Moonlight War


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Aviance got up and went over to Alli. She kissed him and put her arms around him. "I love you more than anything...." she whispered into his ear.

Felicity sighed, something was wrong, she didn't feel all that well.

I fell down the stairs yesterday, and now I have a massive bruise on my arm >;

Lol, it doesn't hurt, I like poking it ;'D

Felicity leant against a tree, feeling quite dizzy, she never let go of Layla.

All of a sudden, Felicity passed out.

Well, she hadn't actually passed out.

She had died, maybe she wasn't full vampire afterall.

Sory guys, but I'll be off tt for abit, I'll be back though X'D


Demetri looked horrified.. "Fel-Fel.." He shook, not even able to actually say her name. He picked Layla up, wincing.

Willard shrugged.

layla stared up at Demetri, unsure of what was going on.

Aviance was listening to her music box, the familiar sound soothing her.

wait nevermind, un-grounded.

Felicity stayed motionless on the ground, curled up in a ball.

Cherice grabbed her stomach, she sensed Felicity and immediately ran up to her, from whereever she was.

Afterall, sisters have to look out for each other.

That makes me happy, sort of.

When Monroe returned with fresh human on his lips that he licked away, he went to speak- and realized the girl wasnt there. She looked around for a bit, caught her scent, and took off in the direction said above.

Axie sighed, and looked at Kiara. "When can they eat real food?" She asked.

lol X'D

Cherice started shaking Felicity, frantically. "Come on! Get up!"

Felicity lay on the ground, blood flowing out of her mouth, slowly.

Cherice sighed and hugged Felicity, then she peered up at Demetri. "I'm sorry, but she's gone." Her lips began to tremble and she dug her head into felicity's side, nuzzling her and crying.

As Monroe came up to the scean, he slowed his pace and stopped dead silent. Obviously, the girl...Cherice? Just lost someone important to her.

like a sister, maybe? that what it looked like.

but there was another guy there was well, another vampire. He didn't want to get much closer, and he didn't want to speak.

Cherice looked up at Monroe, tears streaming down from her face, she realised that he was the man from before and ran up to him, collapsing into him - almost like a hug.

All of a sudden Felicity's hand started glowing a vibrant blue, that started travelling up her arm, until eventually her whole body was covered in it.

He held her carefully, kind of surprised she would do something like this when they met so little time ago but glad he could do something to help her, if only a bit. His hug back was full of meaning, and his eyes were full of sympathy.

Sometimes, when in an event like this, its best to be silent. and so he was.

Cherice sighed, resting her forehead on Monroe's shoulder, she felt like.. like she had no family left, which was basically true.

He let his hand stroke her hair gently. He, too, had lost most his family- his sister may be out somewhere but they had lost touch long ago. He didn't say it, he didnt speak it, he just held her close.

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