she patched it up. shes fine, as far as she will tell anyone. It looked bad, but the iris and such are fine.
After a while (And many well placed, deep-tearing scars) and jumped off the girl with much of her shouldermeat in her jaw, and she snapped it up quick.
wow.. that's scary. i'm working on the story 'Yeah, I Killed Jedadiah Huddington'.
The main charcacter is Mitch Bookworth, a 27 year old in love with Erin Rosaline, Jed's fiiance. Erin doesn't love jed, and is just marries him for the money. she kinda likes mitch, and seduces him and convinces him to kill off jedadiah for him. lol.. that's all you shall hear for now
Axie felt the need to lick the blood off her bloodied feet, but resisted. "Willard, I needed a good attack- I haven't fought in so long..." she whined,