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Parade smiled. "This guy, or girl.. what ever, is scary."
Alice laughed " Well thanks. Everyone tells me that, I guess my looks don't really match my personality, but it's good for hunting. No one thinks a small thing like me is actually a vampire. " She smiled " So what about you, you seem interesting. Whats your story? "
name:amaterasu(goes by ammy(ah-mee) kami ama etc)There is a war against creatures of the night and humans. So far, the creatures are loosing. The army has recruited your characters to fight in the war.. to make new allies... and friends, and too destroy the enemy... ( you can be:vamps, ghost, neko's, wolves, werewolves... etc... or a human)
Name: Sorrow/ Willard
Age: ??/ ??
Gender: f/m
Looks: https://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d134/Mis...dyBlackHair.jpg / https://photobucket.com/mediadetail/?media=...y&pageOffset=17
Side: creture/ creature
Creature or human: mostly ghost, little vamp./ full vamp.
Powers: ICE, super speed+intellect/ super speed+strengh+intellect
Crush: ............./.........
Other: are cousins