Moonlight War


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"You kinda look upset though. Are you sure you don't like Sheldon?" Anja whispered.

Demetri laid beside him, and posed again. "You feel at home? I'm glad."

Alli laughed, "Cute is the least I could tell you."

"I'm upset because I hurt his feelings. I love him as a brother, but that's it." Metax said, looking at Anja. "He wot listen to me, no matter what I tell him."

tralalalaaaaaa! I like pizza.

Frexspar laughed and said, "Why are you teasing me so? It hurts!"

Aviance wrapped her arms loosely around his neck. "Well, I would tell you all of the things I want to, but not all of it would be appropriate."

i had pizza for dinner~

"... When Sheldon has feelings for someone, he's not going to let it go. You might as well give him a chance."

"Who says I'm teasing?" Demetri whispered.

Alli laughed, "Same here love."

"But...what about you? What about us?" Metax asked. "I couldn't love anyone else, even if I tried. It wouldn't be real."

I had pizza for lunch. And then I had pizza again for dinner.

Frexspar murmured, "I say you're teasing. And you know what?" He rolled Demetri onto his stomach, then got on his back. "It's working," he whispered in Demetri's ear, kissing the back of his neck.

Aviance raised an eyebrow, smirking. "I'm glad we're on the same page," she told him softly, moving her lips to his neck.

i had soup for lunch <3

Anja smiled gently, "I love you a lot Metax. I'd be fine with you not being sure of yourself about another guy. I wouldn't mind it, but... Yeah."

Demetri turned red, closing his eyes. "Thats... Nice."

Alli smiled gently, "Not here love."

Metax smiled at Anja. "I'm crazy, but..." He blushed for a while. "You want to be with me forever, right?" He asked, in a soft voice.

What kind of soup???

Frexspar kept kissing the back of his neck, pushing his weight down on Demetri ever so slightly. "You're so warm...."

Aviannce quietly whined, "Then where?" She still kissed his neck, not quite willing to pull away.

lipton soup~

"Of course I want to be with you. Forever." Anja whispered.

Demetri's back curved a bit, "Am I really?"

Alli laughed, "Fine, here."

I like tortilla soup, and chicken noodle soup!

Frexspar nodded, nibbling the back of his neck gently. "Very," he whispered from between his teeth. "Just one more reason to love you."

Aviance grinned, then started grazing her fangs along his neck.

i like beef barley soup

Demetri grinned. "You make me happy."

Alli put his hands behind her head, eyes closed.

Anja watched him think, curious.

"When we're older, we should get married." Metax said, still thinking. He felt like they were being watched.

I've never had beef barely soup... it sounds yummy!

"I plan on making you happy for the rest of eternity, you know," he whispered, rubbing Demetri's shoulders.

Aviance gently let her fangs pierce his skin, then started drinking a bit of his blood.

it really is <3333

Demetri smiled. "So don't tease me."

Alli bit his lip, shivering a little.

Anja giggled. "Yeah, we should."

I also like potato soup. It's pretty goooooooood!!!

Frexspar grinned and pushed his weight against Demetri a bit more. "As long as you're sure..."


Aviance kept drinking from Alli's neck, stroking the back f his neck with her finger. "Relax-- it feels even better," she sighed against his skin.

It's really good, depending on where you go.

My mom makes it, and it's great! the broth is really cheesy and amazing

Aviance tilted his head back a bit, still sucking at his neck. "Now you can do what you need to," she whispered.

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