Moonlight War


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X^D thats somthing, we do. lol, thats pretty funny.

she watched him intently, not expecting a teddy bear like him to hold that much power. she realized, even with her advanced knoledge of guns and her over-the-top reactions, most of the people-creatures here could overpower her in an instant...being a human with strenght was nothing to being a creature with strengths.

and this made her feel small. So very small.

lol, these college kids were laughing there a**es off. i was on a roll, making people laugh. someone.. freaking said i was the next dane cook o_O

it was random

Sora through the twig away, and sighed.

it's because of my randomness, and my sarcasm. i think it's my sense of humor, is why everyone likes me.

Sora smiled, and pulled her gently into his arms. He was soft for her, gentle, in a warm embrace. "thank you."

hahah, and then we were sliding on the ground. i like, flew into this colleg kid. college kids were freaking winking at me and sreya o_O

Sora smiled ad picked her up.. "i love you."

they honk at me when I walk around, but maybe cause im with a bucnch of people like Sammi and Riley and Jade most of the time...the 'scary' people. (sam is a teddy bear)

watch out for the college kids.

Ahe hugged him around the neck. "I love you, As much."

they kept smiling at us, and hanging around our group. it was mainly guys, and they wanted me and sreya to tell jokes.

Sora smiled, "good."

Alli watched them, and sighed.

Cause your girls, probably. Their reckless, and their young, and you are pretty girls (Assuming). They are playing around with you.

She let her arms dangle then, and her little amount of bangs fall in her face.

It was obvious she was a girl, of course- the hair wasnt even buzz or bowl, but dramatic and pixied- and she didn't (like axie) build herself up to look more boyish then the rest.

nah, they're girlfriends were with them. only three didn;t have girlfriends, the others did. they were just cracking up

Sora smild, and stroked her cheek.. "you look pretty."

it was cool, until it was freezing out. my joints froze up. i couldn;t move my knees, i was having arthritis-like pains

Sora smiled.. "okay then.." He kissed her cheek.

Its been taught, and its hard to get rid of.

my mom always yelled at me, because its like I have no remorse for I just say sorry, and it became a habit.

I dont know why, remorse isnt something really built into me.

She shrugged back. "What do you do a lot?"

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