When I was really little, I stuck a key into an outlet and got myself shocked.
Last year in sixth grade, it was a really rainy day. Everybody was coming inside from an assembly [the assembly had been at our new gym, which like, isn't within the middle school]. When you enter the middle school, you have two sets of staircases in front of you. The staircase on the right leads up into the seventh grade, and the staircase on the left leads down into the sixth grade. So we were all rushing to get in to get out of the rain. Well, seeing as most of our grade is composed of ignorant little brats, only about 10% of the sixth grade population had taken the time to wipe their wet shoes on the rug, causing the staircase to be slippery. So I decided to be a showoff, as always, and jump about three steps from the bottom. So as I'm doing this, my foot slips, and I go flying. But instead of landing on my frontside, as most people would have, I landed on my back, and start skidding across the floor. I screamed out bloody murder, and strangely, not one kid was laughing. I was in so much pain, I couldn't even cry. I was screaming, shaking [apparently it looked like I was having a seizure because I was shaking so badly], and I thought I'd broken my tailbone. I had to hold an icepack to my butt for the rest of the day, haha. It was extremely painful, but not so painful as it was scary. I thought I'd hit a major nerve connected to my brain, because when I landed, I felt a sharp sting in the back of my head.
Hum, that was most scary. Now, the most painful. . . well, the most painful I can think of right now.
So, I was at my friend Ciara's birthday party. She has a trampoline. So me, her, and two other girls, Brooke and Kimberly, decide to go jump on the trampoline while everyone else did what they were doing. So we're all taking turns doing really cool tricks, and as luck would have it, I can't do anything but do really cool jumps on a trampoline still to this day. But, being my daring self, I said I would try a backflip. So I'm standing there, waiting for Brooke to get done with her roundoff-double-back-handspring [which reminds me. Prepare yourself for another story after this one xP]. So, she gets done. Kimberly was going to go, which was fine by me since I had never even attempted a backflip. But Ciara objects, saying I hadn't done mine yet. I couldn't argue, now, could I? No. So I say okay. Well, everything's going perfectly. I succeeded at doing this backflip thing, amazingly, but oh, wait. My landing wasn't so graceful. I managed to land. On. My. Neck. Excrutiatingly painful. I thought I'd broken my neck. I couldn't move it for the rest of the week, and the pain continued on for two weeks after I could move it. Listen, people, if you can't do a backflip, don't attempt one without any decent advice from people who know how to do one.
Next story is kind of funny. So, it was recess time. Sixth grade. Everyone is random. We like daring each other to do stupid tricks. Oh, joy, I've just been dared to do a roundoff back handspring. Pfft. Easy. So I try it. I succeed, but in the midst of my back handspring, I slip, and land rather. . . painfully. I landed in the splits, and I'm deathly surprised that my pants didn't rip. Everyone, including me, was laughing their brains out. The majority of my pain was not caused from this freak accident, but moreso from a laughing overdose.
Again, do not attempt anything like that if you don't know how to.
Anyway, if you read every bit of this post, congratulations. *hands out congratulatory cookies to anyone who read at least one entire story of mine -- not counting the first one about me getting shocked xP*