Moonlight War


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interesting? Whatever you say....

She rolled him over so she was on top, she liked that position better. "...I thought that it was more...interesting, than last time." She said, grinning. She had chosen her words carefully.

NO! I said INNERESTING!!! (inneresting= stupid version)

Willard smiled.. "it was, way more energetic.." But then he heard Kiara start crying.

hahahaha... i have a delayed opening ^-^

Willard looked at Axie, and gently pushed her off. He walked over to his children, they were wide awake. He picked Kiara up first and then Luneth. "i think they're hungry.." he said, walking over to Axie.

hah my school doesn't open till 10:00 ^-^

Willard put Kiara and Luneth down, Kiara sucked away.

Willard smiled and put an arm around Axie.

are you serious? i always have to be at the stop around 7:45! And tornado's?! WOW

the buses.. were two hours late after school..

Willard kisssed Axie's cheek.. "uncomfortable dear?"

hah, i didn't go to school.. i was standing in the freezing rain for like 40 minutes with out an umbrella.. the bus never came... and when i got home, my face.. my hands.. my feet.. i couldn't feel them.. and i looked like a drowned rat xD

Willard smiled softly.. "hopefuly.. they'll be weaned soon."

I went to school...I is happy for going for once.

Haha though I might have traded it for your day X^D

She shrugged. "...I do too..." She said, quietly. "...and then, they speak, and walk...and the fun begins...."

lol... it was so funny.. people drove by me, and waved.. honking horns... i was offered like, 12 umbrellas xD

Willard smiled.. "i can't wait.."

X^D no, that's so funny. I would have went home after the first twenty or so.

dood, its so windy outside...I open my window and my jacket was almost coming off. you can hear it whistle.

" know? Neither can I." She said, smiling a little. luneth had pulled away, for he never really ate much.

hah it's windy here too! lol, i was like.. "erm, no thanks." and they just shrugged and drove away.. it was fun xD

Willard smiled and stroked his son's head.

Kiara finally pulled away.

OMG end of the world...X^DDDD

thats so never rains when the bus dosn't come for us.

Luneth, again, looked at him in silence, and big eyes...he wasnt really the type to make loud noises, aither. He seemed to be a lot more decreased in everything than his sister, in size and weight, energy, everything.

Axie lifted her shirt up, and then looked Kiara in the face, trying to hold her own.

lol. the bus.. is always early, i hate it..

Willard smiled and kissed Luneth's cheek.. "hello, my boy.."

Kiara smiled at her mommy, and clapped her hands.

Were the first stop, so she has to sit there till 8:05 anyways.

Luneth held on, gently, to some of Willard's hair, and rubbed it on his face a bit, out of curiosity.

Axie started to laugh, and hugged her daughter a bit before separating and spinning her around.

ooo..i go to the last stop, i'm stuck with Austin.. hah we even sit with eachother on the bus

Willard laughed.. "wow."

Kiara giggled and hid her face in Axie's chest.

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