Moonlight War


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lol, I love how you use my Amby as a pre character like this.

She smiled. "I never came down, not a lot. It was Akira...the bartender, thin, short, tan skin and a lot of crazy hair styles? He was the lady's man, and the femanin one was Ambrose...Amby, or to his fellow students, Rosy-Posy. I...really loved him, till my last day with him."

Kyouri looked around the trees and dropped the bodies, smiling at Sari. "Hey!"

yeah, i like doing that to people ^_~ confusion is fun

Willard blinked.. "These people, i've seen them. but never talked." He lied.

Sorrow smiled.. "hey.."

Alli smiled gently.

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you like, the only person to do this. I think its good. Amby needs love too...T.T

I might bring him into Snowed In. Just so you can really see how he acts.

She shook her head. "Oh, you would have to talk to Akira. He would make you talk....and he would start, by giving you Toffee." she said. "Oh, and so...Ive seen you there once, I remember now. You were shy there, too, I didnt see you talk to anyone while I was down there, smoking with my brother..Reuven.""

Kyouri ran over to her and picked her up. "How is my girl?" He whispered.

lol that'll be inneresting X^D

Willard nodded.. "the only one i talked to.. was the.. Ambrose.." He said quietly, blushing. He giggled gently.. "maybe it was a little more than talking.."

Sorrow giggled.. "good."

It plan it will be ^^

Axie shook her head, only slightly jealous but with a smile on her face. "My, you didn't persuade him to kiss you, did you?"

He looked in her eyes, and saw the fading worry. "You were not scared for me, were you?" He whispered, calmly.

Eventually, Aviance pulled back. "You're so sweet..." She whispered, grinning.

Axie smiled a bit. "you sound like someone he would be interested in. Hes so sweet...clingy, though, did you notice? I hope he didnt cause you trouble."

He stroked her face. "Oh, My didnt have to.' He whispered.

Aviance said, "Are you okay?" She licked the slight trickle of blood that dripped down his neck from her bite marks.

"you sound like you were together." She was curious.

He sighed and moved hair from her face, and then his brightened. "Hey, remember when I told you I would get you soldiers to do what you want with?"

"Two." Willard said, smiling. "Just for you.." And he ran over, and drug the still-living bodies to her.

"Not for long, I suppose." She said quietly. "when I last saw him...he was dating a jerk male who he coudlnt get away would have been, so much better then the jerk."

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