Music Star battery contacts problem


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Well-known member
May 19, 2013
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Today, I decided to re activate my Music Star using the battery from my 5.5. I put the battery in, expecting it to return to life. It didn't. I tried putting the battery in my 4.5. The 4.5 worked. I swapped the new-ish battery from my 4.5 and put it in my Music Star. Nothing. I tried cleaning the contacts with alcohol and waited a while before putting the used battery back in my Music Star. Still nothing. I gave it up as dead and ordered a new Music Star online and then went back and pressed the battery into my Music Star much harder than before. It sprang to life. I can't cancel the order for a new Music Star and given how hard I had to push on the battery, the old one won't last very many battery changes. Is there anything I can do to fix my Music Star? What should I do with the new Music Star?

All of my Music Stars, you have to push the battery in pretty hard and wait a while to start up. Sometimes I have to reinsert the battery before it works. I guess that's just the way Music Stars are.

Is it normal to have to remove and re insert the battery several times? I had to push on the battery so hard, I thought I would break the motherboard. I once gave my ancient orange 4.5 a light push and it started fine afterwards and I've never had to push my even older blue 4.5 for it to recognize that there was a battery. I get that they're not the same model, but pushing that hard on the Music Star to get it to recognize the battery seems more likely to break it in half, not start it up.

Bandai always recommends pressing the reset button when you install a new battery. Then when the Reset / Download menu appears, select Download to restore your previous Tamagotchi character.

I pressed the reset button, but the screen didn't turn on. My Music Star didn't even start up, so I couldn't get to the Reset/Download screen.

You could try bending out the battery contacts, just a little bit, so as to ensure that the battery wil really be in contact with them. Also it will raise the pressure that the inserted battery has on them a little bit.

It has solved battery problems for me numerous times. :)

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