Moonlight War


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noeither of them spoke, andkyouri sighed and said, "..get some sleep..." Before he tried again.

Axie was still sleeping on Willard, until she tried to roll over and ended up on the ground, where she woke up, and shook her head.

Willard shook his head and ran his fingers through her hair..

Sorrow sighed.. "no, i don't trust them.." she said.. "i'm staying up to keep guard.." she whispered.

It felt good to Axie, like she was being pet, and she smiled. Her hair was long and matted, because of years on the streets and constant activity, though.

Kyouri sat up and rememberd somthing, quickly he reatchied into his pocket and sighed, smiling a bit. "....Ill do it, when your tired..." He whispered.

Willard smiled slightly, he ran his other hand up her back slowly.

Sorrow stared at the guards.. "hey, got something to eat?" She mumbled.

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