, I command you to reset him until he is a girl!!

Me: No! Why would I do that? He's cute, that's all that matters. Besides, boys create most of the hilarious incidents on here.

Everyone: .... *Whisper whisper*

Me: What are you planning!?

Chloe: Uh, NOT the resetting of Koby, that's for sure...

*Everyone glares at Chloe*

Mimi: Oh, Kero. Look at the time! I gotta go to bed. Goodnight guys!

Abby: Um, same for me. Love you Kero!

Chloe: That counts for me as well. Bye everyone!

Me: Fine, goodnight. Bye readers! Hope you enjoyed this post!

Everyone: BYYEEE!!!!

Hey guys! So. Sorry I couldn't post yesterday, but the good news is that Koby and June evolved, and Mimi and Abby had babies! Which is the good news. And Chloe got her Job Mail. There's a lot to talk about, so let's start!

v2 (Mimi): Like I said, she got married, and had a baby. Acually, she and Abby got married at the exact same time :D Mimi got married to a Tarakotchi :tarakotchi: and had a baby girl! I used the trick of pressing "A" when the Matchmaker's book was open, and it worked. I don't know if I'm running her next gen though. But yeah. That's all for her. I'm really going to miss her when she leaves -_-

v3 (Abby): She got married too, of course. And again, Mimi got married in synch with her, but Abby had a baby boy. We got married to a Kuchipatchi :wub: That's a really cute pair! I'm definatly running her next generation, I think the v3 may be one of my favorite versions now.

v4.5 (Chloe): She got a job as a teacher. I kind of wanted her to be a nurse or work at the bank, but at least she acually GOT a job. And guess what? Right when we went there, they gave her the sallery ALREADY! She didn't even have to work, that lucky duck. That's all for her as well.

Tamagotchi Ketai (Koby): Teenager at last! He evolved into a Ringotchi. And he got MONEY for evolving. I wish random strangers gave us money on our birthdays -_-

Tama-Go (June): I really, REALLY like what she evolved onto: A Makiko! This is my first time getting her, and she's adorable. And I just noticed she hasn't talked in a post all of her life so far... And I promised to let her talk. But I have to warn you, she's quite the talker ._.

June: HI!! I bet you guys don't know me. But trust me, I'm awesome! I like to talk, help puppies, criticize Abby's curls, and eat chocolate!!

Abby: <_< My curls are still better!


Abby: Yes. They are.

Mimi: Gosh, people. Who would argue about curls when you can have flowers in your hair!?

June: OHHH IT'S ON!!

Me: Um, girls, there really is no need to-

*Cat fight breaks out*

Me: -fight.

Koby: ... Are they always like this?

Me: They weren't before June showed up.

June: HEY, PEOPLE WHO READ THIS!!! PM us. Who's curls are better? Mine or Abby's?

Mimi: OR my flowers.

Me: No, you are not getting people to PM you without my premission.

Abby: We know your password for TamaTalk, Kero.

Me: What!? How?

Abby: Well, I ordered something online for me... And I stumbled across TamaTalk, and I viewed your password.

Me: You ordered something online!? What did you order?

Abby: .... A Snuggie.

June: WHO CARES!?!? PM us!

Me: No! Noodle just did something like this and I don't want any copyright issues. So no.


Me: Uh, we're gonna go. Bye! And check out CheesyNoodleTama's log please!

June: Bye <_<

Mimi: Bye! Flowers are awesome!

Chloe: Sure, include June in this post and ignore me :rolleyes:

Me: Oh! Sorry! Just say bye.

Everyone: Byyeeee!!!!

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Hey guys! Before I start, there have been some "minor changes to the cast" of this log, and I really don't feel like explaining why, so... Basiclly, here you go: Cody the Hinatchi (v3), Drip the Harutchi (v4), and Amber the Ichigotchi (Music Star). I hope you're satisfied. :lol:

v3 (Cody): Today was a somewhat quiet day so far, besides calling for disipline you naughty little penguin. Right now, we're playing Bump, and.... he lost on the second round, gaining 80 points. But anyways, he may be evolving tomarrow because he's 3 years old now, and I really hope its Hidatchi. If not, something cute :D

v4 (Drip): ... Ok, I can read your mind and you're wondering what ever happened to Kyoto. Well, I gave her to my freind for a day, (she wanted to get Tamagotchis and I let her raise Kyoto for a day) and she fed snacks instead of meals (she thought hunger went up from that as well), and didn't know how to pause her (I showed her how to do everything, by the way). I think you know how this story ends. If not, go up to someone in your school and say, "how does Kero's story about Kyoto end?" and who knows? Maybe you'll find a REAL LIVE TamaTalk member! But yeah. This time around, I was going for a Togetchi, but I got Harutchi, the Mame family toddler, so Mametchi it is!! Maybe. Oh, and Drip's a boy, by the way. So that's all for him.

Music Star (Amber): If I didn't mention it already, Amber evolved into an Ichigotchi! Annnd I just realized I never told you what instrument she has Well, she has a kerioke how do you spell that? machine, an I'll give the rest of the info below:

Name: Amber

Age: 2 years

Weight: 29 pounds

Hunger: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Stress: 13

Tone: 194

Rythm: 164

Original: 203

Genre: Latin music

Band name: TamaBeat (creative, I know )

Band members: Amber the Ichigotchi, Dino the Hinotamatchi, and Thu the Ringotchi.

Instrument(s): Karioke (Amber and Dino), and violin (Thu)

Well that was a long update. Now everyone's yelling at me because I "took too long at typing" and they haven't talked yet, so... apperently like 8 minutes is a long time

Cody: HEY!! I'm only being impatient because I didn't get to talk yesterday.

Drip: Me too! What, do you think I was BORN YESTERDAY? Appenently so, because I was being ignored.

Amber: Me too!!!

Me: Guys! Cody, I'm sorry, but you were asleep. And Drip, you weren't born yesterday... you were born today. Amber, I think you talked a little TOO MUCH on the last post.

Everyone: <_<

Cody: IM A BRONY!!!

Me: What's a brony?

Cody: A man who likes My Little Pony. (Bro+Pony=Brony)

Me: Ohhh, that show that you always watch.

Cody: OH HUSH THE MATCHMAKER MIGHT HEAR!!! You know she watches you all the time. And then she matches you up with someone like you. What if they match me up with a MLP addict!?

Me: ...I'm scared. Bye peoples, I have to check my room for the Matchmaker now o.o

Edit: Yes, my lovelies, the log is back. It's up and running again! I'm just going to copy and paste all of the posts on my substitute log I had onto here, and continue from there on out :D

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Yay! Everyone evolved!! (=^.^=)

As you might be able to tell from the "headline" up there, everyone evolved!!! We now have 2 adults and a teenager I'm pretty happy with what everyone evolved into, especially Amber. Speaking of Amber, I'll only be doing stats for her, because there's so much to say about her, and I might forget. So yeah!

v3 (Cody): Cody is now an adult: Dorotchi, the ghost Tama! I was going for Hidatchi, but, you know. Dorotchi's cute as well :) I just fed him a drumstick, and earlier he had some fruit juice, and he bought a drum and played for it awhile. Then I guess he didn't find it that fascinating and sent it over to Drip via connection :3 Here's a closer look at him, look at the character chart for the v3 DISCLAIMER: I do not own this website. Scroll down to the section that says, "Character Chart" and find Dorotchi, if you'd like

v4 (Drip): Drip is the one and only teen on this log at the moment, Young Androtchi!! Or Young Robotchi, if you will :D Visit here to find out more about this cute little robot: https://tamagotchi.wi...Young_Androtchi DISCLAIMER: Again, not my site. I think that's all for Drip for today, hopefully we'll see a Mametchi in our future... *Hint, hint to whoever decides what Tamas evolve into...*

Music star (Amber): Like I said, I'm most exited about her adult form: Mimtchi!! ---> :mimitchi: She's adorable! AND her band members evolved into Mametchi and Chantotchi (I think that's what she's called ) That's the trio of perfect care adults! Here's a growth chart for the Music Star: https://clubpenguinra.../tamagotchi.php. DISCLAIMER: it's not my website ^_^ Here are her stats:

Name: Amber

Character: Mimitchi!

Hunger: 4/4


Stress: 1

Tone: 370

Rythm: 363

Original: 480

Instument(s): Karaoke machine (in use), violin.

Toy(s): Bear (in use), helicopter.

Band name: TamaBeat

Members: Dino the Mametchi (karaoke), Thu the Chantotchi (violin).

Star Ranking: 999th

Tama Fans: 1,920.

Genre: Pop music

As you may have noticed, TamaBeat hasn't passed Pro Debut yet... third time's the charm, I guess. We'll see what happens on the third try.

Amber: Hellllooo my loving fans!!

Me: You're not that famous yet.

Amber: Well, I have to get used to calling them that, don't I?

Me: As long as it makes sence to you.


~Everyone jumps~

Me: What was that!?

Cody: I'm working on scaring people. Because I'm a ghost.

Drip: OH MY CHEERIOS A METEOR HIT RUSSIA!!! How dare you Russia? Getting in the way of my epic quest to push the meteor back!!

Me: ....

Drip: OH OH OH there's another one heading our way!! I'm off!!!!

Me: Wait Its going to fly past us, and by the way, you can't-

Drip: ~Launches into stratosphere~

Me: -Fly.


Me: What's that horrible racket?

Amber: I'm practicing singing for Pro Debut.

Me: Well you don't have to YELL!!

Amber: OOH the Mailman!! Hi Joe the Mailman!! Thanks for the omelet! *slams door in Joe's face*

Cody: What's that in the sky?

Amber: It's a bird!

Cody: Its a plane!

Me: It's SUPERMAN!!! Oh wait... That's just Drip


Me: Ok, I'm ending this now. This is getting too ridiculous.

Everyone that is not Kero: BYYYEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Amber: SO READ OUR LOG NEXT TIME MAYBE!!! (Call me Maybe parody :D )

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*Thanks to CheesyNoodleTama, Kuchitama001, and everyone who rated for the support!! (=^.^=) Also, thank you, readers, for making this log have nearly 90 views by the fourth post!! TamaTalk or non-TamaTalk, you guys all matter!! ~Kero

Log Updates: So, I'm starting this this called, "Log updates". It's kind of like what I used to do, announcing who evolved and whatnot before I acually wrote the post, but here, the difference is...its titled :p Well, three things today: Amber FINALLY passed Pro Debut yesterday, I've started up a v4.5 again, and there will be a special surprise on Monday/Tuesday, so stick around ;)

v3 (Cody): He's still doing great. Today, we played Sprint twice and won "champion" once, had some soda and a sandwich, connected with Drip, went to the shop, ate a pear, went to Japan (Lucky ), and had a drumstick. Right now I'm typing and playing Sprint again at the same time We're on the last round against Kuchipatchi, and... he won!! Champion again :D

v4 (Drip); Is also doing fine. Today we had some pasta (his favorite), played Shapes, played with a ball, used a fishing pole and caught 500 points, had a soda (which I learned was his most hated food shortly thereafter ), won Jumping Rope to get all of his happy hearts up, and connected with Cody. All is going well in Dripland!

v4.5 (Micky): I acually started him up for the Long Lived Oldie's Hatch: https://www.tamatalk....d-oldies-hatch/. Hopefully I can beat the record of 145 Tama years!! But anyways, not too long ago, he evolved into a Tamatchi. He's pretty cute, but I was craving for a Kuchitamatchi for some reason. Now I want a Crackertchi '-' that's all for Micky!

Music Star (Amber): Finally, the judges realized what the term "amazing music" means and how to recognize it But yeah!! TamaBeat is now successful. Amber's practicing her music right now... I won't do the stats today because they haven't changed much from yesterday. Excepting skill points, age, weight, Tama fans, and ranking.

Amber: Helloooo my loving fans!! See Kero I told you I'll get to call them that.

Cody: Helloo people who read this and think that I'm epic!!

Drip: Helllooo people who.... who think I'm awesomer then everyone else. If not, stop reading here.

Amber: Are you TRYING to chase my loving fans off?

Drip: No, its just that why would someone be reading this if they don't like me?

Amber: Whatever you say, Squirt.

Drip: Its DROP!!! ... Wait no DRIP!!!

Me: Are you for reals, Drip?

Drip: I have some chicken in the oven, if you don't mind. It was my mother's chicken. So I'll be going now.

Me: Wait, how DO Tamas keep their food from getting bad from whole generations of lying around?

Cody: *Turns into that creepy owl from the Tootsie Pop commercial* The world may never know.

Me: AAAUUUGGGHHH!!! Micky save me!!!

Micky: ~Awesome toddler power punch~

Cody: What happened?

Me: The punch went through him. He's a ghost, remember? There's only one thing to do...

Amber, Micky, Drip, and Kero: GHOSTBUSTERS!!!! DUN DUN DUN DUN *Epic theme song*

Micky: There's a creepy lady next to me. she just gave me a backpack and started singing to me. KERO HELP MEEEE!!!

Me: That's just the Preschool teacher. Calm down!!

Amber: Ooh! I have a concert!! I have to go!! End the post OR ELSE!!!

Me: Ok, everyone, say bye.

Everyone: BYYYEE!!!


We didn't end the post :p

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Hey guys!! Today I have an AMAZING surprise for you all: PICTURES!! These will be the first photos featured in any of my logs EVER!!! Thank you What? for the help. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to figure out how to separate the pictures, so they're all together in one "slideshow" thingy, but you have to press the arrows to scroll through : Yay!! The first one is of Amber the Mimitchi, the second one is of Drip the Mametchi, the third one is of Cody the Dorotchi (Sorry for the bad quality on that one!), the fourth one is of Micky the Crackertchi, and the last one is all of them together!! Note: This will be a very short update because I'm tired :p

So yeah! You might have noticed from the pictures that Micky and Drip evolved, both into what I wanted them to be! Apparently, Drip evolved a day early, but that's alright. I'll let the crew say a few words for this post though. I hope you likes the pictures!!

Amber: Aren't I BEAUTIFUL!?

Everyone: *crickets

Drip: Yay! I'm a Mametchi!! Now I can STUDY HARD AND LEARN!!!

Me: Is it just me or every Mametchi I've had is CRAY CRAY!?

Amber: No, its true.


Me: Ow! what was that?

Micky: I'm a Crackertchi!!! I have to barf up confetti, DUH.

Cody: <_<

Me: What's wrong?

Cody: I'm mad because my picture is in bad quality AND you were going to post the picture of me wearing a bow!!

Me: ... Well, I didn't so hush. Plus, it was YOUR CHOICE to wear the bow.

Cody: I'm going to bed.

Me: Goodnight.


Me: Ok, ok.

Amber: I'm tired too. Can we go now?

Me: Yep. Say bye, everyone.

Everyone: BYYYEEE!!!

Micky: RAINBOW!!!

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Hi guys, sorry I haven't posted in.... let's just say, a while :p Well, sorry to say that this won't be an acual log post, just a short update. The real log post will be later in the afternoon when I get my pictures done. Also I have a volleyball game an then I have a song to record for a hip-hop dance class, which they'll use in their live preformance. But anyways, onwards with the update!

Drip is still a happy little Mametchi with a job at the Tama Science Lab! That's my favorite job on the v4/v4.5 aside from the job at the Tama Hosptial, so I'm glad with what he got! He is also 6 years old today, but I don't know if the Matchmaker will come today because I paused him a lot... but even if she dosen't, at least I'll still have the little cutie around :)

There are literally no changes with Amber. She is currently 9 years old and at 1st rank, but she hasn't had her last concert yet. So basiclly, next concert she'll get the award for 1st ranking. Which is nice.

Micky evolved into an Ura Mamatchi, which I'm also glad about. He is 5 years old today, with no job offers yet, but I have a feeling one might happen today!

Of all the Tamas, Cody has gotten the most change. First off, he got married to a Warusotchi, the not-so-cute horrible care pinapple looking thing. It was funny because I've always pictured that character as a male, even though I know the v3 characters weren't assigned genders. But anyways, he had a baby girl and left last night. I named her Aika, meaning "Love song". She is currently a Muzitamatchi, the water droplet looking one.

SO those are all of the short updates for today, there will be pictures of everyone later today. See you guys later! Bye!!


EDIT: Auto correct was being really weird

EDIT 2: Drip just got a visit from the Matchmaker, got married to a Mimitchi, and had a baby girl! Name suggestions please?

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Oh my cheerios. I am SUCH a promise breaker :p But, in my defense, I was SUPER busy! Though I do have something to make up for my absence... pictures! And I'm going to do it right this time. The pictures will be at the end along with the talking part, so stay tuned! I have a lot of pictures this time... I don't think you can control the epicness of them ._. Oh, and before I forget, shoutout to tamagirl1017 for liking a bunch of my posts! I'm glad people like this :D Oh, and huge shoutout to Izzyd07 for following! You rock :)

v3 (Akia): I don't know if I told you guys yet, but Akia is what I named Cody's baby girl. The name means "Love song" in Japanese. She evolved into a Nikatchi today, thanks to me oversleeping. Yeah, I acually woke up after 10am. o.o But other then that is was a pretty quiet day today.

v4 (Drip): He's doing great. He recently got a job as a scientist and got married yestarday to a Mimitchi! I think they're a cute couple He now has a baby girl, who I might name Cream but we'll see. Maybe a name of a flower... I don't know. PM me with any name ideas if you want Drip looks really weird in a hat. You'll see in the pictures ;)

v4.5 (Micky): Doing great as well. He recently evolved into an Ura Mametchi, and he got a job at the TV station yesterday. Does anyone know how to play the TV station minigame? I can't seem to figure it out He is 6 years old today, but I'll be rejecting the Matchmaker because I'm still participating in the oldie's hatch. More on him next post.

Music Star (Amber and Co.): Yep, she got married! And she won first ranking! And had a baby girl! All in the same day She is now married to a Togetchi and has a baby girl I'll name Taylor. Also, I now have the award for Pop Music! (As much as I wish, the award's on the Music Star, not in real life )

Picture Time!!!!

Amber: That is my awesome family listening to me practice!! I'm so talented :')



Drip: those are all pictures of me being as awesome as usual, and- Kero! Why did you put the really weird hat picture on here!?

Me: Um, oops?

Drip: <_<


Amber: OOH OOH OHH!!! I forgot this one! These are my awesome pencil skills!!

Micky: And there I am. I'm Drip except with a more visable tounge and a tail Only epic Tamas get tails.


Akia: And there's me! Kero, let's but Cody in there too.

Me: Mm... that cake looks good. I want some cake. I'm gonna go. Say bye!

Everyone: Bye!

Me: Hope you liked the pictures! More to come


Edit: Typos

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Hey guys. It's been so long since my last log post <_< Sorry to say that this post won't have pictures and that I decided to tab up my v3. I don't know, life is really chaotic these days. So that just leaves Micky, Alice (Drip's daughter), and Taylor (Amber's daughter). So hopefully three is as fun as 4 :lol:

v4 (Alice): So. I'm pretty sure that if you read the heading up there, I decided on Alice for Drip's little girl. This time around, I want a Ponytchi. Alice is currently a Puchitchi (The cutest toddler ever! Along with Mizutamatchi ) So yeah. That's really all for Alice for today, hopefully she'll be a teen by tomarrow.

v4.5 (Micky): The little guy is doing great. At 7 years, he's still single and happy as ever. He still has his job at the TV station, which pays him well. 3 more days till an oldie :)

Music Star (Taylor): Oh my cheerios! Can you believe that Amber left? For some reason I was really attached to her... Until I realized she left her kid with me and took her money But at least Taylor still has 245 skill point on each of the categories. But still. Anyways, here are Taylor's stats:

Name: Taylor

Character: Hitodetchi

Instrument: Violin (in use), kareoke machine

Toy: Bear (in use), helicopter

Genre: Classical

Skill points: 245 (all)

Band: N/A

Kero: ... I feel like I'm forgetting to mention something in your stats, Taylor.

Taylor: *GAAASSSSP* Really!?

Kero: Um, honey, are you doing ok?

Taylor: YUUUUUUUUP. How are you, Kero? I think your doing good. Considering I live with you. HEYYYY LOOK THERE'S ALICE OVER THERE!!!! Say something, you silly goose!

Alice: WELL. I would talk, if you'd just shut your piehole and-

Taylor: PIIIEEE!? I love love love love love love love love love love love love love pie!!! :lol:

Alice: Nevermind. Kero, is it her bedtime yet?

Kero: Sadly, no. -_-

Alice: Then change the time for her.

Taylor: *GAAAAAAASSSP* That would be SO evil!!!

Micky: .... Am I not allowed to talk anymore, or...

Taylor: KERO!!! You wouldn't do that! And Micky, you silly goose, you have to talk to be able to talk.

Micky: Well, I have an exiting announcement for you readers. On Fridays, Tamas that have left us will return. Like Flame the Minotchi, Jake the Mametchi, Kayla the Megatchi, ect. (All from my last log )

Kero: Guys, let's go. Thanks for saying that for me, but I have to go eat dinner and-

Taylor: BYE BYE BYE BYE BYE BYE See you guys next time!! (Whenever that will be :p )

Important edit: Sorry I have to edit every post, it's just that every time I copy and paste something onto here it tables away all of the emoticons, bolded words, ect. away, so I had to go back and dd most of them back in ^_^ See you next post!

-Kero :wub:

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Hi everyone ^_^ Ahh, it feels so good to be posting on this log again. So I started up my v2 about 30 minutes back. So remember Mimi, right? (scroll up if you don't) Well, she already left her baby with me, but I tabbed her up right there, so when I pressed download, I was surprised to see Mimi greeting me at the screen as usual. After much debate, I decided to just let her leave now. So I set the time to 11:59pm, waited a minute, said my goodbyes, snapped a few photos, and watched as Mimi the Violetchi floated up. I wish I could magically fly like that :p

Also, I won't be logging Micky because he'll always be here (hopefully; I joined an oldie hatch with him), and I want to keep the variety of Tamas up, you know? So that's all, except that there will be pictures next post. Whenever that will be, I'm going up to my lodge in PML (Pine Mountain Lake) with my parents and a friend for the weekend. The same friend who killed Kyoto :p

v2 (Debby): First of all, I didn't agree with the name. But my freind wanted Debby really badly. Probably because that's my friend's name :) Debby's a girl (The Tama Debby, not the human... Well, both are, but I mean the Tama. :p )and in her baby stage taking a nap at the moment. She should evolve at 8:58pm. today. I like the idea of a Wooltchi, I haven't seen that Tama since I was about 8 or so. That means I'll have to take not-so-good-care, but-not-too-over-the-top care. See? Oh, she's asking for praise now. Yays! And now she's using a plant... And got a mean one :p I got a picture of it though :D Mo to come on Debby!

v4 (Alice): Ugh. She evolved into a Ringotchi the other day. No Ponytchi after all. Possibly a Mimitchi though. That's still nice. She picked the intelligence teacher, Mr. Turdlepedia, so she could be one. There will possibly be an evolution from her tomarrow, as she's 2 years old today.

Music Star (Taylor): Nothing new. Not even a teenager evoulotion yet! And tomarrow she'll be the age of an adult... What has this Hitodetchi come to? But she's still doing ok overall. I guess.


Kero: <_<

Alice: Not this again...

Kero: Uh, isn't it your bed time?

Taylor: Oh, nonononononononono. NO. I just had coffee, remember???

Kero: Whhhyyyy?

Taylor: I was thirsty....

Kero: Ohhh, well did you know that the coffee was acually a sleeping potion?

Taylor: *GAAAAAAASSSSSSSPPP* Oh, I feel sleepy already... ~falls asleep~

Kero: See, you can tell any Tama anything and they'll believe it.

Alice: Not VERY Tama.

Kero: On an unrelated note, did you know that people can fly, they just choose not to?

Alice: Gasp! REALLY!?

Kero: ;)

Alice: Wait a second... The winking face, the shaking hands-

Kero: My hand are shaking because I'm typing every word you say <_<

Alice: Well stop it then.

Kero: If you say so...

Debby: Um, Kero? I think I'm evolving... Did you just type that? Please, you know I'm shy.

Kero: Yes!! Kinkamotchi, I think? I haven't gotten hit hat one before. And Debby, hardly anyone ever reads this thing. (Trolololo)

Debby: *Yawn* Ok... Kero, could you turn out my lights please?

~Everything goes dark~

Kero: Goodnight. Well, we have 2/3 of our Tamas asleep and one refusing to talk, so I guess we'll just end it here ^_^

Edit: Sorry to say I'm not too sure about my promise icon pictures next post. I have to go though, thanks for reading!


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NOTE: Sorry about some of the things I say in my posts... Autocorrect gets CRAZY ideas sometimes. "Icon pictures" means "Any pictures" :p

* Shoutout to tamagirl1017 for her support on both my other log and this one!! It means a LOT :3

*Shoutout to for following!!! .... I think that was the newest follower, but just in case, thanks to everyone who followed! I'm so happy you enjoy my crazy log :D

So, I have some news. I got a LOT (like, five) of requests to start up my Tama-Go again, so I'll be logging Austin, my Tama-Go, as well. And as for pictures, if I have them today, I'll make a separate post with just pictures. But anyways, here:

v2 (Debby): Someone. Tell me how I got a Young Mimitchi. I tried to take bad care, and I end up with the best care teen? I really don't want ANOTHER Mimitchi, but I guess I'm not the right person to neglect Tamas -_- At this rate, I'll probably get a Debatchi. Wait.... DEBATCHI!! I like that character a lot... Alright, new goal. Debatchi ^_^

v4 (Alice): Alice is one of those Tamas who never get a job for some reason. All of her stats are really high, but no matter what job is offered, she always gets rejected. Or maybe the three old duck things that judge if you got the job or not are mad at her for being awesome like that :p WOAH I just heard someone evolve... It's Austin. I'll tell you everything on his update.

Music Star (Taylor): 4 years and a teenager... That's the age of Alice o.o Oh, she formed a band with a Chamametchi and an Ichigotchi. The Chamametchi's name is Penny, and the Ichigotchi's name is Lisa. My mom knows a woman named Lisa Penny Taylor on Facebook :p She didn't get a third instrument, though. But it's ok. They can all just play violin :) Their genre is Jazz, if I didn't say that already. Oh, and the band name is Smiles :D OH and she's a Ringotchi.

Tama-Go (Austin): Alright, just a second ago he was an Ahirukutchi (What a moulthful!), and now he's at his teenager stage as a Kurokotchi, the chestnut looking one. He's average care, I think. Since Micky passed away ( -_- ) I entered Austin into the oldies hatch, so that's pretty good.

Taylor: FIRST! Firstfirstfist!!!!

Debby: Second!

Alice: Third!

Austin: Uh... 1,2,3,4.... FOURTH!!!

Kero: This isn't a compatition <_<

Taylor: Now it is.

Kero: That is forbidden.

Alice: Kero's TV just said, "WHY IS YOGURT NIGHT SO DIFFICULT!?" It's scary.

Debby: I had yogurt yesterday...

Taylor: KERO!! When are there PICTUUUURRREEEESSS!?

Kero: Well... Maybe later....

Austin: That's what you always say.

Taylor: MARY HAD A LITTLE LAMB WHO'S FLEECE WAS WHITE AS SNOW!!! And then it fell in a mud puddle and then it's fleece was brown like chocolate and Mary thought it was chocolate so Mary ate it and she was acually the Big Bad Wolf in disguise and then she ate grandma and then she ate Kero and then the hunters came but she punched them in the gut and they fell into the Deep Dark Abyss and then Mary wanted pigs so she chased the three little pigs and then she was cooked in soup and then they all lived happily ever after because she turned into a vegetable and she lived in soup but then the soup expired but Mr. Crabs still gave it to his whale daughter, Pearl, because he is cheap and now Pearl is sick and-

Kero: *Presses post really fast*

I. Am. So. Sorry. I haven't been posting. But I DO have an excuse. First of all, I had to fly off to Seattle because of a family emergency, (everyone's fine, thanks for asking ;) ) AND my camera broke. So no pictures for a while, sorry. But I've been changing the "cast" of the log again. Lets see... where did we last leave off? Well, Debby turned into a Wooltchi, just like I wanted... and Alice got married and left, leaving her baby. I think that's all, besides the fact that I've secretly been running a v4.5. Oh, and Austin evolved into his adult stage. So here's the update:

v4 (Dylan): Dylan is Alice's baby boy. She left last night. I'll really miss her -_- She married a Tosakatchi, which I was pretty happy about, because he is from the Meme family. I only like two characters from the Mame family, Mametchi and Mimitchi :newmametchi: :mimitchi: , and those were the two previous generations. So hopefully I'll get a Meme family character. I really want either Shimashimatchi or Togetchi. I think I'll go for Shimashimatchi this time around. Oh! Dylan just evolved into a Mizutamatchi, so chances are I'll get a Meme family character ^_^ So that's all for Dylan.

v4.5 (Cole): So this is the v4.5 I was talking about. Cole is a male Ura Togetchi at 3 years of age... but his batteries are dead :p So that's just WONDERFUL. But yeah. Ura Togetchi is probably one of my favorite adults on the v4.5.

Music Star (Taylor): FINALLY they got Pro Debut! It took FOREVER. Her bandmates evolved into Makiko and Violetchi :furawatchi: They are 49th in Star Rank. They haven't gotten their first concert after Pro Debut yet. Let's see what that brings.

Tama-Go (Austin): I'll only be doing updates on him once per week, because he is in the Oldies hatch. He is 6 years old today and unlocked the Date Place. We went just for fun and Austin was presented with a lovely Memetchi. He casually rejected her and went back home.

Today is a Visiting Day!!! This weekend, our friend Flame the Minotchi will be paying us a visit!!

Flame: Hi everyone! How's life been?

Kero: Good, good! How is Tama Planet with everyone?

Flame: Wonderful! I live with my wife, Violet the Hanatchi. And Jake the Mametchi and his wife live right across the street. He owns an icecream store, and-

Kero: No surprise there. <_<

Taylor: KERO KERO KERO KERO can I PLEASE talk!? WOAH!! Who are you? You're so colorful and you have a HAT!! SWWWEEEEEEETT!!

Flame: I'm Flame, the second Tama to be featured on this log EVER.

Taylor: NO WAY!! You're THE Flame?

Flame: Yup. Wait... are you Taylor the Maidtchi? From the Smiles?

Taylor: The one and only!

Flame: Wow!

Dylan: Aww eww Mailman you're so CRAY CRAY!!!

Austin: I know right? HE gave me a SNAKE once.

Dylan: Noooo I got poop :p IM SCARED OF THE MAILMAN NOW!!!

Kero: We should end this now..

Flame: Well, nice seeing you again! Hope to visit again soon! Woosh woosh *Magiclly flies back to Tamagotchi Planet*


Everyone: Ow!

Taylor: Do you think he heard me?

Everyone: <_< Yes.

Kero: Even from 2,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 miles away -_-

Hi everyone! So yesterday something amazing happened. And something amazing happened today.The first one is that Taylor got married and had a baby, and the second one is that Dylan is now a teenager. And as for the talking part at the end, I've decided to start color-coding what they're saying. So like: Who wants to be the example? Taylor: I DO KERO I DO

Hi guys! Its TAYLOR!!! Wait, Kero, why'd you give me GREEN. Its horrible.

Fine, you can choose a new color if you want after the post.

And also, the normal style I do (Like make sections for the upddates) takes WAY too long, so I'll just have them talk the whole time and only tell you the important stuff. Let's see how this works out, and then you people can PM me telling me what style you like best. Soooo let's start!! (Oh, and I'll be this normal black color when I talk :) )


Okay. Dylan, Taylor, Austin, Cole, pick any color.

OOH OOH OOH I'LL GO FIRST!!! This is so hard... I like this color! (That's Taylor)

Umm... I guess I'll be red like this!! Wait, what? (That's Dylan)

I want the color of rainbows.... like this.

Woah that's so awesome!!

Uh, I don't think that's a good idea. Pick just one color, ok?

Fine.... How about this?

Better. Austin?

I want the color TAYLOR thought was ugly.... THIS ONE!!!

Ok. So, let's tell them what you evolved into..

Yep! Well, I'm a Gourmetchi now! It's AWESOME. Me an Kero even went to TamaTown UK, because the US one is closed down... but I got to visit Drip and Alice! And they gave us money and a fishing pole! We even went to the arcade and played ring toss FOREVER. Now, I have 11,678 points!! :D

Who cares? I got MARRIED and I have a baby. My husband is a Shimashimatchi, and I have a baby boy!

Where are they, by the way?

On a walk. I was scared they would take away my SPOTLIGHT.

Uhh... yeah. (Oh, and by the way, Taylor never got her First Ranking Award, but its ok since I already have the Pop Music award from Amber.)

Kero!!! When shall I have batteries?

Um, soon. I'll go and buy them today. I'm going to the mall with my friend, so...




NO. Just kidding here's some bread and rice.

Yay! Ok bye TamaTalk I have to go eat.

I have to go and sulk about the battery thing.

Oh, I have to go too. My husband's here.

Well Dylan, I guess its just you and me.

Um.. I have to... study or something.

Study? Oh shoot have to study too! Let's end this, we all have to go.


Guys, just to make it easier for everyone, I'll be reminding you who has what color at the beginning of each post. So yeah. Thanks for rating 5 stars! And please PM me which style you like better. Bye!

Hey guys! So I decided to start up my Ketai because Taylor left and I didn't want to go through the whole process of the Music Star again. So meet Zach! (I just picked a name, because the Katai is a Japanese Tamagotchi, by pressing random buttons. But my camera is STILL broken -_- But on the bright side, Dylan evolved and so yeah.

Cole the Ura Togetchi

Dylan the EPIC Shimashimatchi :3

Austin the Tarakotchi

...Zach, what color do you want? *whisper whisper*

Zach the Ringotchi

So that was the "color code" you'll be seeing at the beginning of each post. :)


Oh yeah, so I made Dylan use the pencil item to see how he writes with no arms, and he HAD ARMS. I'll post a picture when my camera gets fixed.

They're called the awesome arms of hiddeness.

Well I'm an APPLE so THERE.

I.... am suddenly craving an apple ._.

........ :eek:

Be right back.


WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!?!?! *franticlly presses random keys*

Edit: I'm back and SOMEBODY accidentally pressed post :rolleyes: But I think I'll go now...

:wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

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Some of you might think I gave up on my log. But no. Acually, I broke my finger and stopped running my Tamagotchis for a while. I also couldn't type with the finger, so I couldn't log. But...

It's finally Spring Break!!!

So I can start logging again :D Hopefully after this post I get 1,000 views. I have 960+ at the moment :lol: So, all of the Tamas I was running when I left off either left or have their battery out. Or dead. Let's see... Cole the UraTogetchi got married to a... Shitektchi I think? (LOL at name :p )and had a baby girl. I tabbed them up after that. Dylan the Simashimatchi got a job as a chef and I took his battery out. Austin became an oldie and lived up to the age of 25, then left me :( . Zach became a Memetchi (Same exact growth pattern as Koby, remember him?) and I tabbed him up. I think that's everyone. I will soon start running Dylan again, but only when I get back home. (I only brought the v3 I'm running because I'm in Europe!) So about that v3 I mentioned. I started him up a few hours ago, and he is a Mizutamatchi named Ziggy. I named him after one of my parakeets in real life :wub: So that's about it, I think.

So, Ziggy. You want to pick a color?

Already did.

Ok, cool. Tell the readers about yourself.

I was born in Europe, so yeah. I'm pretty awesome. AND I LOVE SPY MOVIES!!! And Canadian bacon. Which is just ham.

Uh... interesting.

Dun dun, dun dun, dun dun dun dun DUN dun dun dun.

What are you doing?

Singing my spy song. Kero, can we END THIS!? I want to watch Jonny English ;_;

Um, isn't that a little too intense for a toddler?

Who said I was a toddler? *puts on fake mustache*

*Sigh* As awesome as that mustache is, you arn't even 24 hours years old yet!

you think I was born yesterday?

No, I KNOW you were born today.

Agent Ziggy. I like it.

Yeah.. um.. bye guys... I have to... handle him.



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