*Moonlight Logs*


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Aloha people!

~What a nice Sunday, weather's pretty good.

Roxy's skill points have gione up slightly. I tried to get them up high but I didn't have much time last night. They are 160/245/491. I'll try and get them up higher today.

Oh, the door icon is flashing. I'll go check it out. Postman. Gave Letter. Contained a Star. OOOKKKK.

It's a bit Bizarre because Rosie hasn't gone to Pre-school or School yet and she's a teen! Help! I'll just have to get her skill points up higher using the games. Great. ^_^ Her Skill points are 55/7/12. Awful I know. I'll just have to try even harder.

The Polos have evolved into teens. Zack is a Mamekatchi, Jess is a Chamametchi and Jack is a Bakutchi. Yay! I have been connecting them to My Music Star and hope to Marry Jack to Roxy. I hope.....their frendship level is 3 smilies at the moment so I'll just keep connecting them and hope. The bonding level is 30% so I'll get that higher today.

That's all the news for now. Ok?



Not much has happened with the tamas.... wait.....


Roxy has evolved into a Sebiretchi and is playing lots of concerts. Yay! Money Money Money!

Rosie has evolved into a Ponytchi. She also has a Job. She works at a school and loves teaching!

Her Smart Skill points are over 100, so that's good. Maybe I have been taking good care of them After all.....

The Polos have evolved too. Zack is a Mametchi, Jess is a Chantotchi and Jack is a Kuchipatchi. Their bonding was at 80% but because I went out and forgot to pause all my Tamas, Their bonding is now at 70%. I'll get it up to 100% today. I'll also keep connecting them to Roxy. Even though the freindship level is at 5 with big cheesey grins(for Roxy anyway). Wish me luck!

By the way, I'm not going to be able to post from next Monday to Thursday(I'll probably post on Friday) Because I'm going on holiday! Yay! The Tamas will be coming with me. Of course.

My Trip up includes a 5-6 hour train journey and lots of switching trains. Woohoo. :(

It'll be fun though, lots of sight seeing!




Yay~♥ I can't wait.

The train journey(takes 5 hours) is going to be slightly boring because I have to do all my Homework and Revise/Study for my R.E. Test. Great. :D

Anyway, back to the tamas!

Roxy married Zack the Kuchipatchi and they had a Baby Girl. When they left I called the Baby Coral(I thought it was Cute!). I cared for her as much as I could and she evolved into a Tamatchi. She now goes to Pre-school and is a happy bouncing Toddler!

As I said before, Zack married Roxy and had a Baby Girl called Coral. Jack also got married to a Chantotchi from the Dating Show. The bonding was 100% so they are now the Mame Family. They had 2 eggs which both hatched into Mimifuwatchis, a Boy and a Girl. I called them Star and Dan. Star became a Chamametchi and Dan a Mametchi. I'll just put Dan onto the Dating Show and Hopefully Marry him to a Sunnytchi....Maybe. I think he Might be able to now. I'll try.

No. Oh well.

Rosie got the Matchmaker and Married a Zukutchi(I think). They also had a Baby Girl and I'm going to call it......uh.......Lola. Rosie has also switched jobs and is now working at a Balloon Place.

I won't be able to post now as we are going at 9:15am to the Train Station so I can't post or come on the computer. So.....Bye! I'll tell you what I did when we get back ok?



Heya! I'm back. Sorry I didn't post sooner.

Ok, call me a bad parent. The Tamas were on pause most of the time. Sorry! I'll tell about what's happened in the time they were off pause.

BTW. The Trip was amazing!

Rosie left her baby girl and I called her Lola. She is still on pause so I haven't actually looked after her yet. I'll unpause all of the tamas and play with them when I finish posting.

Coral evolved into a Ringotchi! Just like her mother. She hasn't gone to school yet so she doesn't have a band.

I put Dan onto the dating show and he married a Sunnytchi! Yay! They evolved into a Papamametchi and a Planetchi. The egg hatched into a Boy Iwatchi. He hasn't evolved yet. I'll call him Sun. Heh heh.

Ok, I'll take them off pause and play with them now.



Yes, I'm back posting but I have some confessions.

I didn't actually take them off pause after I said I would. I sat down after logging off and forgot about them. How bad is that? I am at my Grandad's house and I haven't brought them with me....only just now did I get a spark in my memory about them and decided I would play with them again. Also, the Polo's have run out of battery and I don't think I have any batteries at home.

So yes, I haven't been very good. But hopefully, later today, after I've done my WiiFit and finished some of my homework(Ok, I was at a party last night until Half Past midnight so I may replace homework with sleep) I will log on here again and play with my tamas. 'Cos I actually miss them, quite alot. They saved me from boredom......


Yup! I'm starting them up! Wait....I need to go look and see if I have any batteries for the Polo's......

5 Minutes later.....

There we are.. the battery is in.

Ok. I'll Reset all of the Tamas. The colours will be the same as they were before...

Pink for my Music Star,

Purple for my V4,

and Light Blue for my V5.

I'll reset them now......

My Music star has hatched and is a Girl! I'll call her....ummm......Star! When she hatched she got a Timpani, Mirror and 3000 gotchi points. She likes Hip-Hop Music!

My V4 has hatched and is also a Girl~I'll call her Dani!

....and the Polo Family are back! Freshly reset. They are(of course) a blended family. 2 Sons and a Daughter. The Family is:




Awww, so cute! I'd better go look after them!


Ok, We have some evoloution!

Dani's time was a bit behind because she froze when I was playing Jumping Rope with her so I paused the others after they evolved and eventually, she evolved into a Mohitmatchi! She's now asleep, itmust be her bedtime then(Well, DUH!)

Star evolved into a Tamatchi. She looks so cute! But she has also fallen asleep.

The Polo's are the only ones left awake. They have evolved into:




They look really cute!

As they are the only ones left awake, I think I should show their stats!

Hungry: *****

Happy: *****

Bonds Per: 0%

Family Type: Blended Family

Family Name: Polo

Generation: 1

Gotchi Points: 250gp

Son-Mousetchi-Chris(The name isn't actually shown)

Daughter-Tororotchi-Kiki(The name isn't actually shown)

Son-Ahirukutchi-Josh(The name isn't actually shown)

They look OK. I need to get their bonds higher.


Edit:Colour fault.

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Hia! The Tamas have been on pause today because I have had a freind round and I wouldn't have been able to care for them because I would forget them. (If you read this diary post by post or have just read it all the way through you will know how bad my memory is!)

I'll tell you what I have been doing today and then tomorrow it'll be back to the tamas.

My Freind and I went down to the beach today(hmm...sounds like a song? No, no, false alarm) and found a note in a bottle! (I'm not kidding! You believe me...don't you?)

It took us ages to get the note out of the bottle but we did it in the end. We then decided to write a note a note in a bottle ourselves. It took us ages to get a bottle but we ended up going to the post office to buy a bottle of drink.

We wrote the note and put it in the bottle and then went down to the beach and tried to release it. We almost got wet but we didn't.

After we dropped her back to her house I came back and bought some songs with my itunes vouchers and stuff.

..and that was basically my day.





2 Tamas have evolved into teenagers and also some extras have happened.

Star has evolved into a Ringotchi! She looks like an apple but she looks so cute! She got an invite to pre-school this morning but shortly after evolved so she can no longer go to pre-school. She's happily bouncing around her screen after having a bath~

Dani has also evolved into a teenager but I'm afraid she's a universal tama. She's a Hawainkotchi. She still looks cute. I'll make sure I care for her better than I have been and try to get her skill-points up a bit. She's in the bath at the moment. Looks like she's singing. Aww~!

The Polos haven't evolved yet but might tomorrow. Their bonding is at 10% at the minute so I'll try and get that up further.

I've been shopping today. I was also meant to get my Maths homework done but that went out the window because I ended up playing New Super Mario Bros Wii with my Mum. We had fun!

After my Name I'll put either what I'm doing or the song I'm listening to K?

~Tammie~ [listening to Four seasons in one day-Crowded House]

I know I haven't kept this log going. So I'm going to try again. I'll go get my Music Star and V4 and see if they have any battery.

-Goes to find tamas-

My V4 doesn't have any battery but my Music Star does so I'll start it up.

Done. There's a little egg bouncing around at the minute. While I'm waiting for it to hatch, I'll change the colours.

I'll talk in This Colour

It's Hatched! It's a Girl. She hatched with some money, a Rubber Duck and a Microphone!

I'll call her Pippy~! She'll talk in This colour.

I'll feed her and play with her and then I'll post when she evolves.


Tammie~[Listening to Toxicity-System of a Down]

Aww! She looks so cute. I haven't been able to look after her all day so I've put her on pause but she evolved before I had to leave her.

I'll let her talk. She's so cute!


H...H...Hi? I'm uh... uh... Pippy. I'm a....hitodetchi! :hitodetchi:


If you understood that then well done. But she's still cute!


Tammie~[LOL, Smiley --> XD]

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Hey guys! We have a little bit of news. Only a little bit. We need to get Pippy a friend but I don't think I have any batteries left so I can't start up my V4. I'll search around for some batteries tomorrow when I get home because I'm staying at my Grandad's. I wonder what I'll call the baby if I do start my V4 up. Maybe Jasper for a boy or Alice for a girl[Yes, You guessed it, Twilight!].


Well, I'm thinking ahead. On with the news~I'll let little Pippy tell you.


Heya~ I'm starting to get more uh...what's the word I'm trying to think of Tammie?


Confident Pippy, Confident.


Yes, that's it confident! Anyway, I'm starting to get more confident in my talking. Oh yeah! I'm meant to tell you my news. Well about an hour ago I got a visit from the pre-school teacher. She gave me a pirate ship to play with(It's a little bit boyish but I love it anyway!) and invited me to pre-school! Yay! Now Tammie takes me loads and I love it~


She's still as sweet as sugar! Awww....






Tammie 'n' Pippy :angry: ~ [Twilight Craze!]

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Morning~! Wish it was sunny, at least it's stopped raining.

We have Evoloution! I'll let Pippy tell you~


Hi guys! I've evolved! I'm an Ichigotchi! :lol: I look like a strawberry but I like strawberrys so I don't mind. I've also gone to school. I got a visit from the teacher a few minutes ago. He invited me to school and gave me some headphones. I went for my first lesson a minute ago. I met a Chamametchi called Thu and a Mohotimatchi called Ryo. We made a band called B.H. because Tammie said it was tradition. We all sing and I love it!


Yup, she's my little singing teenager!


Tammie 'n' Pippy :chohimetchi: [smiley 'n' hyper]

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Hi! I'm sorry I haven't posted in 3 days but hey, at least you get more news!

I'll let Pippy tell you because I know she loves typing!


Hia! It's Pippy. I've missed you all! I'd better tell you our news then hadn't I? I've evolved! I'm a Mimitchi~ :D I evolved I think it was the 17th? Yeah, I think it was. I also passed my Music Exam on my first try! I got lots of Money and a Record Deal and stuff. We all sing and we practice loads so I hope my first concert goes well!


Hang on Pippy! You have a Concert now!


Yay! -Shoots off to the concert- Oh! I didn't go down very well ): Oh well, I'm off to practice!


Ok Hun.


Tammie 'n' Pippy :angry: [Live Eastenders!]

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Hia~ Again, I'm sorry it's been 3 days.

Pippy is playing a concert at the minute. I've been pausing her alot lately because I've been really busy. Nothing has changed she's 4 now. Hopefully the matchmaker will come soon! I'm currently trying to take the battery out of my V5 and put it in my V4. It should keep my V4 going for a little while. I can't unscrew the back though!


Haha. I got Mum to do it. She's just screwing it back up. I'll let Pippy talk to you now.


Aww! I'm gonna have a cute little brother or sister! Tammie said she's gonna call it either Alice or Mike because Jasper didn't fit.


I've just reset it. It's an egg at the minute. When it's hatched I'll look afterit and stuff but I need to do some homework on the computer. Hopefully it takes me an hour so I can tell you what the baby evolves into.

It's hatched! It's a boy!

I just played 2 games of Jumping Rope with Mike and lost one and won one. I'll reply when he evolves! He'll talk in This colour.


Yay! I have a baby brother!

Tammie, Pippy n Mike~[school :kuribotchi: ]

Hi! We have some news about Mike but sadly no news about Pippy. I'll let Mike tell you the news!


Hello! My name is Mike. I'm sure Tammie's told you about me. I'm a Puchitichi!


Yeah, he evolved last night after I logged of.

Sorry it was such a short post. I'll try and make it longer next time.


Tammie, Pippy n Mike~[Yay! No more Homework!]

Hola! Hia! Cheese! Ola! Konichiwa! Moo~

Some Evoloution!


Hi! It's Mike! I'm a gourmetchi. I like school now. Tammie just took me. She said she's trying to get my skill points up. Haha.


Hello! It's Pippy! I'm 6 now. Hopefully the matchmaker will come soon. I hope she brings a Mametchi~


Tammie, Pippy n Mike~[Mmmmm....dinner....]

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