Moonlight War


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Willard grabbed Axie, into a hug.. careful not to hurt Luneth and Kiara. "no.. that is something to be proud, you're a new kind of being, your kind.. can take over the world."

" didnt think you were capable of children." She said, blinking. "...You wouldn't get what you wanted the world." It was her turn to feel horrible for him

she leaned over and hugged him, careful not to drop the kids, or tip them onto the ground..."..Im glad I could...make you happier, even at my sacrafice...." She said, smiling. "...It makes me happy to see you happy."

Willard smiled and kissed her cheek.. "i'm glad, though.."

sorry about how slow i was being a few min. ago, was on the phone with some of my idiot guy friends xP

hahah we're doing a spanish project, where we had to make a play in spanish...

i wrote it, and we run over George Lopez with a bike, and we're using sock puppets xD

Willard bit his lip.. "yopu don't know, all about me.."

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