"But if Allyster is Axie's biological sister, wouldn't it be fair she had come with us? She still deserves a family, even though she's bitter." Willard sighed. "I hate these type of situations, you know?"
"I just... Feel bad for her." Willard whispered. "She reminds me of myself, when I was around her age. So bitter from all the teasing, and mom and dad fighting."
"I think shes bitter for other reasons." He murmured. "But I do not know why. I can only guess. However- She is in a different facility, and trying to reach her will only jeaprodize our situation."
Willard nodded. "Yeah, her. She's... Just so interesting- she amazes me. You know how I'm pale and sickly looking? She's like a beautiful china doll. For some reason, she holds my hand a lot. I barely understand what her and her sister say sometimes, but I can't help but to listen... You know? There's just something about her, that keeps me curious. Its not like she's bad on the eyes, either."
Aviance moved, allowing his arm to drape over her shoulders. "What are your dreams, after this war is over? What do you want to do? Where will you go?"
Vinn nodded, knowingl. "Yes, shes more interactive then her sister. They are both beautiful, though." He paused.
"Ruby... not so much. But shes interesting in her own way. Shes like Catalin, a bit, in the mind activity and such. Ill have to show you what she can do sometimes, its really intriguing."
Croy took her arm, and had her scoot over next to him. "How do you think you got so sick?" He murmured.