Moonlight War


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"so warm.." He whispered.

But, it is still a lot of guys. I dont know about you, but...thats bad news for many girls, to be trapped with guys, at my school. Im more or less unaffected, because all my friends are boys at my school.

Theres a kid at my school named Ian, and we really just started talking about a month ago.

Last week of school and hes walking my to my bus ^^ hes like a seven foot thin grungy looking teddy bear.

He kissed her, with blood-sheeted lips. "And look at the beauty that came out of it..." He whispered.

lol...He always wears a jacket, too, like me, he also has ADHD.

Lazaro, I think he just has him as a toy...he swears their close as brothers, but I don't see it that way. Lazaro is my firend, but hes a jerk, and he takes advantage of people.

"could you be more happy?" He asked, curious.

yha, well, he does. Tried it on me once, I got pi**ed.

I really haven't talked to him since Monday, when he said he would bite a girl who hit him and I hit him playfully, and he actually bit me. Jacket took most of the shock, but from his grabbing me, it left a bruise.

He kissed her nose. "I never thought I would be happy, and here I am, more happy now then ever."

he bit you? wtf?

Sorrow stroked him.. "i've never been happier." She reached into her small little duffel bag, and pulled an outfit she never wore before out.

because it is weird, very weird

Sorrow slipped out of her tattered uniform, and then got dressed in the outfit. It was a short denim skirt, and a black tank top. She then put a gray jacket over it, and zipped it up halfway.

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