X^P lol Virus scans can do that, too. Dang.
He sat pu a bit and smiled, rubbing his hand on her cheek. "....yha...im sure..." He said, smiling. "......You know how I am..."
Catalin bit his lip a bit. "....okay, then..." He said. "....why did you run off like that...?'
Axie felt the walls getting tighter for a bit before they opened up abrubptly, and the cave seemed lighter. There was a smalll shaft of moonlight coming in from somewhere, and as she looked around she smelt somthing long dead... she took a step foreward and crunched on a bone, in which she withdrew her foot and reatched down to pick it up. It was a full skeleton of a bird, maybe an owl, or falcon, and the skull was in good condition. But when she she tried to pick it up, black beetles started to swarm over it, like she had distubed their home, and she skeaked and scrambled agenst the wall to get away.