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oooo me read please~!
"yes, i am. he's one of the last i have contact with."
"yes, i am. he's one of the last i have contact with."
There you are X^DAs a younger sister and an older sister, I know how it feels to expect something out of someone and to be expected to do something from someone. I know how it feels to disappoint and, at the same time, I know how it feels to be disappointed. On more then just a bakers dozen occasion, I have saved my little brother (Who bears the name Brendan) from a less then pleasant outcome, as I have been saved before. However, I am an older sister far more often then I am a younger sister- therefore my experiences reflect that. A four year difference separates me and my brother- this can be a sizable gap depending on the person analyzing it- But four years didn’t seem to be such a large difference when we got down to it. We were attached instantly, even if I didn’t get where he came from or understand childbirth, even if the term ‘brother’ only ever applied to one person, for me. Over the years, he has proven time and time again that he loves and cares for me, through his fits and rainy days. I think I know more then many people what it is like to be a protector, a shield, a guardian.
As for our relationship, it has been ten years in the making. As stated beforehand, I had an instant taking to him- He was a lovely baby, despite how late he had come in my mothers life. He was silly, too, and an eating machine- He ate my letter A when I was doing alphabet cutouts in Pre-school. When he could walk and talk, the two of us would play little, messy games together- He would throw little toys all over, I would pick them up and give them back, and he would throw them again, among other things. Later in our life, though, we became bitter rivals, fighting not only for the attention of our family but for every little thing that came into the house. He bit. I punched. He headbutted. For years we fought, until we learned to leave each other alone, to tolerate each other- and then, we became the better friends we are today. Now, I protect him and stand up for him, as well as buy him little trinkets and cart him around with me and my close friend when he’s lonely on a Saturday and our simple pleasures lead us to the mall. I brag on him and encourage him- I would hate to loose a bond like that.
And so is a shot description of a long an intricate relationship- of an older sister and a younger brother.