Music Star Generations ~^^~


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Her friends evolved into a cute Chantochi and a Makiko!



Soon after that it was time to face the judges!!


And guess what? She passed!!! :D



I was really proud of her! Plus the girls look amazing together! ~^ ^~

Now my sweet Klaritchi is still practicing as I prepare to start dinner hihi who knows what else she might do!!

I'm enjoying my tamas company so much, plus all my friends seem to like it! When they see it, they're like "Wow a tamagotchi!? OMG they still exist?"

Which makes me very happy :D

Hi everyone!

Klarichi has been doing great! She even got an award for Pop Music ~^^~

I've been taking her everywhere with me, some people ask "whats that beeping sound?" and I reply very naturally "Oh its just my thing" :p

I went jogging yesterday and took her as well hihi it was so much fun, her attention beep was always at the most unexpected moments and it help me a lot! :D

I really love this character! Her favorite food (Mimitchi) when I first got her was omelet and her favorite snack was ice cream. Now her favorite food changed into sushi ~^^~

I bought her a lot of make up, and thank goodness I bought a lot because she was very shy to show her face, but when she did, are the results!


She looked so funny!

She also wanted to try out some wigs, so I thought, why not? Here is how she looked in it!



She looks cute! Very lady like!

At the end of the day, she got some proposals, the first one was from a Togetchi, but Klarichi just wasn't ready yet. The second proposal that day was from Kuromametchi, Klarichi refused because she was too creeped out by the fact that he looked to much like her dad lolol

After all those proposals, Klarichi decided it was time for some reading, she is a very smart and determined tama, she's a little bit needy and seems to be always hungry lolol


She also grew up so fast! She was a full adult at 2 years old...they grow so fast. Its fun to keep refreshing the family tree, which makes me wish there was a family tree function. I also wish they could change outfits and have more accessories. But more importantly, I wish the visits stopped being from the shop owner and started being from the parents, both of them ;p

But for that to happen the tama couldn't be so tiny!! :D

Hope you enjoyed this log hihi I will be posting more relevant updates soon!! ~^^~ (Klarichi is still sleeping!)

Klarichi woke up with the urge to visit Tamatown, I couldn't say no. So we went browsing some cute outfits for her!

She looks absolutely adorable in her cheerleader outfit!


She loved this soccer outfit!


She ended up picking this disguise outfit hihi


After a while, Klarichi was spending some quality time in front of her mirror, looking all pretty, when a knock came at the door!

It was her band manager with the most handsome Gozarutchi! She immediately fell head over hills and decided tight there and then that she would like to start a family!


After the honeymoon, a pretty egg appeared on the screen, a soon after that a tiny baby girl was born!


Then the family went and spent the day doing various activities!



They got a visit from Mister Easter Bunny!


I absolutely adore this picture of them together!


They went to the park and played for a while, her daughter looked so happy and had a lot of fun!!!



After doing some scrapbooking of all their precious memories, they decided to show me some of their pictures!



Since it was already night time, they all took their bath and had some dinner and dessert and off to bed they went. They look so peaceful sleeping in their beds!


A day after that, I awoke with the most adorable little thing, and she wasn't even crying! I named her Kimichi!

After feeding her and raising her stats a little, she decided she wanted to practice with her microphone, finally a singer!

After practicing for a while, it was time for Kimichis nap, and guess what? After that she evolved into the most adorable Tamatchi. I never had her, so I felt really lucky!


I'm sorry to say that I've been really busy so I couldn't give a lot of attention but she still looked happy and content, she got a few mail and money from her mommy, which came in handy!

Then, it was already night time and time for her to take her precious bath!



After that, she wanted to play a little with her dress, she adores playing dress up and practice! Which I obliged to happily! After a few snacks and games she was all ready to go to bed!


The morning came, Kimichi was eager to eat her cereal and practice her singing.

Soon after that, I noticed my tiny Kimichi had evolved! She turned into an adorable Ichigotchi!



She looks absolutely adorable, I was so happy I got a different character! :D


She spent her days, playing in school, playing with her dress and also practicing a lot. She ate a lot of Deluxe pudding, and sushi, they're not her favorite food but she enjoyed them still!

In the afternoon, Kimichi got a visit from Mister Easter Bunny! She is kind of her friend now, I think they spend a lot of time playing together!


Late in the evening, my sweet Kimichi had her bath and decided she wanted to play a little music games and practice some more singing with her microphone, I imagine she has quite a beautiful voice!

After eating a late meal and a piece of chocolate, Kimichi went happily to bed, where she had most wonderful dreams of becoming a music star!

The following morning, Kimichi awoke and spent the day practicing with her microphone.

She also wanted to spend some time practicing with her band mates, they were two boys, a Hinotamatchi and a Nonopotchi ,hey practiced all morning and sweet Kimichi only missed one turn! She was sooo happy!

Then it was time for another visit, another gift from her mother, she squirmed in delight!

I wish they were able to visit their parents in this edition, I kinda miss my previous tamas.

At lunch time, she had a steak and cherries for dessert. Then it was off to practice some more.

I looked away for a second and just like that, my sweet Kimichi had evolved into a wonderful Chantotchi!

I was mesmerized! She is soooo beautiful!



She decided she wanted to practice some more before meeting her friends, so she sang a little in the afternoon and had a cherry, after that she played some musical games to heighten her stats!

Soon enough, the door icon started blinking and I knew it was time for my sweet Kimichi to face the music!

Arriving at her destination, she noticed that her friends were still tiny and adorable!


Realizing that she had grown, they both grew into Shimashimatchi and Androtchi!


Then, it was time for them to give their best and face the judges! My sweet Kimichi sang her heart out, and guess what?


They made it! They were so happy to meet their manager! He announced they were getting Pro Debut! LET THE CONCERTS BEGIN!!


My sweet Kimichi is now practicing hard to become a famous R&B singer, her band is called Amore. She is absolutely adorable! I love this character very much! I hope she can with that award !

Hope you enjoyed! See you soon!!!

Hi there!

I've been having a lot of fun with my familitchi and Music Star!

My precious Kimichi is now friends with a lovely Lovezukintchi, I wish I could name her though! The games they play are a bowling game and also a piano game, but they never go into the tama itself...oh well but they do sure bond!

They play together, but my poor Kimichi gets unhappy, very unhappy when she loses, so I have to play with her a lot afterwards!

Yesterday Kimichi got 2 awards! A Jazz award and a R&B now! She is doing amazingly well!

She got a proposal from Kuchipatchi, but decided it just wasn't time for her to settle down yet! I'm planning on getting Kimichi and her best friend married tomorrow ~^^~ That would be so cute!

In the afternoon, Kimichi wanted to play dress up, so I let her visit Tamatown and try some cute clothes on! She looked absolutely adorable!

Here she is in a pretty blue dress with a pink bow:


Here she is wearing a Hulla girl outfit! She looks so adorable! I wish there was a beach option!


And finally here she is with a very cute outfit :D I'm not sure if its a uniform hihi


Other news!

Here are some pictures of my familitchi, I thought I'd share with you, I don't know if I should start a log with them, but either way I will try to keep you updated on their status with the Other news post lol

Here they are as babies


I bought a used tama, its a little worn out but it works perfectly :3

Heres another picture of them a little bit bigger ~^^~


After that they grew again...I accidentally chose the option Marry and then Give, to try to marry Kuromametchi to Kimichi but their level just wasn't big enough, so he disappeared. Then I tried it again and my other son I'm left with Lovezukintchi...oh well! Next time I'll just marry them through the match maker or make sure they're bonding level is very high before sending them off into the great unknown (lol)

Thats all for now hihi

See you soon!! ~^^~

Hi everyone! Sorry for not being here lately but I've been really busy :p

I had to pause my tamas, except my v1 because it won't pause for some reason lol

I had Kutchipatchi first and then he and another female Kutchipatchi had a baby girl ^^ I named her Bibi, she is now 4 years old and looks really pretty hihi


I also have a Tamago that is trying to be friends with my V6 lol I have Mametchi which matches the figure on top of the tama :p It married a Violetchi and now have a cute baby ^^


I also have a V5 and I'm trying to have a Kutchipatchi family so fingers crossed, its actually my second generation, I had to pause it because of the lack of time. But now that I have some time I decided to unpause it!

Their bond is at 70 per cent so they make this cute animation when I press C :3


And finally!!

On the V6 I have Klarinchi, she is a Memetchi and is absolutely adorable hihi


So cute!!


Hope you guys liked it, I hope I can post more updates, so far on the V6 its my 5th generation, I hope I can have more than 10, that would be awesome! Or at least until I get all characters :D

See you soon!!!

Karinchi wanted to go to Tamatown and try new outfits and I could resist!

She looks adorable in them!!! :D


Here she is posing as a singer


She kinda looks like a waitress in this one


And finally the winner! Absolutely love this one!!


Hello Everyone!!!

Sorry for being away for so long!! I've been really busy with work, but I took lots of pictures of my sweet tamas for you guys to follow :D

I am currently running my V. 4.5, I love it so much! Plus my sissy has got one too!! This Summer/Fall vacation we finally ended up with a boy and a girl tamas, so we could finally see what happens when they have babies together!! It was so cool! Playing games together, but you gotta be careful cause if you lose, you lose money. We visited each other and gave gifts, it was so nice!!

When they were grown ups I didnt know how they would mate, but apparently you just visit and then fireworks and the babies are born! They had twin boys! :D

It was so cool! My boy ended up looking like the father and my sis was an ura mametchi so I'm guessing it took after his mother cause she was the one with the hearts and "pincers"?

Since my b'day is coming up, hubs has started to question me about my preferences, the new Tamagotchi P looks amazing, I adore the design, the hearts and jewels are so cute! Plus the features!! OMG! You can send mail to each other and connect up to 4 tamas and move in together, and if you connect with a friend their image will be recorded and they will visit you randomly, also, you can record your actions through a picture journal...sounds soooo much fun!!!!

But.... THE ID L IS IN ENGLISH!!!!!! :D I was soooo happy when I found out that they finally made a version in English, which kinda makes sense since the tamaGo was released to compensate the Tamagotchi plus or something....but it kinda makes me sad that they don't consider making things in english anymore...but you know?

I started thinking that maybe, the tamagotchi id l in english is maybe a marketing test, to see if the other countries would buy and see if its worth investing in making it english...I wish this theory was true... :p

So I am planning on adding to my wishlist an id l in english...It sucks not knowing what they say...even with the internet guides...

Since my collection has all my tamas in English, i thought why not?

So now I'm looking forward to make some awesome blog posts and creating amazing stories for you guys!!

OH, I almost forgot, I made this "AMAZING" according to my sister, Ura Violetchi amigurumi but she was the one that wanted to share the pic with you guys lol so I'm guessing we might start a new Topic with our 4.5 tamas lolol :D Maybe I'll start making other ura characters, I think they are sooo cute!!!

Anyways sorry for the picture-less post but I will soon be uploading a lot !!!

Much love,


Hi everyone, just thought I'd share my version of Ura Violetchi that I made for my sister :3 Making Amigurumi is a hobby of mine lol she loved it what do you guys think?


After stopping the V6 for a while I decided to try out the V5.5, the characters are so adorable. But I still seem to love the 4.5 best because of the job feature and the characters are so unique hihi love ura memetchi ^^

So here are some pictures of my characters hihi my sister absolutely adores this character!!


These were my first babies!!!


I have more pics to upload but lets move on to my next tama log hihi

I played a lot with my v5, and managed to get a family that I aspired to have hihi I'll show you!!


I absolutely love thischaracter!!



Isn't she adorable?


I no longer have it running though, lack of time and also an extreme obsession with my v4.5 :p

I was super happy when my baby evolved into this character!!


Ura Violetchi in her teen form, she just looks amazingly adorable!!! My sister got her as an adult...sadly I'll show you what I got, but here are some more cute pictures of her!! :D


Such a tiny cutie!! Her weight was almost nonexistent!!


Being Adorable!!


Brushing her teeth!!


Having a twin lolol (not amused...) lol


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Having a blast on her ball lolol (not!!)


I was super happy to see her in color at the website!!


Next is a pixelated drawing I made of her for my sister!!


Alas, she evolved at last.......into this character.... :(


I was pretty disapointed...sigh



Trying to look pretty lol


After that I got this cute character!! Such a Diva though!! Plus she always wanted to eat tons of food!!!!


Sadly she evolved into Miss Nag, I got 3 generations of Shitekitchi!!! 3!!!!!! :D But then I started getting more cute characters lolol

Hi everyone!! :D

I decided to share with you my sisters tama, she was so exited when she got it!!


This was one of her first characters


The she had this cute character, my sister was so proud of his hairdressing skills!!


And now we shall continue with a glimpse into my v5.5 tama life ^^ I have at least two fav characters and was lucky enough to have them, plus the familitchi website games are so fun and cute!!

First off we'll start with my beautifull Antoinetchi!


I was so happy when I got her!!


Her gorgeous smile!


Queen Bee marry Kuromametchi were the parents! Such a lovely couple!


They were very affectionate with each other!!



Here Antoinetchi is having tea with her mother, just like a proper lady!


Tea time! (Sorry for the quality of the image)


I guess you can call it love...


After marrying the couple evolved into these very regal characters :D


And that concludes my v5.5 glimpse ^^

Onward to my v4.5 frenzy! :D So far i'm going into my 10th generation, here is a look into my previous generations.


This character was somewhat cute lol she had one arm bigger than the other and looked kinda male...



She had a baby boy who later had a girl, that evolved into this ^^


Its her teen version though :D but she looked soooo adorable!!!


She looks so happy!



Another picture of her!!



Wearing a cute bow!


Hanging out with the Genie payed off!!


Under my parasol sol sol eh eh eh lolol


Doing Gangnam Style lolol


I'll be back!!


Cute wink!


Playing the guitar!!


Hates homework!

