X^D and were the one, whos language is going to be Spanish (which, I do hate seing as this is my state and my country and we were here first...no offense, again)
She had a wry smile. "..honestly? no." She shrugged.
X^D actually, the native americans were here first.. and then the Spaniards came, and then the other Europeans.. i think... lol and don't say sorry! i don't look spanish, i look italian and portugese xD
Willard smiled and nodded.. "i've grown too close, to leave you.."
well, yha. but according to history (which is a tricky subject anyways) we domesticated it...even Florida, which had become like the Tortuga's, a place for pirates and thieves. Plus the Indians, who we never really did tame and they still run those Casinos in Miami.
She leaned into him more, and hugged him tighter. "...I don't think it would be right to say, I love you anymore..what an understatement."
I'm okay with it, I'm not good with specific dates or anything...and what my teacher asks, is incredibly specific and random, stuff I doubt well need ten years from now.
She smiled and raised her shoulders a bit, and reached back for his hair, with she flipped through her fingers gently. "...Your not like the other...you know? your not just another one.."