Moonlight War


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no, but we just havent gone back to get more. covers a new pair every four years.

Yes, because we only see the relflected light that is color..without the light, everything would be black and white.

"...the army, know of what they think are the last creatures here, in the woods." He whispered. "..They located a male and a female around an abandodn building, and they should be easy to find, because they said the female was heavaly pregnant...she might hav had the kid, though. Probably. and then a few male running around, free, two around your, older, with uncomfermed age. And a pair of vampires, hough they have dissapered....lastly, they suspect your very odd family, your brother and his wife and kids, as well." He said it quickly. "..They will end this."

She raised an eyebrow.."..oh?"

o_O wow, that would be awesome seeing in black and white

Terra started crying.. "why can't.. they just understand!" She shreiked, "they don't understand! we're not monsters!" Her heart raced, she lowered her eyes.. "we are so much like you guys, just a few differences.." Her voice was softer.. "I don't want us all to die.. we should just surrender.." She sighed.. "this whole war was started when vampires, was praying on humans.. and knocked out a third of the population. Vampires are mutated people, who have long slender teeth.. and in our genes, we are given a desire for blood.. we're human. just different, society.. has become annoculated, people of differences are to be killed or 'corrected'! They have horrible experiments.. where they tear our fangs out, and toy with our DNA.. they clone us, and then kill us and keep the corrected clone. I've seen these things.."

Willard smiled... "you were so tough."

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I know, seriously! haha, black and white are the only real colors -laughs manicly-

Everett looked at her with supream horror, his mouth hanging slack, he himself twitching...he touched her face, and then squeaked somthing unaudiable. It started to become words. "....I..I" He said, bitting his lip. "...But their coming...for them. for..maybe, for you." He, though he hadent been with her long, didnt want her to die, didnt want her family to die or go through these horribal things...he didnt know abou the wolves, but they to were still living.

Axie laughed again. "..Some variation of what I said. I could take the bullet. I still can.." SHe said, leaning back into him. "..I admired you for your timidness, you admired me for strength..."

......... lunatic!!!!

Terra cried still.. "they don't understand!" she repeated. "why can't they understand!"

Willard smiled.. "that makes sense."

Yayayayaya -still laughing-

haha, I have a 96 in interior design and a c in history, and an A in gym but the rest i think im failing.

He wiped away some of her tears, and hugged her to him..her crying, made him want to cry. "..Shh...shh..." He was trying to think.

Axie put her two index fingers together and bounced them a bit. "..Opposites attract."

wow, but.. how science?! O_O

Terra sighed.. "i just hope, they don't get anyone.."

Willard smiled and nodded, his glasses flopped up and down his nose.

Sorrow, and Kyouri were still... she refused to let go of him. But then the door slammed open, and soldiers stood there.

cause I switched out of Bio, and then jumped into something that was different than what we were doing.

Everett bit his lip, and jumped when he heard the van...luckily, it had passed them by. But maybe it had found out the truth about Axie family, Terra's brother. He felt guilty as a convict- this wasn't right. HE jumped up, and grabbed her hand, pulling her up with him. "..I have a plan.."

Axie laughed, and pushed them back up, her teeth glinting. "..Your funny..."

Kyouris eyes narrowed, and they aimed for the door, his sudden time with her cancelled. He jumped up and shoved under the desk with her, handing the clothes to her and slipping on his own in record time. He had forgotten about his sleeping daughter, his mission was to keep Sorrow alive.

ohhh... yeah, i messed up when we were learing about cells

Sorrow grabebd Parade in her arms, and then slipped her clothing on. She hid under the desk, scared out of her mind.

Terra was still crying.. "what.. what id your plan?"

Willard smiled.. "thank you." he lowered his glassews down his nose and let them sit there, he giggled.

Cells are easy (<<<Was in pre med and vet and vet II, got all A's)

I hate the systems, like the Endocrine. Though im good with the Skeletons.

Kyouri hugged his girls to him, and he growled, whatever they did they would have to geth through him first, he had his back to them and his girls to the wall, protected on all sides.

But they left. He knew they heard him, and her, and saw them...but they left. And then there was talking, and a clear order- "Burn it down. Flush them out." and soon after, there was a fair amount of fire in the building.

He kissed her, and wiped away some tears. "...Come with me....stop crying." He sounded unsure, but also like a commmander. And he went out to find the wolf and the vampire and their children.

Axie smiled and kissed him, their noses were touching...his glasses slid down onto her nose.

~_~ not for me, my strong point is genetics and heredity

Sorrow suddenly grinned... she turned invisible and ghostlike, all nthree of them were. They could stay in the building, unscathed... "Kyouri, we can escaoe.. invisble, and flee somewhere else."

Terra nodded and sat up.

Willard closed his eys and kissed back.

Which seem hard but are simple when you get into it. I just, cant remmeber it or pay attention, so I blow.

He smiled, but it started to fade...he really wanted them to be safe, to flee from harms way...but wouldnt it keep coming back for them? He shook it off and nodded, and pulled her out with him. "..lets go..."

Everett suddenly took off with her in tow, he was fairly fast for a human, though nothing compared to Willard at top speed...he yelled somthing back to her. "..Can you smell your family?"

Axie held it for a while and started to laugh, the glasses felt funny in that position.

aha, it looks hard but it';s not.. that is why i am now like, the science teachers aid.. lol

Sorrow walked with him, Parade in her arms.

Terra didn't, but then smelt flowers and pine trees.. "yep, over thyere!" she seem them

Willard giggled.

lol...I'm one of my gym teachers aids...

and...the aid in Interior. She likes me as well, because I don't take gender/sexist sides like a lot do, so I can help her design things in both Fashion and interior. Also because she doesnt have any boys in any classes.

He still held her in an embrace, there were also some around the building, waiting..the doors were carelessly left open for them, though. He started to walk for the woods.

Everett smiled, he though she had smelt them out. "..Your good.." He whispered, letting go of her and running to them.

Axie giggled again, and went to speak, but turned her head just in time to to Everett skidding to a halt in front of her, and grabbing her shoulders..he had figured she was probably the fastest, being a wolf. He started to whisper something in her ear, and her eyes got wide and then narrowed, and she looked like she was thinking hard.

your teacher thinks your a dude? o_O

Soldiers looked around blindly, waiting for Sorrow and Kyouri.. but the two were actually walking right passed them. She smiled and held Kyouri tight, Parade was silent and asleep.

Terra watched... waiting.

Willard glanced at Terra, and then Everett.. he smelt Everett on her, his eyes narrowed.

No, but I give her tips and, what a guy would do. I have one sister, a Metro brother, a gay brother, an overweight brother, A jock brother, I know what they like.

and on the subject of the genders, my crush just got a boyfriends ;.;

Kyouri smiled, he still held her as tight as possible, until they were a ways away, and roughly safe.

Everett, hadn't noticed anything about Willard as he talked, Axie pulled away after a little bit. "..Hey, but Willard is faster."

Everett smiled, this worked out as well. "...Then all the better. If he needs to, he can run off with the kids and get away."

Axie staired at him, and then nodded, looking at Willard. "....Willard...Hey?"

your crush.. has a boyfriend. oouuuch. and on the topic of dating, hahah i'm not gonna go out with Austin.. we're too good of friends to

Sorrow, kept walking though.. "come on... let's just keep fleeing."

Willard sighed and turned away.. "what are your thoughts?"

Terra smiled at Everett and hugged him from behind.

this is like the third one! TT.TT

Yha, it makes or breaks your relationship...though, you should accept if he askes you.

He held her hand, and nodded, pulling her to him again...He was glad to be out of the burning building.

Everett caught her arms and smiled a little, Axie did the talking.

"...Everett says the suspect and are probably coming for us." He voice was a little upset, but far from afraid or sad. "....they...have located, our cousins, by the sound of it, everyone we know about and a few we don't. They will wipe us wont be long." He voice was quiet. "...But he has a plan, for a diversion. Just go along with it." she waited to see his reaction.

i don't think he'll ask me out, now i think he likes Sreya again

Terra buried her face in him.

Willard sighed and nodded.. "..sure."

Sorrow smiled a little.

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but didnt he make a character for you? -confused- anyways, its good your friends.

He turned and pulled her on his lap, and kissed her cheek, just to keep her satisfied.

Axie looked at them and then back. "...if they should come..if we hear them, then he has a plan. All you need to know, is that Ill go off with him and, have to keep the children, and act like he was a Vampire, and he and the black wolf took me away, you are trying to keep them safe. We will meet up with you later, down the riverside, next to where..." She glanced at Terra. "...he was found. only if they come for us, though, and then we will all be safe, and the suspicion will drop after they fail to get us."

When they were a safe distance away, he turned...and there was their home, up in flames filling the sky with smoke. the men were yelling, confused, and angry, but thinking they had killed the two of them because they didn't come out of the fire. He picked her and Parade up and danced with them, swinging them around in the air, grinning.

xD i dunno.. some people think he amy like me and Sreya both... but i htyink he likes hre, i dunno.. and yes, hje's like me best friend

Terra giggled and kissed his neck.

Willard nodded.. "sounds like a good plan."

Sorrow smiled and kissed Kyouri.. "safe.." she said, smiling.

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