Music Star Characters


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Alright I have a first generation Mametchi named Foxboy he's four years old and forty-five pounds right now with a stress level of forty-two so he'll like classical music since he already won the jazz music trophy he was born with a ship and a piano and originally loved jazz. Then we was given a trumpet and mirror by the king...the mirror he hates...the trumpet he hates if he practices it too long. Right now I have him playing with the ship and practicing with the trumpet to keep him liking classical. his stats are all maxed out at 999 (tone, rhythm and original) He started out as a Petitchi (boy) and then evolved into Hinotamachi before becoming Mametchi. I hope some of this info helps you in your endeavor.

These are the adutls I've seen so far: Mametchi, Maskitchi, Kuromametchi, Mimitchi, Violetchi,Chanotchi, Memetchi, Onputchi, Dorotchi, Shimashmatchi, Makiko, and Tarakotchi.

I kept a written family tree and band past, so that's how I know. :(

uuuhh.... hi im new my name is luis and im from puerto rico and iwant to sow you mipet is a mametchi (5years) i love it hers the login pasword for music city user name is cool login pasword is 90e24fa 38858cb thats all nice to met all mi email is add me please :) -_- :(

I don't have a Music Star character,but I can tell you my favourite characters :eek: .

Out of the females,it would have to be Konoitchi and for the males;Gozarutchi.

I currently have Tamatchi (my first day with a Music Star! They rock!)

I have a nonopotchi. He WAS a :D

>.> I want a :mimitchi: or :furawatchi: or a :angry: or even a :angry: or maybe :mametchi: (but theyre creepy thesedays)

[SIZE=21pt]IM EATIN A JAMMY DODJER[/SIZE] :unsure: :wacko: :angry: Hahahhahahahahahhahahahha YUM

^^^ I went mad again

Tarakotchi. Dx

I left him alone during school. I can't stand pausing him~

Cecib :eek:

I have a Sebiretchi ;] its the alligator/fish looking thing o_O ;] and anyone know the times the band/matchmaker comes? Mine 5 years old and im getting very impatient ;[

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can anyone tell me how to get a mimitchi? :( or a memetchi :( ? in a music star im tryin my hardest my original is 339 right now my rythm 50 and tone 64 but theyll all be maxed out by adulthood and SHE is currently a hitodetchi 1G plays a guitar and a panda also likes asian music.

also im new to tama talk. ive been reading a lot of posts but i finally registered. anyway im 13 male and love tamas. plz reply thnx =D :D

I have a Kutchitamatchi.

Kuramametchi,Mimitchi is fairly easy to get,just tread it well and I think you have to raise rythm.

thanks :) if ur wonderin whyi spelled Kuromametchi wrong its cuz i put Uramametchi and Kuromametchi together :furawatchi:

Called my female baby Tsunade after the Naruto person...aimed for a Makiko...



i hate sebiretchi :D :D :( :( :( :(

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