Moving to secondary school


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Well-known member
Jun 27, 2009
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England, Bristol.
So today I left secondary school. It feels terrible. My and my bestest friend were together maybe for the last time ever. We were crying really badly. I couldn't breathe properly. But we promised we will be BFFL no matter what. :( :( :(

How did it feel when you moved to secondary school? :D

[SIZE=9pt]I wanted to blow the joint. [meaning get away from my primary.][/SIZE]


Honestly, it's not that bad. You'll make new friends, and I doubt that you will never see your bestfriend again.

I've stayed friends with nearly all my primary school friendlings - AND I moved. I still meet up with them, chat to them on the phone/MSN, whatever.


It'll be fine :)

Well, I live in a small town where when you move from elementary to junior high, you stay with the same kids because the school is right down the street. xD So it didn't really make a difference for me. I was glad to be out of elementary school - I wanted to be a "big kid" xD

Well, I live in a small town where when you move from elementary to junior high, you stay with the same kids because the school is right down the street. xD So it didn't really make a difference for me. I was glad to be out of elementary school - I wanted to be a "big kid" xD
Exactly the same.

well, for me, It's all the same. (I live in a consolitated school. elementary to junior high) and then we'll all to the same Highschool because it's the only one in the disctict.

poo. No new people until collage. (and that'll be the same, since there's only 1 collage in the province) so I'll be stuck with the same people from Kindergarden to Highschool (and most likely collage)

Next year's my last year of elementary :) I hate it. I hate elementary so much. I don't even learn, but I'd rather not skip. I don't have to worry about friends because most of my friends are oing to the same school as me. I'm gonna be so happy to get out of the sucky school.

For me, contrary to what Nicki and Sango said, it was a big change for me. I went from having 60 kids in sixth grade to having 700 kids in seventh grade.

But overall the transition went well. I had some personal issues going on then that made things... unpleasant. I'd rather not get into it now... but on a strictly "school" basis, I loved my junior high. I loved the independence, the responsibility, the excitement... all of it. :)

We have 2 types of schools here in SA. Primary School which is from Reception - Grade 7, and High School which is from Grade 8 - Grade 12.

I'm currently in Grade 7. So I'm moving to High School next year. To be completely honest, I'm dreading it. I love Primary School to bits. It's where I've made all my friends. Some of my best friends whom I'll never forget. Yet I'm going to the same High School as only one of my friends. I'll also miss the atmosphere. All the little kids there just make my day.. and all the kind teachers and all the gardens and all the playgrounds and everything. I love it. But I'll have to live through the change.

It's gonna be a life changing change for me. Everyone keeps telling me to calm down about High School, but I can't. I swear, on the last day of Primary School, I'm gonna be in hysterics. I love this place too much to let it go, though I'll have to.. I'll never forget a thing that happened here.. ever. Hopefully there won't be too much going on when I'll enter High School, and nothing too dramatic.. or that'll make everything even worse. But I'll be fine :) I'll just have to take a deep breath and step out of this part of life (dramatic xD O: ).

I'm kind of scared about moving up, but I'm moving up with the same kids, ugh, but I'm having a lot of changes this summer to go with moving up to High School. But yeah, it's not the moving up I'm scared, it's about getting lost or missing the bus, or too much homework. Just stuff like that.

I wasn't too upset about moving to secondary school.

But that's because everyone in my class in primary school moved up to the same secondary school.

However, I remember being scared about getting lost. xDD Because my secondary school is huge. Dx But after a week I knew where everything was anyway, & I hardly needed to ask for directions.

I am sorry about you & your best friend, though. :(

But at least you'll still keep in touch. :)

I wasn't too bothered about starting secondary school, the only problems were that it's so crowded and I hardly see my best friend now (she's at my school but not in any of my classes). My primary school was tiny and my high school is massive, so there's a big difference there.

i was scared at 1st, that i would lose some friends and kids would make fun of me..but it's really lots of fun. more activities, more freedom, and no matter who you are, you'll always make friends! and there's always fun drama stuff going on. trust me, you'll love it. if you lose a couple of friends like i kinda did, you'll always have some other ones. just don't get pressured to do the wrong thing. it sucks seeing your friends change due to addiction. :D

I nearly cryed on the way back home.

But I didn't worry,cause I have all my friends phone numbers,and my very best friend and I went to the same secondary school. Also,we celebrated the last day of primary with a limousine taking us to a restrount and then we went to the cinema. I still miss my old school though.

I cried my eyes out when I left Primary. "/ [/embarassment]

I was scared for like the first two days at high school.

I have made so many new friends and high school is so much better than primary.

In my primary you have the same teacher for every subject. =/ Boring.

But now I know so many different people and teachers. The people at my school who I'm good friends with, I have to actually think about if I went primary with them or not, because I feel like I've known them so long.

I know all your family and people here have probably said 'Oh you'll love it" & your like "But I'll miss my friends"

But it's true. It's way better. AND you will miss your friendling, but you'll have better/just as good friends to meet.

I wasn't too sad when I left elementary to middle. I was a little bit excited, actually. It was a lot different, but we had a lot of orientation so I was ready. The weird thing is that it's hard to get to know everybody since there's more people there.


Best of luck to you with going to secondary school.

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