Luneth barked, and Axie looked between them and sat her down. As soon as she did, Luneth wagged his tail and tackled his sister.
He looked down, and his eyes glittered. "Good morning."
Dani shruged. "I dont know. I wouldnt. I cant rmeber most of it. But it hurt." His hair crackled a bit. "It hurt like...I dont know. but like it would bring you down to the very last strand of life and then dangle you."
He started to lick her face, and nuzzled her. I think you scared mom too.
Everett stroked him, and smiled. "feeling okay?" He felt odd talking to a newborn, but he enjoyed it.
His hair crackled again, and he closed his eyes. "I dont know what they did to my sister, but they killed her too. It made me angry. But its over now."
Luneth curled around her to make both of them comfertable, licked her, and let out a snore.
Everett coughed, and blinked. they were undressed? Why? He hoped he hadnt been intruding on anything.
"Thats good, that I wount..hurt you." he siad quietly. ", if you guys ever get in trouble, or found out, you could free me and let me lose on them. Like a bomb."