sorry about you oversleeping BurntSnow, but maybe we can just pause our tamagotchis so they will be in tune with yours. I really just came to on to update my two music stars and v5. Well, reply when you've made up your mind. Here is Zheze-
instrument & toy- same
hungry-***_ (poop)
original- 64
( i really need to work on those!! )
genre- hip-hop.
Poor little Zheze turned into a tamatchi!!

I feel really bad.
Here is Jamen;
instrument & toy- same
hungry-***_ (poop)
rhythm- 263
original- 341
genre- r&b
Jamen turned into kurobotchi! yay! Good care!!!
Here are the Kawaii family, Sugar, Skittles, and Candy
Sugar- sakaramotchi
Skittles- ahirukutchi
Candy- tororotchi
(ill fix it!!)
bonding- 0% (dang it)
Ok, they all want to talk now
Sugar- YAY!! Hi everybody! Im a sakarumatchi or something like that! Arent i cute?
Me-I think she is going to be makiko
Sugar- yay! makiko!!
Skittles-*whispers* your not that pretty...
Sugar- what?
Skittles- oh, uh,i mean your pretty.
Sugar- i know what you said! take it back!!!
Zheze- would you all shut up!!! im trying to practice my dancing!!!
Sugar & Skittles- .___.
Candy- WAHH!!!
Jamen- *snore*
Me- *sigh* they're still trying to get along. the Kawaiis need more bonding, and Zheze and Jamen are going to need to get more bonding if they're going to get married.
Zheze- WHAT?!?!
me- KEEP ON PRACTICING!!!! sheesh
Skittles & Sugar- *snicker*
anyway, thats about it. sorry for the long post!!
everybody- BYE!!