Must get rid of my fears...


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well suprizingly a lot of those fears are comman! i have a lot of the same ones and my dad is afriad of dirty nakins and foods touching... so im not sure if i can help but really think... is somthing REALLY going to pop out in the dark? whatever happens in the dark can happen in the light! and the thing about mirrors.. well u just have to understand that that story was a fable ( trust me, with being kinda girly and all i spend A LOT of time by the mirror! <_< ) U just have to think lodjicly! will u really get hurt in these situactions? :furawatchi:

We have fears for a reason. If we didn't, we would all do crazy things like jumping off cliffs and killing ourselves.

To get over your fears, confront them. Go on a ferris wheel with your friends or family to get rid of your heights fears, invite a friend to sleep over to confront your fear of the dark, etc.


The fears are Interesting.

Everybody has fears, at some point.

Like, if your afraid of having the window open, hum yourself to sleep- that blocks the concentration on the noise and it's something that would help you sleep faster.

Just try out different methods. ;]

I know there is already a similar topic to this but here I want to discuss my fears and my problems! I have alot of fears, and some are so silly people laugh at me....
I am afraid of the dark....I always hear footsteps come into my room when I'm alone in the dark and I don't like what I cant see.

I'm afraid of tornados and severe storms....especially tordnados, because they are scary looking and deadly.

I'm afraid of mirrors....I once read this book about a boy being trapped in a mirror and then coming out dead.

I'm afraid of having my window open at night....I hear strange noises from outside when the window is open.

I'm afraid of my closet...I always have to have the closet door tightly shut no matter what time of day.

I'm afraid of going into the basement alone...its cold and dark down there and scares me.

I'm afraid of going upstairs alone....especially my parents bedroom, cause I get this scary vibe from their room.

I'm afraid of crumbs and stains...if there are crumbs or stains on a table, couch or chair I will refuse to sit down.

I'm afraid of heights....I get dizzy when I'm up high.

I'm afraid of elevators....I always feel as if they are going to stop and not let us out, and I'd rather take the stairs.

I'm afraid of bees...a single bee will send me running away screaming and in tears.

I'm afraid of all bugs...any bug will make me scream.

I'm afraid of small spaces.....I'm claustriphobic.

I'm afraid of dirty napkins....if somebody has accidently used my napkin I will refuse to use it again.

I'm afraid of foods touching....I use a special plate because I cant stand foods touching or getting mixed together.

I'm afraid of using the same forks....I have to use a different fork/spoon for every single different kind of food

:furawatchi: I know, pretty much all of those sound silly. I've tried to get rid of those fears, but I cant!! Any advice?
The ones in bold are the same as me. Confront them, just think to yourself "I'll not get hurt, I'll not get hurt..."

My fears are:

Loosing Chris (my boyfriend)

Puking (haven't puked in almost 5 years)



Hornets (those 4 inch tall hornets)

A rapid animal

The dark


Rollar Coasters (I will overcome that fear by riding the Batman at Six Flags in Texas)



Chris Dying

Being Raped

Being Kidnapped.

I was the same with roller coasters! But now I love them even though I still get nervous and upset before I go on lol.

My boyfriend took me to an amusement park and I went on all the big ones - even though he practically dragged me onto the first one and I had tears in my eyes :D , I was so scared! But after I'd gone on it I wanted to go on them all, and he help my hand so I didn't get as scared.

It's wierd thinking I was so scared of something that lasted 2 minutes. I always thought 'What if I don't like it and I can't get off!' You should try not to think of it until you're in the line :D .

We all have fears like that. heres a couple of mine.

the Dark

Small Spaces


And my worst fear is blood// I don't mind little bits of blood here and the, but a cut heavaly bleeding i can't stand. When my brother cut his leg open on a rock,i litterally passed out in the hospital room.//

Guys, remember this is TamaGirl_Desy topic, she's asking for help.

I am afraid of the dark - You'll eventually mature into the point your mind you imagine all these crazy things. Think of happy things.

I'm afraid of tornados and severe storms - Yeah? So? Not a big deal if you're scared of them.

I'm afraid of mirrors - Hmm.. Lay off the TV shows, and things people tell you or you hear. xD

I'm afraid of having my window open at night - I'm scared because bugs might crawl in, and it's not really safe to do it anyways.

I'm afraid of my closet - Me to, overactive imagination will go away.

I'm afraid of going into the basement alone - Same as the closet.

I'm afraid of going upstairs alone - Hmm.. Any objects or things that make noises or bother you up there?

I'm afraid of crumbs and stains - Ok.. Being a pit picky. But they're just small pieces of food.

I get dizzy when I'm up high. - Scared of heights to.

I'm afraid of elevators - Me to a bit, but have some faith.

I'm afraid of bees - Act calm and cool, if you ignore the bee and stay out of it's way, the bee won't notice you. :) Slowly move to another side of back away.

I'm afraid of all bugs - The only bugs I love is Caterpillars. My friend told me that some bugs are just harmless creatures they crawl around.

I'm afraid of small spaces - Ugh personal space, I hate when people is all up on me, back up! >.<'

I'm afraid of dirty napkins - If I see something gross or something to clean I just go and "Euw", "Euw" tons of times, and get the job done.

I'm afraid of foods touching - Ok.. That's a bit picky. But some foods go good together. When you get older it won't matter, common for people your age. Once my cousins were like "I got cake in my icecream!!" and years later now, they like cake in their ice cream. <_<

I'm afraid of using the same forks - Ok... Just wipe the left over food on a napkin. Evenutally when you grow up, it won't be a problem.

Yeah, yeah.. Pretty much common for kids your age. Most young kids are picky, and so on.

My answer to you is Time, growth, and maturity.

I'm not calling you immature though.

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