Alright everyone is doing fine and I still got rejected by the matchmaker(I hate her) and Bubba has just finished his relaxing bath.
Stats check for Bubba!!!
Skill points:55/43/83
Weight:18 pounds
Current status:School
Next will be Bella! the Sonic's realy enjoy playing with there items such as there mini aquariam! they just love the dolphins,and I can't wait until I get a V5.5!!
Hey guys .I mated James my Mametchi to a Lovezukintchi hoping for a smart family but insead they had 3 kids,here is everyones name!
First child->Sakuramotchi
Second child->Mousetchi
Third child->Tororotchi
Yup,3 awesome kids with 20% bonds .Also some good news,Bubba evolved into a healthy Simasimatchi at his base weight,his skill points are still the same.I am hoping Bella will morph today,c'ya guys! i'm off to play heading with Bella !
Hey! sorry I haven't replied in a while and yes I will announce the plans on Saturday,sorry guys .Anyway,Bell evolved into Bill! I think he is a special character,Bella the Bill lol!
The Sonic's have 40% bonds they should morph tomorrow.My little Bubba is doing good weighing at his base wieght and his skills at 66/44/84.
Morning guys .The Sonic's still haven't morphed yet and I hope to raise there bonding level.Everyone is at there base weight and Bella has turned 5.I just love Bill! he is such a detailed character .
There will be special dinner and breakfast for Bubba because today he can get a job acclimation.
Alright to the plans as you are all probably dying to know .There not so much plans for the log(that might come later!)but plans for the Tamagotchi's,alright one plan is to make like a Tamagotchi house or something in my backyard.No! i'm not obssesed it would just be a cool idea! I could put Tamagotchi's there when special events are happening in there lives like marriage,growth,etc.
Bubba got a [!] in the mail and Mr.Canvas was sad to see him leave.Bubba thought he was an ugly thing that liked to boss people around.*sigh* oh Bubba...
ANYWAY,he became a firefighter because I good rejected for most of the "good" jobs which kinda sucked.The Sonic's are still not teenagers!!! arghhh! c'ya guys! i'm off to get these Tama's I forgot the word was it? no...I got it! a work out .
Sup guys! last night the Sonic's morphed.My Mousetchi morphed into a Korokotchi and my Sakuramotchi morphed into a Shelltchi and my Tororotchi is an Itchigotchi! I will name them now silly me I forgot .
There some good names! oh and I am pausing Bubba until Bella gets married because I don't want to take care of two babies,too much work .
Sorry I didn't post yesterday I just had to do a lot of homework and this person keeps sending me PMs and I have answered there question.Anyway I will post heaps more after this day and lets get to it.I am keeping Bubba paused until Nella's newborn baby Luke! turns 2.He is a Tamatchi and the Sonics should get married soon.
Sup guys! bad news,I forgot to pause the Tama's! luckily they all survived,my bad ^_^ .Anyway,my little Luke evolved into a Pirrirorotchi whatever there called.They are like this little ninja things and I love them! they are one of my fave teens.Also,I married Shady to an Uhyotchi,on the first try I got a Nemutchi...he looked like Bruce!
Like I said,I am pausing Bubba until Luke turns 2.Finaly one of my Tamagotchi's get to play with the action figure! the last one was...Cody! and that was AGES ago! wow people !
Hello guys.I haven't named my kids yet so here we go!
Random lol.Since I have had all the characters in the V5 now I am aiming for character I like.I am aiming for a Hatugatchi and Lovezukintchi now.They are so cool and Luke is still 1 so I can't pause him yet.Don't worry! everyone will be active soon!
Hi,the Sonic's now have 30% bonds and I am going to leave it at that.
Luke called for training before and he now has 4 training bars.
Lets listen to the tamagotchi chat shall we ?
Luke the Piroriroritchi:Yay! I got 4 bars suck on that one guys!
Dawg the Ahirukutchi:Watch your language,bro
Tissue the Tororotchi:Can both of you just like shut up!?
Sharny the Belltchilease do,I am trying to teach Bubba how to try and "unpause" himself....
Bubba the Simasimatchi:*gasps for air* Help me!!!!!!!!
That seems to be going great .As for Bubba,I guess he will be unpaused a bit later on today and I have no idea how to start a Tamagotchi house thingy! I have alot of room outside but I am still deciding where to place it...
Hi .Me and Luke took a little trip to Tamatown and boy did we have fun .Here is what we did...
Well first I got some souvenirs and the first game i played was cleen up.I kept losing but eventualy i came first and got my prize,a medal .
Then,we played some tennis and I was thrashing Memetchi with the cheat where you keep going up and down.I was thrashing it so bad i almost felt sorry for the poor thing .Anyway,I decided to go on a hunt for the golden Tamagotchi!!!! and I did end up finding it because I looked at a forum in here and i had the items and where to find them.I also purchased some blocks for Luke to play with.He dosen't have ALOT of things to play with you know .
What an exciting day for Luke.The tamas have had a big day and as it is steering to an end I guess this will be my last post for today.Oh and guys...I just want to thank you for reading my log and PMing me about how great it is.I mean I only have like 40 something replies and I have over 425 views!
Hello guys.The reason why I haven't been replying is because on my other computer it has a virus and internet stuffed...BUT! I am getting it fixed this week or the next guys and Bubba has a baby boy and I paused The V3 till the baby goes away then I will take care of em all! i gotta fly (public comp) so cya guys I promise when I get the internet to make this log even BETTER