My connect V2 log


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if you have any questions about your tamagotchis lifespan pm me ok!!!!!!!!!!oh yeah your posts are great!!!!!

uhm thanks.anyways......

ernie is three yay i cant wait for tomarrow when he is 4 at 8 am lol

your tamadiary is very good... i like how you talk differently in different me if you have any questions or problems with your tamagotchi.

oh i forgot to add maria my v1 was fixed yesterday now she has a baby named lola! who is mating with my cousins tama Leo and earnie will mate with my sisters tama Foo ! who is a girl.

Anyways Lola is rolling around the screen cute and ernie is currently on his throne

well now that ernie is seven the matchmaker mus com ill hope it a good one like a choHimetchi or something elsr cute or something ive never seen before.

well good jod to earnie he got married and had a baby bod i named buddy but i gave my v1 to my little cousin to keep i feel generouse now lol....WOOT new smilies :wacko: :kuribotchi: :furawatchi: :hitodetchi: :mametchi:

buddy gotmarried had a baby gurl who i named mya and leo died and noah was born mya is a puropetchi :puroperatchi: and noah hasnt changed from his maruchuchiness yet
