Music Star: Marriage question?


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Only your Tamagotchi can be married. Your band members are only your band members. They don't do anything except practice with your Tamagotchi in the studio and peform in concerts with you.

:lol: Who do you get one of your tama's band members to porpose to your tama? :D
If your MusicStar's character has a band member of the opposite gender, s/he may visit at 8:00 PM proposing marriage, if you've turned down the mates offered by the band manager for several days.

Don't worry that you'll be stuck with an oldie if you don't accept a mate right away; a few days after your MusicStar character becomes an oldie, the band manager will resume bringing prospective mates.

I'm not sure I've heard that a band member CAN propose to you, but it's a posibility. What I DO know is that the band manager can find a match for you and that if you turn down his first match, he will come back with more matches. Hope I helped[=

:furawatchi: :furawatchi: :furawatchi:

Usually what I would do is since I have 2 tamas, have a boy and girl, when they have childeren wait for the matchmaker for them because they will grow at exactly the same time. I had a makiko in my band but she didn't come propose to my mametchi. He just married my mimitchi. :)

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