My Admin Team Badge design!


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How many stars does my entry get?

  • 1.) 5 stars! It will probably win!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 2.) 4 stars. It might win.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 3.) 3 stars. It could win.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 4.) 2 stars. I don't think it will win.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 5.) 1 star. It won't win.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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I gave it 3/5. Pretty cool.

Sorry to be off topic, but I love your username.

///Matchy :wub:

Who said I didn't work hard on it? And also.. I just want other people's opinians. I don't have the text tool so It's hard to draw every little letter my self. And if I do win.. just take note of this.
A very offended

~*CoConut Cream*~
You shouldn't be offended.

You asked for people opinions remember? ;)

If your going to ask people what they think your going to get a variety of different answers- some will like it, others will not.

By the way, what program are you using? If it's paint it does have a text tool.

All I have a problem with is the lettering- but I'm sure you can either

1) make it bolder. Just go over the lines again so they are a little bolder/brighter.


2) enlarge it. There is some way that you can take it, crop part of it, enlarge it and put it back. So it's the same writings, only bigger.

I liked the first one best and for your effort I give you 5/5. :blink:

5/5! Its so cool! I ♥ the tama. He painted himself/herself gold :blink: .

My text tool on paint stinks too! Mines so tiny (it wont let me change the size either). I do it myself too! Very good job for doing it your self (SO much better then I'll ever do). ^^

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You give imiture advice and your rude to people so that in my opinoin is wrong. Your probily saying that cuz you want yours to win, HA.
Anyway, I think this could win. Enter the second one.
I am not even making one!!

You shouldn't be offended...
You asked for people opinions remember? :eek:

If your going to ask people what they think your going to get a variety of different answers- some will like it, others will not.
OK CoConut Cream.... that bit of good advice just about sums up the problem with topics like this...

I totally believe you have worked hard on this badge, but you have asked ppl what they think and if it might win... :D

Everyone is entitled to an opinion - as long as they express it politely...

However, if you are going to get offended by anyone offering a negative comment about your design why make a topic asking for opinions?

If you only want to hear nice things about your entry, surely it would be easier to post your entry and just ask everyone to say nice things about it to you... :eek:

Or you could keep it secret until after the winner has been announced and then once all the great entries are posted in a gallery you can let your friends know which one was your design :blink:

Good Luck with the entry - which ever design you choose... :huh:

I gave 4/5.

The reason I didn't do 5/5 is because it's a bit small. If you made it a little bigger, it'd be a bit better and easier to see ^^

Also, I liked the first one better. The all gold gave it a more official trophy look. Also the pink made it a bit girly in my opinion.

Overall I think it's a good job. With a bit of enlarging I think it could win, although I haven't seen any other entries.

There very cute, I give it a 4/5 I think it should be a little bigger the gold makes it look so much nicier. The pink is hurting my eyes because my laptop light is reflecting to much brightness.

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