Hello Everyone!!!
Sorry for being away for so long!! I've been really busy with work, but I took lots of pictures of my sweet tamas for you guys to follow
I am currently running my V. 4.5, I love it so much! Plus my sissy has got one too!! This Summer/Fall vacation we finally ended up with a boy and a girl tamas, so we could finally see what happens when they have babies together!! It was so cool! Playing games together, but you gotta be careful cause if you lose, you lose money. We visited each other and gave gifts, it was so nice!!
When they were grown ups I didnt know how they would mate, but apparently you just visit and then fireworks and the babies are born! They had twin boys!
It was so cool! My boy ended up looking like the father and my sis was an ura mametchi so I'm guessing it took after his mother cause she was the one with the hearts and "pincers"?
Since my b'day is coming up, hubs has started to question me about my preferences, the new Tamagotchi P looks amazing, I adore the design, the hearts and jewels are so cute! Plus the features!! OMG! You can send mail to each other and connect up to 4 tamas and move in together, and if you connect with a friend their image will be recorded and they will visit you randomly, also, you can record your actions through a picture journal...sounds soooo much fun!!!!
But.... THE ID L IS IN ENGLISH!!!!!!
I was soooo happy when I found out that they finally made a version in English, which kinda makes sense since the tamaGo was released to compensate the Tamagotchi plus or something....but it kinda makes me sad that they don't consider making things in english anymore...but you know?
I started thinking that maybe, the tamagotchi id l in english is maybe a marketing test, to see if the other countries would buy and see if its worth investing in making it english...I wish this theory was true...
So I am planning on adding to my wishlist an id l in english...It sucks not knowing what they say...even with the internet guides...
Since my collection has all my tamas in English, i thought why not?
So now I'm looking forward to make some awesome blog posts and creating amazing stories for you guys!!
OH, I almost forgot, I made this "AMAZING" according to my sister, Ura Violetchi amigurumi but she was the one that wanted to share the pic with you guys lol so I'm guessing we might start a new Topic with our 4.5 tamas lolol
Maybe I'll start making other ura characters, I think they are sooo cute!!!
Anyways sorry for the picture-less post but I will soon be uploading a lot !!!
Much love,