My Cousin Had a Baby When She was 15, and everything went fine. Also, a Girl at Highschool Got Pregnant when she was 14, and had a baby a month after she turned 15. everything was okay.
My Advice is- Be there For your friend, support her. And Dont Let a bunch of Stress be caused. its not good for your friend, and its not good for the baby. since your friend is pregnant at a Young -ish age, i suggest that she should get an Amniocentesis (it sounds painful, and my cousin said it is) if she wants to know the gender, and the Physical Conidtion of the baby, But getting an Amio is also harmful to the Fetus's Health, and should only be done unless completley neccesary. (if she doesnt want to get an Amnio, she could get an ultra sound XD)
Also, Dont pressure your friend into having an Abortion, giving it up for foster care, and adoption. Its her baby, its her choice. Alot of teenage mothers have made it through life with there child. (my Cousin had her first baby when she was 15, had another one when she was 18, and now she's 21, having another one in august). If she's Not ready for the Commitment of having a child, then i would suggest having the child placed in fostercare. At least that way, she could visit the child if w/e foster home he/she went to is close (or far, wherever XD). My brother is in a Foster home, and My mom gets to visit him whenever his fosterparents allow it.
Btw, if you dont know what an Amniocentesis is, look it up on Wikipeda
Hope My Advice/info Helped ^_^