Mudkipchi's V4 Logs


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Well-known member
Jul 12, 2010
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Hi Everybody, This is my new tama log on my V4.unlike my old logs i will be starting my v4 from the begining well here it goes


Me: Okay click Reset and change date and all that :eek: :eek: :eek: so much suspence

ok everything is in and wating....waiting....waiting

5 minutes later waiting waiting wait... OMG it hatched already ;) :mellow: well anyway its a .....boy yay

what should i name him ....... Peter (Watching Family Guy)

well i fed Peter some spaghetti then played jump rope.(I suck at that game even though its the simplest game ever :s)

Peter: Now me..tired too much .... ropes :(

Me:I think You should go to bed now


WAY *[SIZE=8pt]hozay[/SIZE]

me:Ok lets go to TAMATOWN


I'll talk to you all when we get back :lol:

peter:yep byezz

HHIIIIYYYAAAA were back so heres what happened


me:Now lets go get snacks before we go to the movies

Peter:OMG I want that Robot NOW

Me:God your creating a scene

Me:were going to the movies so be quiet


Soo im tired so bye

oh and Peter is a dark blue with stars,rockets moons and all that

OMG Peter has evolved into a mohawk guy hes green with a purple mohawk

and hes asleep

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SSSSOOOOOOOO I woke up at 8:58 am then i waited 2 minutes then peter woke up so here are his stats

Name Peter

Hungry 4/4

Happy 4/4

training 1 bar


intelligence 15

Fashion 14

Social 0




Gen 1


Oh we just got mail and its mrs frill yay

Myyan:Hi so I'm Myyan and im a Tamatchi. You are all probably wondering why I am here wwweeeelllll this morning Mudkipchi started me up. Me and Peter are pretty good friends but there is something that you might want to know well I..... Oh no he is coming well gotta go Byexx :blink: :D

Peter:Hey where did Myyan go?? :huh: oh well well dont ya thing she is pretty cute well i guess she is.Im just a toddler ;) ;) well anyway So no-one hears me talking I will be writing a diary.Well bye


Well that was a very suprising convosation well it wasnt a convosation more of a well talking one after another but not at each other

bye :huh: :nazotchi:

im too tired but one update about my good friend TAMA-KRAZE12

If you all want can you visit his/her log please

Everyone is asleep (11:20 pm) so perfecto time for stats


Hunger 2/4

Happy 1/4

training 3 bars

intelligence 34

fashion 24

social 0

1 yr



gen 1


Name Myyan

hunger 2/4

happy 3/4

training 2 bars

0 yrs



gen 1


well im goin to bed so night ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZz....

Myyan:*whispers* *walks into Peter's room* G'night Peter *kisses gently on cheek* *RUNS OUT ROOM*

In Peter's Dream

Peter:Hi ... Myyan

Myyan: *blushes* Oh.. Hi Peter

Peter:Uh I was wondering of you would like to go to the movies if you wanted to go with me

Myyan Oh My gosh *Blushes*Of course I would go with you

SSSOOOOO just when i thought I had no chance of getting a kutchipatchi Peter grew into a young kutchipatchi Im not certain that i will get him but its a good chance. well i drew a picture of peter but i won't but it up until later

Hi Myyan eveolved into a young mamametchi. Isnt that a boy character????? :huh: :eek: B) ;)

Out in the Garden

Peter:Uh... Myyan

Myyan:Oh hi Peter, You wanted something

Peter:Oh yeah uh would you like to go to the movies tomorow?

Myyan:Oh *Blushes* Yes I would be delighted to

Peter *cough* okay bye

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SORRY!!!! For not posting for a while but I have Big news my music star got married yesterday to a kutchipatchi and had a baby boy the boy is now all bye himself (time changing) he is called Doughnut!!!!! :p :p :) ^_^

AANNNNDDDD On myyan and Peter's date they both evolved!!! sorry for the maths now :) :)

Peter + Flashes of Light = (suspence) Kutchipatchi

Myyan + flashes of Light = (suspence) Memetchi

Myyan + Peter = Boy/Girl

OOOWWwww my brain hurts

Here are Doughnut's Stats


Name : Doughnuts

gender Boy



Hungry 4/4

Happy 4/4

Stress 15

Tone 241

Rhythm 279

Original 226

Asian Music

Character: Petitchi

Gen 5

Money - 6700000p

Instument: Guitar

Toy: Train

Now Peter's Stats


Name Peter

Hungry 4/4

Happy 4/4

Training 8 bars

intelligence 34

Fashion 24

Social 65


92 lb ( :p :p )

gender boy

gen 1

money 970p

And Finnaly Myyan


Name Myyan

Hungry 4/4

Happy 4/4

Training 9 bars



gender girl

gen 1



Myyan:Mudkipchi Please im trying to get my beuty-sleep (misspell)

Peter:Oh myyan you don't need it

Myyan&Peter: *KISSES*


Me:Great you woke him up

Me: Tidy up your rooms while me and Doughnut got to music City

Peter:OH but..

Me:No excuses Get to Work Now


BIG NEWS Doughnut evolved into kuchitamatchi ( like Alicefly ) then into Kikitchi ( also like Alicefly )

Doughnut now has a band and that band is called Mythic.

Peter&Myyan got married and had 2 daughters.

heres some stats

Name Doughnut

gender boy

1 yr


hungry 4/4

happy 3/4

Stress 41

Tone 439

Rhythm 495

Original 426

Rock 'n' Roll

Character Kikitchi

5 gen


Toy train

Instrument Guitar

Doughnut's band





Name: Peter

Hungry 4/4

Happy 4/4

Training 8 bars

intelligence 35

Fashion 24

Social 65

6 yrs


gender boy

gen 1


Character: Kutchipatchi

Child- Daughter ( Rose )

Partner- Wife ( Myyan )



Okay it has been a LONG time sunce I updated but y'all havent missed anything cus theve been un pause ¬_¬ <_< .

Well you have miss a tiny bit. well Peter and myyan just left their kids. and Doughnut evolved into mametchi ( have i said that already ) oh and i might only be able to update about on the weekend every fourtnight but i might update earlyer but only on the weekend.ok i will wake up peter and myyan's babies so I can name them

ok set the time rigghhhttt okkaaayyy and i named my V4 Rose and I named my V3 T-rex.... Lily

well im goin to music city to see my scores on the contest.
