~*~Musical Life!~*~


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It`s Teri

Well-known member
Feb 26, 2010
Reaction score

Well, if you read Indi's log, you will know that I have started my V4 and my Music Star up again. My Music Star got a girl and her name is Alexis. Alexis has a guitar as an instrument and a pony as a toy and she likes classical music. Alexis will write in dark turquoise. However she can't talk as she is a baby. When she gets bandmates, they will talk in gold and lime green. I will now post stats in orange red.


Name: Alexis

Age: 0

Weight: 5lb

Hungry: ♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥

Stress: 00

Tone: 0

Rhythm: 0

Original: 0

Genre: Classical Music

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1

Band: N/A


I'd better fix the hearts!

-I feed Alexis one meal and one snack-

Well, now her hearts are all full!


Bye for now!






Yep, that's right, Alexis evolved.


I'm a Hitodetchi! I look like a star, so I'll probably be a star one day!


Yes. Soon you will get to go to preschool.




When Ms Frill comes.


Okay, I'll wait by the door! *runs to the door**is waiting*




Well, bye for now!




:rolleyes: i like ur log its cute plz keep going XD im starten a log of my own too :rolleyes: ANYWAYZ enough bout me i really like ur log its adorable :rolleyes: keep going :rolleyes: :huh: :huh:
Sup my friends! (and others)

Oh, TAMA-KRAZE12, I appreciate that you like my log, and I understand you're new so you may not know that you're not supposed to post in other people's logs. If you like it please PM me. I'll mention it in my log, like this:


Hey, I love your log, it's cool! I'm a big fan of it! Keep it up!

Okay, so now Alexis goes to preschool!


I played jumprope with a Tamatchi and I won! I'm the best in the class!


Yes, you are good...


Uh-huh, uh-huh, I won, I'm awesome!


Well, Indi goes to preschool too and she sings.


We should swap preschool activities. I'm the Music Star! She's a V4.


Yes, Indi is a V4. That's why she doesn't play jumprope at preschool. It's one of her normal games.


Will you make a house for me and Indi?


I made a Tama house ages ago. But I may get rid of it and make a new one, I don't know.


Oh, okay.


Bye everybody!


Hey, the bye line is mine!






Last edited by a moderator:
Okay, I know I just made this log yesterday, but I'm going to close this log. I'm going to make a combined log for both tamas. So this is the last entry in this log.


OMG Really?


Yes, Alexis, really. I will still keep ~~~Adventures of Indi~~~ open but only to make quick updates.


Bye for good (Well, not really, but from this log...)



