*Moonlight Logs*


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Well-known member
Oct 26, 2007
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The S E A S I D E <3

Heya Guys. Tammie is back. I got bored of tamagotchis so I left here for a while. Well, now I'm back. This is the Moonlight Logs!

Please PM me for comments or Questions.

Well. The Tamas in this log will be:

My Pink V4-When I talk about this tama it will be in Pink

My Silver V4-When I talk about this tama it will be in Blue

My MultiColoured Music Star-When I talk about this tama it will be in Purple

My Black V4.5-When I talk about this tama it will be in Red

...and I will talk about normal things in this colour. :rolleyes:

So I shall reset all of my Tamagotchis-Except my Music Star because it is my Fav Character. :mimitchi:

*Resetting Resseting 1, 2, 3* Heh heh.

So while my other 3 tamas are sweet little eggs, I'll tell you about my Music Star.

It is a Girl called Jade. She is a Mimitchi(obviously cos they are my favourite characters) She is 4 Years old, weighs 25LB and is in a Band called B.H. with a Chantotchi called Lydia and a Memetchi called Thu. She plays rock and roll music and has 1004980gp. Cool huh?

My other Tamagotchis have hatched. I have 2 Girls and a Boy.

My Silver V4 is a Girl so I will call it Rosie. She looks so sweet.

My Pink V4 is a Boy. I have called it Jake. He looks sweet too!

My Black V4.5 is a Girl called Pecan. I am going to do the same as the last Pecan I had and see how old I can get it. The record is 145 days so bring it on!

I shall go and look after the baby Tamas now. See you guys later!

~Tammie and the Moonlight Tamas~ :eek:

Hello. I have lost my Silver V4 and Pink V4. As someone famous once said DOH! Heh heh.

So Yeah. I only have my Music Star and My V4.5. Oh no. Well. I'll report on them instead. Heh heh.

Pecan evolved into a Kuchitamatchi. She looks really cute.

Jade just played a Concert but it didn't go down very well.

Oh dear... Only 2 Veiws. Do you guys Hate me or something? Oh well. I'll just feel lonely.

I have a Talent Show tommorow. My best freind and I are doing a routine with Hoops. Near the end. I have to spin 5 hoops round my Body and she has to Spin 1 on her foot. The amount of screams and claps we got in the dress rehearsal where amazing.

I am just scared I'm going to mess up or forget the routine or something.

If you are reading Please wish me Luck! ~I appreciate it.

~The Lonely Tammie and Moonlight Tamas~ :mimitchi:


Hello. I found my other 2 Tamagotchis after I had logged off of the computer. Heh heh. There have been 3 evoloutions!

Pecan evolved into a Ura Young Memetchi. She looks really sweet with wings. I hope to get her as a Ura Violetchi so that means lots of games of Manhole and visiting Mr.Canvas. Yay!

Rosie first evolved into a Puchitichi as a toddler. Now she is a Ringotchi. I don't know what she will evolve into so I will make her a Smart Tamagotchi. Lots of games of Shape and visiting Mr Turtlepedia!

Jake was first a Mohotimatchi as a toddler. He is now a Hinotamatchi. I don't know what he'll evolve into so I'll just get him to a Fashionable Tama. So that means alot of games of Dance and visiting Mrs. Flower.

For now though, they are all going to go to pre-school. Apart from Jade who is going to work. Heh heh.

That's a bit weird. Pecan won't go to pre-school. Looks like she hasn't had an invitation to go yet. Uh oh.

I'll give you their stats. It's alot of stats!











Favourite Music:R&amp;B Music

Character:Mimitchi :furawatchi:







































The Talent show went well for me and my Best Freind. Heh heh. Now to go and play games and such with my Tamas.

~Tammie and her Tamas~ :mimitchi:


Lot's of news about Jade.

Jade got married to a Simasimatchi. They had a little baby Girl. I'm stuck over what to call it. IDEAS PEOPLE!

[SIZE=21pt]Please PM over what names I could call a Baby Girl. I'll announce the Name and the Winner on the 31st. Okay? Get those PM's in![/SIZE]

Jade also won an award for R&amp;B Music. The Gotchi King came after a Concert and gave it to her. She has 999 on all of the Music Points. Yay! Her star Ranking is 1st and she has 146, 322, 024 Fans. Wow! She is a Music Star.

The other 3 are asleep and I have no news about them. *Yawns* The clocks went froward today so I got 1 less hour of sleep. *Yawn* I'm.....Really......Tired...*Yawn*

~Tired Tammie and the Moonlight Tamas~ :)


Noone PMed me so I guess that means noone likes this log. *sniff* I'll have to think of a name myself. Hmmmmmm........................................................................................................................................................................Lola.

Yes that's it.

*Imputs name* I'll start to look after her now. *Feeds Mega Pizza* WOW! All of her Hearts are full now! I need to play a game with her now though because she weighs 10LB. I'll tell you the news about the other tamagotchis.

Pecan has evolved into a Ura Violetchi. Just what I wanted her to be. I am so proud of her. :rolleyes:

Rosie has evolved into a Mimitchi just like Jade was. She is really CUTE! Heh heh &lt;_&lt;

Jake is now a Togetchi. He was the first to evolve. He looks sweet.

So yeah, alot of news. I shall post again soon. MAN! What is up with this keyboard? It isn't working properly. Shall I type something without deleting? Ok.

Hello my nakwslke ois TAMAGURK2009

heh heh. some of that was just bad typing.

~The Tammie and Moonlight Tamas~ :huh:


Lot's of News for all of the Tamagotchis!

Lola is now an Ichigotchi &lt;_&lt; . She is a good little teen. She is already going to school and her band is called B.H. (Family Tradition) Her Rhythm is over 600.

Pecan got a job working at a school and has been working very hard! She's already worked over 5 times today.

Rosie was going to get a Job but I forgot about it and missed the chance. I'll have to wait for more job offers. *sigh*

Jake just got a Job at the hairdressers. I'll start sending him to work. I'm not very good at the hairdressers.

It's the Easter Holidays now. I don't know why I'm so tired.....*yawn* I always feel tred when I'm on the computer. I can't wait for Easter! I gave up Biscuits for Lent and now I'm counting off the days until I can eat them again!(Please don't ask me what Lent is. I don't know how to explain). I gave up Biscuits and Chocolate last year! Big mistake...


Sorry I haven't posted in 3 days. I've been very busy!

Lola has evolved and is now a Chantotchi. She has passed her Audition and has just played a Concert. The Crowd were happy with the concert :lol: .

Pecan has been working extra hard at work. She's really tired out and tells me that she hopes to be payed alot tommorow. The Matchmaker came to visit her today but she refused to marry the Togetchi because she wants to beat the record.

Rosie has a Job now and works at the school. She enjoys it alot. She also says that the kids in her class call her Miss. Rosie! Heh heh.

Jake has had fun working at the hairdressers. He's scrubbed and designed and made funky hairstyles! He Says he can't wait for Pay Day!

So alot has happened. I have swam for 2 days in a row for 2 Hours. I have another 2 days and then I'm gonna have a rest. I can't wait for Easter.

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Afternoon! I am so tired! I have gone swimming all week! *yawn*

Nothing much to report about Lola. She's played so many concerts and is just practicing on her violin!

Pecan has switched Jobs now. She works in a Hospital sorting out Hearts from Skulls all day. She has had more visits from the Matchmaker and won't marry! She doesn't want to 'cos she wants to beat the record! She's evolving(hopefully) into an Otokitchi tommorow.

Rosie has a Baby Girl! She married a um.....Oh great! I forgot. Anyway, she got a Baby Girl and now I'm stuck for names again. Doh! Please PM me!

Jake also has a Baby Girl. He married a Sebiretchi. I'm stuck again for names. I need PM's People!!

So yeah! Big day for the Tamas!

~T..T..Tammie and the Moonlight Tamas~


Hola! Aloha! Heya! Hia! Yeah! I'm Hyper!

Lola is 7 now and I hope the Band Manager/Matchmaker comes today!

I was wrong! Pecan evolved just after I'd logged off of the computer! She wanted to work yesterday but when she went to the hospital the Gotchi King and his judges were outside the Hospital waiting for her. The judges held up 3 o's and the gotchi king gave her a Walking Stick. She now sits outside watching. Which is what she's doing now.

There's nothing to report on the other two Tamas but they're leaving tonight. I'm gonna miss 'em. The names of the Baby Girls have been decided.

Jake's baby is going to be called Mia(ShiloTama)

Rosie's baby is going to be called Jessi(Sammy9090)

If Lola gets a Baby Girl it will be called Tess(ShiloTama).

Thanks to you two for PMing me! You've made me Happy!

~Hyper, Happy Tammie and the Bouncing Moonlight Tamas~ :D

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Lola's Marrying a Mametchi!! They've got an egg. A BABY GIRL! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!! Tess, The Mametchi and Lola! Cool!

I think I'll read my Log over and then I'm going to turn off the computer and continue caring for my Tamas!


Yes, I know it's been a week. But it has been Easter! I haven't looked after the Tamas so they have been on Pause. Only today did I take them off.

Lola still hasn't left because of being on pause. She, Little Tess and her Husband are all happily bouncing about. They should leave Tess in my Care tonight.

Jessi evolved into a toddler. A Puchitchi! She also goes to pre-school. She enjoys singing with the pre-school teacher.

Mia has also evolved into a Toddler. She's a Mohotimatchi. Mia also goes to pre-school.

Pecan is 14 and is very happy and bouncy!

~The Tammie and Moonlight Tams~ :)

Unfortunatly 3 of my Tamagotchis have died. Pecan included. My Memory is ridiculous! I shall be starting again with the project for the final time. If my Tamagotchi dies. I shall give up and support other people doing the project. So from here my new log shall begin.....................................................................................................................................

Hello. So yes, you heard about Pecan dieing. Very upsetting. We shall all remember her. So I have now tried for the third and final time. I shall be talking in the same colour, The Baby Girl will be talking in Turquoise.

The baby Girl hatched earlier and I called her Roxy. I fed Roxy all the types of meals and she enjoyed them. I then played a game with her and we won. She enjoyed bouncing from cloud to cloud!

Mammy's Schooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooollllllllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No, You won't be going there until Monday Roxy. Pecan died there in my Pocket.

Pecan Story!!!

Ok. Pecan was loved by Many people. Her Favourite song that She would always hear cos of me was Listen to your Heart by Roxette. That's who you're named after, only I had to shorten it. Pecan was Lovely. She enjoyed running around the school field....


Awww....I'll tell you when she evolves and I'll tell you about what I did today...(it envolves Pajamas)

Roxy has evolved into a Kuribotchi :p ! She looks really Cute! She's fast asleep now. I have worked out that she goes to bed at 8:00PM(It wasn't that hard).

..and now you want to hear about what I did today! It was a Fancy Dress day at school so I wore my Pajamas! ...Very Comfy! I ran 11 Laps around the school field and nearly fell asleep. It was all for Charity! I am preparing to go to Secondry school in September! It's gonna be fun! *Yawn* I shall be logging of now. Goodbye! See ya soon! Hyper Tammie shall be back..................................................................................................................................

-Tammie and Roxy-

Hia Guys. I'm thinking I'll change the colour I talk in cos I'm getting pretty bored of coral. Ummmm....... Pink. There we go. So I guess you guys wanna know what's happening with Roxy don't ya?

She hasn't evolved yet so it's been a pretty boring day with nothing much Happening! I think she may evolve later though. I haven't quite decided hat type of Tama I wan't her to be. I cannot wait until she evolves though. Why don't I let Roxy talk for a bit? Eh?

Afternoon! I hope you lot have had a more interesting day than me and Tammie. It's been so boring! I have just had to be fed and played with. Tammie did take me to the shop and I went to see the Pre-school teacher!

What a stormy day. I Hope it is Sunny where you are! It's so windy and rainy! I hope the summer comes soon. It's my birthday next week so I have to make invitations to my freinds for my party. I really can't wait! I only know 1 thing that I'm getting-A new bike! My younger brother's bike is bigger than mine so I need a new one. See you in a bit.

Hi People! Sorry about not updating, I've been kinda busy!

Roxy first evolved into a Ura Young Violetchi. Her weight went straight down to 0LB!


Then she evolved into a Ura Violetchi! The same as Pecan! She is 4.

I'm struggling to look after her in school. I can only look after her in the playground. She enjoys.....


Coming! Hi guys! I apologies for not talking sooner, Tammie never comes on the Computer!! Well, Tammie's school is quite fun, but I only get to see the playground or the inside of her pocket. I occasionally get a sneak peak, but only if I drop out of Tammie's pocket! I can get quite hungry at times but I know Tammie won't let me die! Bye Peoples!


That explained it all Roxy. Next time please don't interrupt!


Sorry Tammie. I was just excited to talk!


It's ok.


Gotta Go now!


-Tammie and Roxy-

Ok, I know it's been a few days. It has been my Birthday though! Happy Birthday to me!


Roxy has been doing well. She is 9 and should evolve either tonight or tommorow.


I Would like to share some wisdom-Stick insects eat alot. I watch Tammie's all day!


Nice wisdom.


-Tammie and Roxy-

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Hello people. I may not have posted in a while because I have gone completely off Tamagotchis. But I'm going to start looking after them again and then I'll post ok?


Yup, I've started up my Tamas! Yay! I started up my V4, V5 and my Music Star. I'll write in the other colours for them.

This is my Music Star's colour. I started all of my tamas up at 6:15 last night. I'll concentrate on my music star for the second. I waited for the egg to hatch. When it hatched I noticed it was a girl so I called her Roxy. I fed her and played with her and healed her and comforted her until she finally evolved into a cute little Hitodetchi. :furawatchi: . She hasn't gone to Pre-school yet and she is asleep now because I was at school and I haven't been home yet(Been at my Grandad's).

This is my V4's colour. I waited for the egg to hatch and noticed it was another girl. I called her Rosie and then I did the usual feeding, playing, curing and comforting until eventually she evolved into a Mohitimatchi. She hasn't gone to pre-school yet either but she might tonight. I'll just have to keep watch.

This is my V5's colour. I waited for the very bouncy eggs to hatch and when they did, I had 2 boys and a girl. Cute! I haven't named them yet so maybe I'll name them Zack, Jack and Jess. Yeah? Cool. Their Family name is Polo. I fed them and...yeah I think you get it. They then evolved into a Tororotchi, Ahirukutchi and something else that I can't remember.

Yeah, I've been at school all day and then I got off the bus at my Grandad's so I haven't been home yet. My Tamas are fast asleep but I think they may be awake as I set their time to 9:00pm at 7:30am this morning.


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Hia Guys!

Good news and Bad news about the Tamas.

Last Night I got home and went straight to bed, forgetting about Rosie, Roxy, Zack, Jack and Jess.

This morning I woke up and went straight to them. I set their times to 8:35am(That was the time) but changed Rosie's to 9:35am because she wouldn't wake up.

Now I'll talk about the Individual tamas.

Roxy has evolved into a Ringotchi! Yay! She has just gone to school and has made a band with 2 boys, Dino and Toby. They all play the drums and their band name is B.H.(Stands for Bobby's Helmet, which is my Dad's band). Roxy's Skill points are 55/60/214. Bad I know. I'll try and get them up today.

Rosie has evolved into a Ichigotchi! I played lots of games with her and her Weight is now 0. Strange huh? I can't tell you her skill points because she is brushing her teeth. Maybe in a bit. I know they are bad though as well so I need to get them up a bit. She has also had the name glitch. Her name has turned to Posie! I'll still call her Rosie as that is her real name.

Zack, Jess and Jake are doing quite well. They haven't evolved yet and I need to get them some bonding because I haven't had the time and it is still at 0%. So I'll get that up a bit today. I've been playing games with them to try and get some GP for them but it hasn't worked well.

Roxy has the door icon flashing. I'll go see what's the matter. It's the post man. He's showing the Gotchi King who gave her 2000gp! Yay!

Now Zack is Raiding the fridge. Heh heh. He won't find anything in there. I haven't been to the shop yet.

Well that's all the news! Oh.. wait....[SIZE=21pt] IT'S MY SECOND PAGE! [/SIZE]Go Log! Go Log! Go Log!


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