Mochatchi's Tamagotchi Log


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I don't know if I'll actually get Chamametchi now. She was on her own for a while... Well, we will see. Please be Chamametchi she is ADORABLE! xD

Name: Alec

Gender: Female

Age: 1

Hungry: ****

Happy: ***

Skill pts: 20/20/26

Genre: Asian

Instrument: Guitar

Character: Hitodetchi

Generation: 1

Sorry about not updating, I was REALLY busy. Anyways, she is a Memetchi now! :) Yay! SOOOO EXCITING! I like totally neglected her though. But yay! ^_^ Hehe, also Carlyn will be in THIS COLOR!!! :D :D :D :D

Hello, I'm Carlyn. :) I'm a cute, adorable, AWESOME little Memetchi! ^.^ Yippee! I glitched so band has no name... From now on, it will be called GirlPower! Because of the glitch, they are both Jenny! Makiko can just be Makiko, and Violetchi can be Jenny. Thanks for reading!

Hehe... Yay!


-Mochatchi and Carlyn


P.S. Thanks to Lelli for sending me a fanmail! I really appreciate that! It's my first. Yay! Anyways, thanks a whole lot. It made my day 10 times better! :D

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Hello TTers! I was extra bored so...

**beeps loudly** Hey look, we've got mail! **Goes to door** It's Nazotchi with a letter... Oh, it's a heart. How sweet! :) xD I'm still two, but I'll be three soon. Yay! Then I'll get married tomorrow or Thursday, maybe to a Kuromametchi. I hope so...

Wishful thinking sweetie. You know it's totally random. :p

Awwww. D:

**sighs** OK, well gotta go to lunch so a mini update when she turns 3 or GirlPower gets their pro-debut. Bye!



-Mochatchi and Carlyn

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Hehe... Still bored! xP So... Post! Yay!

Carlyn: Hello everyone, good afternoon! I want to introduce my friends to everyone! They are my band members, and though they glitched a bit, they are still wonderful. Well, mostly. Please welcome Makiko and Jenny!

Makiko: Hey, wassup?

Carlyn: Wassup? Really? That is so UNcool.

Makiko: Well, so is calling us only mostly wonderful.

Carlyn: Um... The fact you guys aren't COMPLETLY wonderful is because of you. If it were just Jenny, then it'd be 100% wonderful. You drop it down to 75%.

Makiko: Oh, is that so?

Carlyn: Meh!

Makiko: Meh!

Carlyn: MEH! :p :p :p :p

Sorry 'bout that, it posted and I didn't want it to! D:

Anyways, I'll continue typing their argument as they scream bad things at each other with high pitched noises. ;)

Makiko: *$&%#* you!!!!!

Carlyn: *$&!#%@*. You are a *$&!#%@*! YOU *$&!#%@*!!!!!!!!!

Jenny: Guys! STOP IT RIGHT NAO! You can't fight like this! Honestly! xO Sheesh, I've never seen a fight of that magnitude before.

Carlyn and Makiko: OK fine.

Carlyn: >.<

Makiko: >.<

Jenny: >.<

Me: >.<

Everyone: >.<

Lol, that's all for now!

-Mochatchi and Carlyn

Heyo! Darn it, no color on iPhone. EPIC FAIL!!!!!!!!!

Today I found and downloaded my other music star! It was a Tarakotchi named Poseidon(I was doing a Greek mythology theme), so Carlyn and him are connecting like CRAZY. Aww... <3

Carlyn: I met this guy. He's pretty cool but he kicks my @$$ at all those games. He did give me a tooth brush though. How thoughtful! :)

Poseidon: Hey, you won once!

Carlyn: Yeah, once. :p

Poseidon: Hey, it's OK. :D

Awwww! <3 So cute! <3

-Mochatchi, Carlyn and Poseidon

Sad to say, I must refrain from using Poseidon anymore. :( Somehow, his speakers are busted and he won't make sound. From now on, he will not be logged. D: So sorry!!!! D:

Carlyn is asleep right now. She just won't turn 3! ):< Any advice? PM me some if you have ANY IDEA WHATSOEVER! It's rather frustrating. Thanks in advance! <3

-Mochatchi and Carlyn

Hehe... HAPPY BIRTHDAY CARLYN! Yay, she is now 3! Tomorrow there is a slim chance she'll get married, because most people say "3 unpaused hours of being an adult" but idk... I might still marry her off to Poseidon, even though I'm not logging him. I just might work on connection! >:3

-Mochatchi and Carlyn

Yippee! Carlyn and Poseidon just mated! ^_^ They had 2 healthy adorable baby boys! He will be named... I don't know yet! Oh, I know: Drew! ^.^ He will be a Kuromametchi hopefully... 2nd choice is Togetchi... 3rd is Dreamitchi! :3 Yes that's right... I have the DESTINY STARS! xD w00t w00t! xD And just cuz it's fun to run more than just one tama, I will be logging about the broken Music star! So, Poseidon's kid can be named............................ Ares! ^_^

-Mochatchi, Carlyn, Drew, Poseidon, and Ares

-Mochatchi, Carlyn,

Nothing really new today, they are just bouncing around. I was looking back at my past logs way back like 30 pages and I saw a band name I had had called SOFTTACO, and I was like, that's AWESOME! Awww, they are practicing! <3 so cute! Carlyn and Poseidon will probably leave tonight. So, it is Carlyn and Poseidon's last post... :( Anyhow, here are the last stats. :(

Name: Carlyn

Gender: Female

Age: 3

Hungry: <3 <3 <3 <3

Happy: <3 <3 <3 <3

Genre: R & B

Instrument: Guitar

Character: Memetchi :)

Generation: 1 {2, here I come!}

Band: GirlPower

Name: Poseidon

Gender: Male

Age: 4

Hungry: <3 <3 <3 <3

Happy: <3 <3 <3 <3

Genre: Classical

Instrument: Wild Guitar

Character: Tarakotchi

Generation: 3 {4, here I come!}

Band: Target

K, heres da plan: Drew- Kuromametchi, Ares- Togetchi. :D byeez!

-Mochatchi, Carlyn, Poseidon, Drew, and Ares

Weirdly, last night, Poseidon left but Carlyn didn't. I set the time and Carlyn is leaving right now. :( Drew is sound asleep as Carlyn looks on slowly and Ares is a Kuchitamatchi. I'll miss you Carlyn! <3 D: I will be taking PERFECT care of Drew to ensure getting a Kuromametchi... Awww! Carlyn has flown up. She was my first Memetchi ever, and I will miss her. D: Now I will wake Drew up and name him! xD Yay perfect care! <3 <3 <3

Name: Drew

Gender: Male

Age: 0

Hungry: ****

Happy: ****

Genre: Rock 'n' Roll!

Instrument: Turntables

Character: Petitchi

Generation: 2! {Yay!!!}

Band: N/A

Name: Ares

Gender: Male

Age: 0

Hungry: ****

Happy: ****

Genre: Classical

Instrument: Wild Guitar

Character: Kuchitamatchi

Generation: 4! {Yay!!!}

Band: N/A

Well, bye! :D :D :D

-Mochatchi, Drew, and Ares

Color key! xD Ares~RedDrew~TealMe~PurpleAres + Drew~GreyMs. Frill~Peach

Hello readers! We happened to be near Mochatchi's iPhone, and I thought I'd say hi.

Oi! Get away from that! ):<

What? Mochatchi hasn't updated in a while!

Oh, what the heck. We might as well.

OI! What are you two doing near my phone?!?

Ummmmm... **exchanges glances and points at the other** It was him! I didn't do it!

I was going to surprise you with the fact that you guys can run the log from now on.


Mmkay. I have to go eat nao, bye TTers! **waves bye**

Bye! <3 So, now what do we do?

I don't know! Ummmm... Let's go to preschool! :D

OK, that sounds good.

**goes through door to school**

Hello Ms. Frill! :)

Hello boys, today will be the jump rope championship!

Yay! :3

I'll go first! I'm playing against a Tamatchi! Yay! I won! I got a prize! It's a paper crown! xD **puts on head**

OK, I'll go next. :/ I'm playing against a :hitodetchi: Hitodetchi. I lost :( Awwww... **cries** -_- -_- -_-

Ummm, now what?

It's your turn to come up with an idea! xP


Hurry up! I'm getting bored! Dx

Let's dance! **uses clone item** Yay dancing! Aww, where did my dancing buddy go? D:

Now let's listen to music! xD **uses stereo and R&B CD** Whoop whoop! 8D

I guess we should go now... Bye!

Mmmm, yummy rice! Aww, is it over already? D: :p man. That sucks. Well, bye. C U L8R! 8D


-Mochatchi,Ares,and Drew

EDIT: Added Colors! xD

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How did we just now realize I'm on the SECOND PAGE?!? w00t w00t!!!!! xD xD xD xD xD xD xD

And 228 views? Last time I checked was THE OTHER DAY! And I had 170 or something like that! Yayy! SPAZZ ATTACK TIME!!!!!!!! **spazzes out** You guys are so awesome!

-Drew and Ares

EDIT: Added color, and size, and epicness, and stuff. Yeah. ;) B) ;) B) ;) B)

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Hello guys! I haven't evolved yet. :( But Mochatchi has been taking PERFECT care of me since I was born.

Yeah. But I'm a Kikitchi now! ^_^ I like bananas! A lot! :D

Hehe, and I like fries. I will probably be a Kikitchi also. Then I will stay with perfect care and be a Kuromametchi! xD ^_^

And I'm gonna get just 1 care miss, and be a Togetchi! So, just wanted to update cuz of my evolution. Will update later when he evolves too. Hopefully we'll still be twins! :3 Byeee!

Yeah, bye! :3


-Drew B) and Ares B)

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OMGOMGOMG I'm also a Kikitchi! xD xD xD xD xD xD **spazzes a lot**

Congrats! I've gotten my care miss, so I'll probably be a Togetchi! **does happy dance**

And I've obviously had perfect care so far. :D I can't WAIT to be Kuromametchi! And if one of us isn't what Mochatchi wanted us to be, then she has a Destiny Star! :D That is SOOOOOOOOO awesome!!!



That's nice guys. Time to go!


Yes! D:<

Fine. :<

Well, bye peeps!

-Mochatchi, Drew, and Ares

EDIT: Added color! xD B) B)

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Alrighty: PICTURE TIME!!!! xD xD Yes, it's me, Mochatchi. Today I will have pics! YAY PICS! xD



Hehe, remember Carlyn? xD



Awwww! Close-up time!



Someone loves bananas! ;)



Yes, that's Drew. They all are.


Ares didn't want his picture taken, lol. :/ Yay for pics, there will be more! Bye for now


-Mochatchi, Drew, and Ares


Sorry for the multiple edits,photobucket is being evil and only letting me resize that first one. Yay! working! ^_^ :( So, they are extra big. I think I know what I did wrong though... Sorry! :( :( :( :( :(

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I'm extra super duper bored so I'mma post lots of pics of my past tamas! ^_^



Hehe, it's Alec the Mametchi! :mametchi:



And here is Alec and his wife Masktchi! :ph34r:



And Bobby the Androtchi. :wacko:



Hehehehe... :blink:



Awwww! <3



Last one, I promise! It's the last pic of Bobby and Kunoitchi before they ran away. :(


Thanks for reading and good-bye!


-Mochatchi, Drew, and Ares


EDIT: 228 views to 250 in just one day? Friggin' ahmazing! Thanks peeps! :wub: :kusatchi: :furawatchi: :lol:

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Color key! ^_^ Drew~TealAres~RedMe~PurpleDrew + Ares~Grey

Hey hey hey, 'sup guys? Guess who just evolved? :3

Hehe, you have three guesses? Who do you think?

If you guessed US, YOU'RE RIGHT! I'm...



An epical, awesome, cool Kuromametchi!

Of course, I'm



TOGETCHI! Whoohoo! I'm so spikeh! :3

Yes, they have EVOLVED! And into just what I wanted them to be, at that. More pics! xD



Hehe, So cute! <3



Drew! ^_^



Awww. Literally "Spiketchi" or "Thorntchi", I guess the name Ares suits him well! :3



Ares! ^_^

Thanks for tuning in to...

...Mochatchi's log which contains...

...The tales of our epic awesomeness! Please stop by more...

...So Mochatchi can get trillions of views!

Bye guys! See you next post! ;)

Awww. So cute! They are so sweet. <3 Anyways, bye!


-Mochatchi, Drew, and Ares

Mochatchi(Now River, A: Its shorter abd B: Its mai name, its unique, and I like it. xD): Meh. Today has been uneventful. 'Cept that Ares and Drew are 4. So possible marriage tomorrow or the day after. :3 Yay! xD Sadly, my boys are on a sugar rush. D: They want to talk to you about their "dream girls" or something. Whatever, I guess. >w<

Drew: I wanna marry Violetchi, Chantotchi, or Makiko. Ideally Makiko. >.<

Ares: I wanna marry Onputchi, Kunoitchi, or Mimitchi. :3

Drew: **hyperventilates** Sugar rush OMGOMGOMGOMFG!!! xD xD xD xD xD xD

River: Calm down. D: GO TO BED!!

Ares + Drew: NOOOurOOOI! D:

River: NAOW. >:[

Drew: Just five more minutes? **makes super cute and adorable pouty emo face**

River: No.

Drew: Pweases? D:

River: Fine. D:<

Drew + Ares: YAYYz!! :3 :3

River: **facepalms and sighs** I'mma go to bed regardless of you insane tamagotchis. **flops dramatically onto bed**

-River, Drew, and Ares

I think I'mma do stats first from now on. It'll be easier! :D :D

v6 Stats (Black Headphones)

Name: Drew

Gender: Male

Age: 5

Hungry: ****

Happy: ****

Genre: Hip-Hop

Instrument: Turntables

Character: Kuromametchi

Generation: 2

Band: Glass

v6 Stats (Pink Music Notes)

Name: Ares

Gender: Male

Age: 5

Hungry: ****

Happy: ****

Genre: R&B

Instrument: Guitar

Character: Togetchi

Generation: 4

Band: Metal

River: So, everyone is 5 today! Maybe possible marriage! Yay! The boys are really excited right now so I'mma set Drew's time. Ares is still asleep tho. :'( xD

Drew: Yay! ^.^

River: **sets time** Waiting waiting...

Drew: ...

River: What? :/

Drew: **sigh** I got mail but it's not Guitartchi. :( It's just Nazotchi. -.-

River: Aww, it's OK. Just wait 'till 12:30. You'll be marriedin no time!

Drew: -.- -.- -.-

River: Oh gosh. Now you're gonna act like your character. >.< Don't be all depressed and angsty! Kuromametchi isn't always like that in the anime.

Drew: But-

River: No! >.< Think about the skating episode! Remember his awesome skating costume! Act like Kuromametchi when he was in the skating costume. Be epic and stuff. :)

Drew: -.-

Ares: ...Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

River + Ares: **sigh**

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