I really have wanted to show my guinea pig on here, and after a few moments of editing, I can show you Muffin;
Yea her name is Muffin and yea that's me holding her.
She is about 2 or 3 years old,
She has a sister (whom I own) named Jane,
She is an Abyssinian cross, which makes her very fluffy,
I got her at the SPCA, that's why I don't know her birthday,
She was originally owned by very mean owners, which is why she is very skittish,
She loves carrots,
And when very happy she purrs.
I also call her a qui (kwee) because that's what they call guinea pigs in Peru, it's also the noise they make.
I don't call her cavy though, it just doesn't sound right.
Any questions can be answered.

Yea her name is Muffin and yea that's me holding her.
She is about 2 or 3 years old,
She has a sister (whom I own) named Jane,
She is an Abyssinian cross, which makes her very fluffy,
I got her at the SPCA, that's why I don't know her birthday,
She was originally owned by very mean owners, which is why she is very skittish,
She loves carrots,
And when very happy she purrs.
I also call her a qui (kwee) because that's what they call guinea pigs in Peru, it's also the noise they make.
I don't call her cavy though, it just doesn't sound right.
Any questions can be answered.